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Free: Wheelchair Legrests (Flushing) I have something practically the same as this. They are used and have been used for years. For example, the left legrest is a little bit tilted outwards when attached and I do not know how to adjust this. But they are definitely still usable. They are yours if you'd like them. Pickup in Flushing near Main Street and Sanford Avenue.
Free: Master combination lock (Flushing) Promised Anyone need a lock? Still works fine. Yes I have the combination for you. Your pickup in Flushing near the post office, or near Penn Station. Timing TBD.
Photo of free Master combination lock (Flushing) #1
Free: Couch Cover for 3-Cushion Couch (Flushing) Gifted Specs in the link. Used for a couple of years. Laundered regularly. Your pick up in Flushing near the Main Street 7-train station. Or if you're driving, maybe Main and Sanford or Maple for convenience.
Photo of free Couch Cover for 3-Cushion Couch (Flushing) #1
Free: Hearing Aid Batteries, Size 312 (Flushing) Gifted Rayovac Hearing Aid Batteries, Size 312 I have 9 full packs of six batteries and one pack of 3, total 57 batteries. / Yours if you'd like them. Picking either in Flushing near Main and Roosevelt or near Penn Station, timing TBD.
Free: Dog Potty Trainer Tray (Flushing) Gifted Unused; brand new Dimensions in the picture More details in this link Your pickup in Flushing, a 10-minute walk from the Main Street 7-train station Meeting point: USPS, 41-65 Main Street, Flushing NY 11355
Photo of free Dog Potty Trainer Tray (Flushing) #1
Free: Stacks of Holiday Cards (Flushing) Expired Stacks of Holiday Cards (11355) I bought a bunch of Christmas / Holiday cards, including envelopes and stickers. I have used a few. I don't know how many remain, but a lot. Look at my pics. All of the product details are in the link below. / Your pickup in Flushing within 10 minutes of the Main Street stop on the 7 train. We can work out a convenient time. Prepare now for December!
Photo of free Stacks of Holiday Cards (Flushing) #1
Photo of free Stacks of Holiday Cards (Flushing) #2
Free: Clotrimazole Antifungal Cream (Flushing) Gifted Clotrimazole Antifungal Cream (11355) I have four 1 oz. new, unopened tubes of Clotrimazole a.k.a. Lotrimin. All of the product details are in the link below. CareAll Clotrimazole Antifungal Cream 1% USP 1.0 oz. Your pickup in Flushing. I am under a ten minute walk from the 7 train. We'll figure out a time convenient to us both.
Photo of free Clotrimazole Antifungal Cream (Flushing) #1
Free: 40L Lightweight Backpack (Flushing) Gifted 40L Lightweight Packable Travel Hiking Backpack Daypack - black All the details are in this link. / Purchased in Sept '20 and used. I'm switching backpacks and this is either yours or going to Goodwill. Your pickup in Flushing a few blocks from the 7-train.
Free: Tub and tile cleaner - 32 oz bottle (Flushing) Expired Better Life Natural Tub and Tile Cleaner, Tea Tree and Eucalyptus See the link below. / I have one 32 Fl Oz bottle, unopened. I'll also give you a partial bottle with the spray nozzla. Your pickup in downtown Flushing, at the corner of Main Street and Sanford Avenue, at a time that works for both of us.