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Free: 4 person tent (Shoreline) Promised Really best for 2 people. Missing one of the tent poles, you’ll need to replace to be able to use it. Please give a day and time range for no contact porch pickup in shoreline near Costco. Replies without this will be deleted.
Photo of free 4 person tent (Shoreline) #1
Photo of free 4 person tent (Shoreline) #2
Free: Two small white plant pots (Shoreline) Please give a day and time range for no contact porch pickup in shoreline near Costco. Replies without this will be deleted.
Photo of free Two small white plant pots (Shoreline) #1
Free: Garden plastic and hose (Shoreline) Perfect for a building a mini greenhouse or seed starting box. Must take both. Please give a day and time range for no contact porch pickup in shoreline near Costco. Replies without this will be deleted.
Photo of free Garden plastic and hose (Shoreline) #1
Free: Hot tub steps (Shoreline) Gifted Please give a day and time range for no contact porch pickup in shoreline near Costco. Replies without this will be deleted.
Photo of free Hot tub steps (Shoreline) #1
Free: Lots of wood for garden projects (Shoreline) Promised Must take all, including drawer. Please give a day and time range for no contact porch pickup in shoreline near Costco. Replies without this will be deleted.
Photo of free Lots of wood for garden projects (Shoreline) #1
Free: 1950s built in medicine cabinet (Shoreline) Perfect for a remodel Please give a day and time range for no contact porch pickup in shoreline near Costco. Replies without this will be deleted.
Photo of free 1950s built in medicine cabinet (Shoreline) #1
Free: Men’s SnapBack hats (Shoreline) Gifted Take one or all. No resellers please. Replies without a day and time for no contact porch pickup will be ignored.
Photo of free Men’s SnapBack hats (Shoreline) #1
Photo of free Men’s SnapBack hats (Shoreline) #2
Photo of free Men’s SnapBack hats (Shoreline) #3
Photo of free Men’s SnapBack hats (Shoreline) #4
+2 +1
Request: Baking pans/cookie sheets/trays (Shoreline) Withdrawn Do you have old rimmed baking sheets, plastic lunch trays or cookie sheets you don’t need any more? I’d love to repurpose them for holding my seedlings for bottom watering! Any condition is great as long as they have a rim to hold water.
Free: Shampoo and conditioner (Shoreline) Gifted I bought this combo and while it smells great, it’s been hard on my sensitive skin. A small amount has been used from each. I’d love to pass it on to someone who will use it! If interested- please give a day and time for no contact porch pickup in shoreline near Costco
Photo of free Shampoo and conditioner (Shoreline) #1
Request: Nursery pots (Shoreline) Received 4inches and up please :) hoping to pick up quite a few at a time.
Photo of Nursery pots (Shoreline) #1
Request: Wool sweaters (Shoreline) Withdrawn Any size, color or condition. I’ll be felting them, so holes are fine :)
Request: Extra large planters (Shoreline) Withdrawn Plastic, resin, terracotta, any color! The bigger the better. I am all set on 8inch/12 inch, and looking for 20+ inch diameter. Looking to expand my veggie garden this year ✌🏽
Photo of Extra large planters (Shoreline) #1
Request: Small mesh trash cans (Shoreline) Looking to use these in my garden. Any color!
Photo of Small mesh trash cans (Shoreline) #1
Request: kids Hawaiian shirts (Shoreline) Expired Our school musical is on the hunt for several children’s (ages 8-11) Hawaiian shirts for a scene. Any color as long as they are a fun tropical/summer print!
Free: Vinyl records (Shoreline) Gifted All different genres. Please be willing to take all and pass on any that don’t suit your tastes.
Photo of free Vinyl records (Shoreline) #1
Free: Cool globe (Shoreline) Gifted If interested- please give a day and time for a no contact pickup
Photo of free Cool globe (Shoreline) #1
Free: Original Star Wars vinyl (Shoreline) Gifted Ready to be loved by you! Please include a day and time for no contact porch pickup. Preference to someone who truly wants this!
Photo of free Original Star Wars vinyl (Shoreline) #1
Free: Fun gold shelf (Shoreline) Gifted Includes hanging hardware. If interested- please give a day and timeframe for no contact porch pickup
Photo of free Fun gold shelf (Shoreline) #1
Free: 5 arm arc lamp (Shoreline) Gifted Works, we’re just downsizing. Please note- it’s LARGE. You will need a van, truck, or big SUV for it. Please include a day and time for pickup.
Photo of free 5 arm arc lamp (Shoreline) #1
Photo of free 5 arm arc lamp (Shoreline) #2
Free: Cook Real Hawaii cookbook (Shoreline) Gifted Beautiful, we just never use it. If interested- please provide a day and time for a no contact porch pickup.
Photo of free Cook Real Hawaii cookbook (Shoreline) #1
Free: Two vintage needlework pillows (Shoreline) Gifted Handmade by my mom in the 70s! Ready to be loved by you. Please give a day and time for a no contact porch pickup.
Photo of free Two vintage needlework pillows (Shoreline) #1
Free: Big stack of records (Shoreline) Gifted All in nice, playable condition, just downsizing :) If interested- please give a day and time for pickup.
Photo of free Big stack of records (Shoreline) #1
Free: Two like new Ottolenghi cookbooks (Shoreline) Gifted Gifted to me and never used. Please respond with a pickup time and day for a no contact porch pickup
Photo of free Two like new Ottolenghi cookbooks (Shoreline) #1
Free: Lovely vintage corner shelf (Shoreline) Gifted This was my in my moms childhood bedroom in the 60s! I’d love to pass it on to someone else who would enjoy it. Hangs easily with nails. Please give a day and time for a no contact porch pickup.
Photo of free Lovely vintage corner shelf (Shoreline) #1
Free: Glass ceiling lights (Shoreline) Gifted Both work great, just updating our space. Take one or both! Please include a day and time for no contact porch pickup near shoreline Costco.
Photo of free Glass ceiling lights (Shoreline) #1
Photo of free Glass ceiling lights (Shoreline) #2
Free: Partially used printer ink (Shoreline) Gifted Barely used before our printer when kaput! Easy no contact porch pickup near shoreline Costco. Please include day and time for pickup in your reply.
Photo of free Partially used printer ink (Shoreline) #1
Free: Star projector night light (Shoreline) Gifted Projects different colors of stars onto the ceiling. Works great, just needs batteries :) Easy no contact porch pickup near Costco. Please give a day and time range in reply.
Photo of free Star projector night light (Shoreline) #1
Photo of free Star projector night light (Shoreline) #2
Request: Fleece fabric (Shoreline) Expired Our elementary school musical production is in search of a few yards of fun printed fleece for our costume crew to practice sewing with. Yardage, or even fleece blankets or other fleece items to repurpose work as well!
Photo of Fleece fabric (Shoreline) #1
Request: Large, fancy frames (Shoreline) Expired Our elementary school musical production is in search of three large, ornate picture frames. No glass or backing necessary! Any color is great.
Photo of Large, fancy frames (Shoreline) #1
Request: Glass flip top bottles (Shoreline) Expired Clear or brown, any size. Looking for a few bottles to store my homemade apple cider vinegar ✌🏽
Photo of Glass flip top bottles (Shoreline) #1