Child friendly polar bear
Hi, Freecycle is an amazing site. I love Trashnothing. I’ve gotten beautiful brand new quilts and pretty much everything else from it, including a polar bear. First of all, my church was going to have its Christmas bazaar as usual 2 years ago early December, so therefore I thought it would be so nice to have a theme sale item for a central focus to attract families: a polar bear for a child to desire & own.
Karen and New Market had such an item.So late one December morning with snow on the ground I went to her home to pick up the “bear” from her back porch. My friend was driving her SUV, I knew the polar bear would be oversized,
but I did not know how oversized. First of all, it was larger than I am at 5 foot tall. My friend had found half a block away a decent parking space. So, here I am in the town of New Market carrying a life size polo bear, larger than I am, down the street and carrying it by its waist. People in pick up trucks are stopping in traffic to watch me do this. I have not expected the polar bear to be this big. We drive with the polar bear with us to my church in Frederick, MD.
I said to the administrative assistant, Debbie, that we were giving it to them for the sale, who told me they would have to clear it through the board of deacons, but the board of deacons didn’t choose the idea for some reason. So my FSK Lions club has a member, Sue, who works with an agency that’s a nonprofit I believe, or of the government, that helps children from difficult families. These children live their lives at an agency, almost like an orphanage. I asked her if she wanted this particular item and she said she would love to take it to the children’s home. The children since have become attached to it. it brought joy to their lives for the challenging Christmas season. Thank you so much, Karen and her son, who won this item at Hershey Park. Please, don’t hesitate to go back to Hersheypark -anybody -and win a large “over life-size animal” for a children’s place for the holidays. Or a large bunny rabbit for the spring passages of time. It is very rewarding to know that some little child’s difficult life has benefitted by such a donation.

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