Fish Tank Lid/Hood 3ft x 1ft (Frankley B45)

My sons has a fish tank. Unfortunately while moving homes recently some numty (idiot) sat on the lid and absolutely smashed it making it un fixable and unusable. The tank is a 3ft X 1ft tank. I have tried everywhere and no one seems to sell or make bespoke sized lids. This tank isn’t any special dimensions or shape. Maybe you have one from a leak leaking tank where the lid is fine but tank isn’t.

Doesn’t matter about material hood/lid is made of be if wood, metal or plastic. Same applies to colour any colour is ok can all was refurbish or to my own colours etc

Can collect anywhere close to b45, b31, b29 or b61 or within 5/7 miles of these locations.

Thank you for your time and if your able to help thank you so very much

Hope someone can help me get his take back up and working.