Unlike faucet leaks that show as drips, Toilet tank leaks can easily go undetected. These tablets can help help find a toilet tank leak. If you want these please say what day and time you will pick up.
Fair Offer Policy applies
Toilet Leak Discovery Tablets (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)
Collection Times
Any time you can arrange.
Any time you can arrange.
This offer has been gifted to someone and is no longer available.
- Free: Tan Wool Pants (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)+31h
- Free: Queen Electric Blanket (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)Promised 12h
- Free: Bike Rides in Washtenaw Book (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)Promised 8d
- Free: Zippered Leather Flatware Case (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)+18d
- Free: 3 different Glass Light Globes (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)+313d
- Free: 3 G8 LED Replacement Bulbs (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)+113d
- Free: Uniden cordless phone (no base) (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)+225d
- Free: Tan Wool Pants (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)+31h
- Free: Queen Electric Blanket (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)Promised 12h
- Free: Bike Rides in Washtenaw Book (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)Promised 8d
- Free: Zippered Leather Flatware Case (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)+18d
- Free: 3 different Glass Light Globes (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)+313d
- Free: 3 G8 LED Replacement Bulbs (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)+113d
- Free: Uniden cordless phone (no base) (Ann Arbor, Central Campus)+225d
Approximate Location
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