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Free: House plants (S40) Gifted Various plants: tradescantia, network calathea x2, small jade, philodendron brasil. Collection from Walton, Chesterfield.
Photo of free House plants (S40) #1
Free: 3 large houseplants (S40) Gifted All healthy. An angel wings begonia, asparagus fern and lemon and lime draceana. Collect from Walton.
Free: Several houseplants (S40) Gifted I recently moved house and have several plants that won't fit into my new space. Some large (like monstera), some tiny (like succulents). I'd rather spread them out amongst folk so let me know if you are looking for something specific. Collection from central Chesterfield.
Free: Vintage/retro coat rack (S45) Gifted Free standing, vintage coat rack. Previously upcycled. Could do with a repaint. You will need to collect from Pilsley, S45.
Photo of free Vintage/retro coat rack (S45) #1
Free: Office chair (S45) Gifted Pink seat pad and wood. As pictured. Collection from Pilsley, S45 (not the posh one near Bakewell)
Photo of free Office chair (S45) #1
Free: 2x cat/small animal outdoor shelter (S45) Gifted I have 2 shelters that I used to help feral cats in my area. Cats are now homed and I am due to move soon so I would like to gift these. One is wooden build and one is plastic. Both benefit from being insulated with straw and blankets. Local delivery is possible. Collection from s45.
Request: Old/vintage fairy lights (S45) Expired If anyone has any warm white, old, mains powered, non-LED, incandescent bulb type of fairy lights, I would be very grateful to be gifted them.
Free: Mixed cacti and succulents (S45) Gifted For indoors growing over winter. Collection from Pilsley (not the posh one near Bakewell πŸ˜‰) Looking to spread the love around so I won't be gifting them all to one person. You are welcome to come over and pick a few out.
Photo of free Mixed cacti and succulents (S45) #1
Free: Lots of houseplants (S45) Gifted Various indoor plants needing a new home as I am reducing my collection. I would prefer only 2/3 per person so please don't message to say you will take them all. Thanks. Collection from Pilsley, S45.
Photo of free Lots of houseplants (S45) #1
Free: Portulacaria afra Succulent plant (S45) Gifted Healthy little plant. Easy to train into bonsai if you feel inclined to. Needs a sunny spot indoors.
Photo of free Portulacaria afra Succulent plant (S45) #1
Free: Kangaroo paw plant (S45) Gifted Needs repotting and a sunny location to live indoors. It flowers in summer.
Photo of free Kangaroo paw plant (S45) #1
Free: Small haworthia plant (S45) Gifted Healthy and has pups. Desperately needing repotting.
Photo of free Small haworthia plant (S45) #1
Free: Small jade tree (S45) Gifted As pictured. Indoor plant. Needs full a sunny windowsill. Healthy but would benefit from repotting into a better mixture.
Photo of free Small jade tree (S45) #1
Free: Crested Euphorbia Lactea (S45) Gifted Mature indoor cactus/Succulent. As pictured. Healthy, but in desparate need of repotting. Needs fulls sun.
Photo of free Crested Euphorbia Lactea (S45) #1
Photo of free Crested Euphorbia Lactea (S45) #2
Free: Large syngonium houseplant (S45) Gifted Healthy syngonium robusta houseplant in need of a loving home. Will not tolerate bright direct light. Easy to care for otherwise. Collection from Pilsley, s45 (not the one near Bakewell).
Photo of free Large syngonium houseplant (S45) #1
Photo of free Large syngonium houseplant (S45) #2
Photo of free Large syngonium houseplant (S45) #3
Free: White plastic garden chairs (S45) Gifted In need if a wipe down but perfectly fine otherwise. Collection from s45 Pilsley.
Free: Various houseplant babies/cuttings (S45) Gifted Tradescantia Green Hill and moses in a basket varieties. Baby money plants Baby rubber tree Rooted streptococcus (the trailing variety) Lemon jade Rooted cuttings I'd rather spread the love so one or two per person only please. I'm at s45, pilsley for collection. Check you can get to me as there are two pilseys in Derbyshire (tricky! πŸ˜€)
Free: Large peace lily (S45) Gifted Large peace lily in plastic pot needing a good home
Photo of free Large peace lily (S45) #1
Free: Large japonica fatsia houseplant (S45) Gifted I don't have anywhere to give her the light she needs so she is struggling and looking for a better home :)
Photo of free Large japonica fatsia houseplant (S45) #1
Free: Large, brass framed mirror (S45) Gifted Above fireplace, large mirror. A bit spidery, but otherwise good condition β™‘
Photo of free Large, brass framed mirror (S45) #1
Free: Glass demijohns (S45) Gifted 4 regular sized demijohns and one extra large.
Photo of free Glass demijohns (S45) #1
Free: Unpainted pinewood (S45) Gifted Parts of an old wardrobe. Good, solid pieces for woodwork projects or burning.
Photo of free Unpainted pinewood (S45) #1