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Free: Dinning Table, Dresser, Desk & More (20017) All free And all must Go ! In fair condition & available for pickup as soon as possible. Can Take All if interested in everything that would be great ! Or take the one interested in .
Photo of free Dinning Table, Dresser, Desk & More (20017) #1
Photo of free Dinning Table, Dresser, Desk & More (20017) #2
Photo of free Dinning Table, Dresser, Desk & More (20017) #3
Photo of free Dinning Table, Dresser, Desk & More (20017) #4
+9 +8 +7
Free: Sturdy Wood Tv Stand sideboard (20017) Free please message with date and time you can pick up the earlier the better first come first served
Photo of free Sturdy Wood Tv Stand sideboard (20017) #1
Photo of free Sturdy Wood Tv Stand sideboard (20017) #2
Free: Desk (20017) No longer needed free to good home must pick up asap
Photo of free Desk (20017) #1
Free: Dresser (20017) Must pick up one drawer needs to be glued down
Photo of free Dresser (20017) #1
Photo of free Dresser (20017) #2
Request: play pretend kitchen (20017) In search of a play kitchen for my busy toddlers as well as fake pretend food items 🤔 if anyone can help with any of these items it would be nice to message me 🩷thanks (picture is for reference(example) Anything helps 🥴
Photo of play pretend kitchen (20017) #1
Photo of play pretend kitchen (20017) #2
Request: Serger (20017) I’m looking for a serger posted a pic for example I need this to finish off the end of my garments
Photo of Serger (20017) #1
Request: Serger (20017) Withdrawn I’m looking for a serger posted a pic for example
Photo of Serger (20017) #1
Free: Dresser (20017) Withdrawn Please pick up as soon as possible message with time u can pick up
Photo of free Dresser (20017) #1
Free: Marble Dresser (20017) Gifted Please message with date and time you can collect
Photo of free Marble Dresser (20017) #1
Free: wood desk (20017) Gifted Please pick up as soon as possible
Photo of free wood desk (20017) #1
Request: VHS/CassetteTAPES/ CDS (20017) Expired Looking for old vhs tapes/ 💿 CDs and Cassette tapes ..The older the better . Children or family movies .So if u have some laying around please pass them down ..I will accept Nintendo games also
Request: Carpet Cleaner (20017) Expired Looking for an upright carpet cleaner if u have one let me know I can pick up need one bad I have 3 kittens so we will be very grateful... photo an example
Photo of Carpet Cleaner (20017) #1
Request: cat Litter enclosure (20017) Received Looking for a cat closure for my 3 kittiens if some one has one they no longer need and can pass down please let me know I will gladly take it off ur hands
Photo of cat Litter enclosure (20017) #1
Photo of cat Litter enclosure (20017) #2
Request: 🧶 yarn (20017) Received Looking for yarn to make hats and scarves 🧣 looking for girl & boy colors
Request: VCR /Vcr Tv Combo/ VHS TAPES (20017) Expired I’m seeking -VCR/DVD PLAYER - VCR- TV PLAYER COMBO -& VHS TAPES ALSO DVDS AND CDS PLEASE MESSAGE ME IF YOU HAVE SOME I WILL GLADLY Pick them up , and really appreciate it. I LOVE OLD MOVIES AND OLDER MODEL TVS . Especially the older fat back models in working condition mine just stopped working so I’m very sad . If so please send a message. Thank u !! Have a good day!
Photo of VCR /Vcr Tv Combo/ VHS TAPES (20017) #1
Photo of VCR /Vcr Tv Combo/ VHS TAPES (20017) #2
Photo of VCR /Vcr Tv Combo/ VHS TAPES (20017) #3
Photo of VCR /Vcr Tv Combo/ VHS TAPES (20017) #4
+2 +1
Request: VHS/CassetteTAPES/ CDS (20017) Received Looking for old vhs tapes/ 💿 CDs and Cassette tapes ..The older the better . Children or family movies .So if u have some laying around please pass them down ..I will accept Nintendo games also
Free: Bag of Fabric (20017) Expired Regifting this large bag of random fabric to someone else looking for fabric it’s a bag of different kinds and types . dc area
Free: 2 Vintage Wood Dressers (Suitland) Gifted Absolutely Free Only Pick Up Date is SATURDAY MORNING
Request: Vanities &/or Vanity Table (Brookland) Expired I’m requesting vanity mirrors and vanity tables . My whole life I’ve been looking for any older style vanities ! If has one laying around and doesn’t mind passing it on to be restored and put to good use . I’m the one to pass it on to . I have a photo I’m using for reference. Mirrors 🪞 without vanity are accepted also . Message me if and questions. [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Photo of Vanities &/or Vanity Table (Brookland) #1
Photo of Vanities &/or Vanity Table (Brookland) #2
Free: Small padded Shipping envelopes (Brookland) Gifted Over 50+ padded shipping envelopes Full bag must pick up in NorthEast DC
Photo of free Small padded Shipping envelopes (Brookland) #1
Request: Paint (20017) Expired Looking for paint to finish a project Chalk Paint Acrylic Paint Paint Primer Etc.
Request: toddler carseats (20017) Expired I just got a new vehicle and looking for car seats for both my toddlers ages 1 (girl) & 3 (boy) if u have one you don’t need lease send my way thanks !
Request: Sewing machine and fabric (20017) Expired Looking for a sewing machine and fabric to make clothes for my children