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Free: Blue pipe (Blue Anchor) For your watery garden projects
Photo of free Blue pipe (Blue Anchor) #1
Photo of free Blue pipe (Blue Anchor) #2
Free: Strimmer (Blue Anchor) Gifted Works! Replaced it with a cordlessone that reaches the far corners of the garden, but if your garden is a bit smaller, it might be just the job.
Photo of free Strimmer (Blue Anchor) #1
Photo of free Strimmer (Blue Anchor) #2
Free: Dolls' house (Blue Anchor) Gifted It's been in the attic for years so needs a good clean, but it could make a small child very happy this Chrismas! There is also a lot of furniture to go in it.
Photo of free Dolls' house (Blue Anchor) #1
Photo of free Dolls' house (Blue Anchor) #2
Request: Hair dryer (Blue Anchor) Received Anyone got one they don't need? I gave mine away on here years ago and now I need it! Not for my hair mind you, but for shrink wrap!
Request: Ring binders (Blue Anchor) Received I don't need very many - 2 or 3 would be lovely. I had a good clear out of these a few years ago, and it seems silly to have to re-buy them.
Photo of Ring binders (Blue Anchor) #1
Photo of Ring binders (Blue Anchor) #2
Free: Wallrock Kv600 thermal wallpaper (Blue Anchor) Gifted Lots left on the roll. Seems a shame to throw it away. Details here Wallrock KV600 Thermal Liner
Photo of free Wallrock Kv600 thermal wallpaper (Blue Anchor) #1
Free: Flower stickers for car (Blue Anchor) Expired White with yellow centres
Photo of free Flower stickers for car (Blue Anchor) #1
Free: New left over fabric (Blue Anchor) Expired This is new fabric that was left over after I made curtains. 136 cm x 100 cm Could be used for cushion covers or apron etc
Photo of free New left over fabric (Blue Anchor) #1
Photo of free New left over fabric (Blue Anchor) #2
Free: Laminate floor underlay and cork (Blue Anchor) Expired We have finished our laminate flooring and have this roll of underlay and some cork edge fillers left over. Can anyone make use if them?
Photo of free Laminate floor underlay and cork (Blue Anchor) #1
Photo of free Laminate floor underlay and cork (Blue Anchor) #2
Free: Tall thin shelves (Blue Anchor) Gifted Black Had CDs in it once upon a time! 21 x 17 cm 108 cm tall
Photo of free Tall thin shelves (Blue Anchor) #1
Free: Pin board (Blue Anchor) Gifted 61 cm x 91 cm Grey colour
Photo of free Pin board (Blue Anchor) #1
Free: Curtain pole and 3 supports (Blue Anchor) Gifted Length 257 cm, although there is a join in the middle. Also lots and lots of matching rings.
Photo of free Curtain pole and 3 supports (Blue Anchor) #1
Photo of free Curtain pole and 3 supports (Blue Anchor) #2
Photo of free Curtain pole and 3 supports (Blue Anchor) #3
Free: Jug (Blue Anchor) Gifted Glazed on the inside. No chips or cracks.
Photo of free Jug (Blue Anchor) #1
Free: Three glass bottles (Blue Anchor) Gifted Clear glass. Nice for water on the table at meal times.
Photo of free Three glass bottles (Blue Anchor) #1
Free: Music stand (Blue Anchor) Expired School type music stand. Doesn't fold. Very sturdy.
Photo of free Music stand (Blue Anchor) #1
Free: Music stand (Blue Anchor) Expired School type music stand. Doesn't fold. Very sturdy.
Photo of free Music stand (Blue Anchor) #1
Free: Hanging folders for filing cabinet (Blue Anchor) Gifted New condition. 3 x red 3 x blue 3 x green 3 x yellow Or perhaps you would like them for the cardboard?
Photo of free Hanging folders for filing cabinet (Blue Anchor) #1
Free: Guillotine - paper cutter (Blue Anchor) Gifted Slices paper very nicely and straight too. Does A4 sheets. Good for making business cards etc.
Photo of free Guillotine - paper cutter (Blue Anchor) #1
Request: 61 key Piano keyboard (Blue Anchor) Expired Anyone got a keyboard they don't need? My father is looking for one with a record function.
Free: Large white board (Blue Anchor) Gifted 3 x 4 ft approximately
Photo of free Large white board (Blue Anchor) #1
Request: Single mattress (Blue Anchor) Expired I've got a single bed frame, but need a single mattress by Friday! Don't really want to buy one because it's only for a short time I need it.
Free: King sized duvet cover (Blue Anchor) Expired Little-used because it clashes with the wallpaper. It's a shame because it's nice.
Free: Cricket whites (Blue Anchor) Expired For tall skinny teenager. Two tops One pair of trousers
Free: Large rucksack (Blue Anchor) Gifted From mountain warehouse
Photo of free Large rucksack (Blue Anchor) #1
Free: Selection of CDs (Blue Anchor) Gifted Assorted CDs Available again
Photo of free Selection of CDs (Blue Anchor) #1
Photo of free Selection of CDs (Blue Anchor) #2
Photo of free Selection of CDs (Blue Anchor) #3
Free: Plastic sleeves and polypockets (Blue Anchor) Expired As new
Photo of free Plastic sleeves and polypockets (Blue Anchor) #1
Photo of free Plastic sleeves and polypockets (Blue Anchor) #2
Free: Plastic sleeves and polypockets (Blue Anchor) Expired As new
Photo of free Plastic sleeves and polypockets (Blue Anchor) #1
Photo of free Plastic sleeves and polypockets (Blue Anchor) #2
Free: Selection of CDs (Blue Anchor) Gifted Assorted CDs
Photo of free Selection of CDs (Blue Anchor) #1
Photo of free Selection of CDs (Blue Anchor) #2
Photo of free Selection of CDs (Blue Anchor) #3
Free: Electric guitar (Blue Anchor) Gifted I don't know where they all come from. They seem to breed.
Photo of free Electric guitar (Blue Anchor) #1
Free: Russell Hobbs vacuum cleaner (Blue Anchor) Gifted Lightweight upright vacuum cleaner. Good working order. Cordless with charger Removable hand-held vac for stairs/car
Photo of free Russell Hobbs vacuum cleaner (Blue Anchor) #1
Photo of free Russell Hobbs vacuum cleaner (Blue Anchor) #2