Transparency pen markers (DeAnza Blvd - Stvns Crk & 280)

Two sets of transparency marker pens:
1) Eight Vis-à-vis Visual Aid Pens for overhead projector transparencies. Pen colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, purple, and brown. Come with a vinyl holder case and limited directions.
2) Four “Berol Color-Vision” projection markers in clear vinyl pocket protector case.
Markers may need a bit of “priming” since they have not been used for a long time, but they should still have quite a bit of ink in them. Pen colors are green, red, blue, and black.

Give me your two-hour pickup window, and then I will send you the address. Covered porch pickup (protected from rain) for your convenience. Very near Stevens Creek Blvd and DeAnza Blvd in Cupertino.

Please see my other postings, and pick up multiple items on one trip!
Collection Times
Specify your pickup time/day, 2-hour window.

Approximate Location         Show marker