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Free: moringa branches (Holiday FL) Will prune right before meetup at J. Ben Harrill Rec Center lot. I still have plenty for tea from my last harvest so am now able to share.
Request: chip drop from healthy pines (Holiday FL) Expired Attn tree trimmers: You can dump your load of chips from healthy pines or pine/oak mix at the bottom of our driveway. I will tip. Message me for details, please.
Free: Brazilian Red Cloak cuttings (Holiday FL) Expired I need to remove a good sized branch of Brazilian Red Cloak that is half broken off. It will make several cuttings if anyone wants to meet up at Ben Harrill Rec Center. I can also offer some other cuttings. ./ ...
Photo of free Brazilian Red Cloak cuttings (Holiday FL) #1
Free: agave desmettiana bulbil (Holiday FL) Expired I filled a soil bag of them yesterday. Easy to root. Photo of what Lowes charges for one a couple of years old. Just set a firm time to meet in lot of J. Ben Harrill Rec Center, Holiday.
Photo of free agave desmettiana bulbil (Holiday FL) #1
Free: Bromeliads (Holiday FL) Expired Neoregelia Julian Nally and Billbergia pyramidalis AKA Torch bromeliad. Some are scruffy and need trimming bc they have been getting too much sun or have already bloomed but are making pups. Am available to meet anytime at J. Ben Harrill Rec Center in Holiday.
Photo of free Bromeliads (Holiday FL) #1
Free: arbicola cuttings (Holiday FL) Expired regular green and variegated, just trimmed and in a bucket in the shade, Easy to root!
Free: Ultravox, Stiff Little Fingers CDs (Holiday FL) Expired Ultravox self titled 2006 version with 4 live bonus tracks; Ultravox Ha! Ha! Ha! 1977; Ultravox Systems Of Romance 1978; Stiff Little Fingers Inflammable Material 1979, Nobody's Heroes 1980, Go For It 1981/89
Free: Bagel Biter (Holiday FL) Expired Bought this over a decade ago but dont use it so it is still in perfect condition.
Photo of free Bagel Biter (Holiday FL) #1
Free: filter aquasana filtation pitcher (Holiday FL) Expired Our pitcher broke when changing filter and it is not longer being made. Filter is unwrapped, but unused.
Free: filter aquasana filtration pitcher (Holiday FL) Expired Our countertop pitcher broke as we were changing the filter and they no longer make that one. Filter is unwrapped, but unused.