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Free: Two stairgates (Headington OX3) Rather old, but working the last time we looked.
Photo of free Two stairgates (Headington OX3) #1
Free: Posters, arctic wild life, BAD BOYS film poster, mexico ‘8 6 (Headington OX3) There’s an ICE-T poster. All I pretty good usable condition
Photo of free Posters, arctic wild life, BAD BOYS film poster, mexico ‘8 6 (Headington OX3) #1
Photo of free Posters, arctic wild life, BAD BOYS film poster, mexico ‘8 6 (Headington OX3) #2
Photo of free Posters, arctic wild life, BAD BOYS film poster, mexico ‘8 6 (Headington OX3) #3
Photo of free Posters, arctic wild life, BAD BOYS film poster, mexico ‘8 6 (Headington OX3) #4
+2 +1
Free: Office stationery inc calculator +++ (Headington OX3) Hanging files, working calculator, box of paper clips, bulldog clips, etc etc. I would prefer it to all go in one lot. Let me know if there’s a particular item you want, if it doesn’t go in one lot I will get back to you.
Photo of free Office stationery inc calculator +++ (Headington OX3) #1
Photo of free Office stationery inc calculator +++ (Headington OX3) #2
Photo of free Office stationery inc calculator +++ (Headington OX3) #3
Free: Cardboard tubes, from posters, et cetera (Headington OX3) Gifted Clearing out c for moving, would anybody like these before they go in the tip.
Photo of free Cardboard tubes, from posters, et cetera (Headington OX3) #1
Free: Dark wood book case/ shelving unit (Headington OX3) Gifted This was hand made and is quite solid. We are downsizing and this has to go.
Photo of free Dark wood book case/ shelving unit (Headington OX3) #1
Free: Drip tray (Headington OX3) Gifted Stainless steel drip tray in new condition surplus to requirements
Photo of free Drip tray (Headington OX3) #1
Free: Filing cabinet accessories. (Headington OX3) Gifted We are clearing our office out and have no further use for these folders: cabinet hanging folders, (green), some beige coloured folders, and quantity of clear plastic pockets for book files.
Photo of free Filing cabinet accessories. (Headington OX3) #1
Free: Old book case (Only, books etc not included) (Headington OX3) Gifted This was a book case given to us years ago by an elderly relative. The plank you can see in the photo is included, it is needed for stability. It’s suitable for paperbacks but not anything bigger than
Photo of free Old book case (Only, books etc not included) (Headington OX3) #1
Free: Book case (Headington OX3) Gifted Downsizing, lots of things to go. This has been a very serviceable bookcase, but surplus to requirements. 89cm x 74cm x 20cm.
Photo of free Book case (Headington OX3) #1
Free: White shelving. (Microwave not included!) (Headington OX3) Gifted Downsizing means we have to part with this shelving unit. It does split into two for travel. Free to good home
Photo of free White shelving. (Microwave not included!) (Headington OX3) #1
Free: Red duffle coat size 16 (Headington OX3) Gifted This is a lovely warm duffle coat - from M&S. in good condition, might need a clean. We have a dog, and while we will do our best, it may come with the odd dog hair.
Photo of free Red duffle coat size 16 (Headington OX3) #1
Photo of free Red duffle coat size 16 (Headington OX3) #2
Free: Battery rechargers. (Headington OX3) Gifted One multi charger ( Adaptable to most shapes of battery) two rechargers for rechargeable AA and AAA batteries
Photo of free Battery rechargers. (Headington OX3) #1
Photo of free Battery rechargers. (Headington OX3) #2
Free: International adapters, Netgear and TP Link adapters (Headington OX3) Gifted , tp Link adapters x 3, Netgear ? Extender. International adapters. Hardly used. Otherwise going to Recycling centre at Redbridge.
Photo of free International adapters, Netgear and TP Link adapters (Headington OX3) #1
Free: HP laser jet, toner cartridge, black noir (Headington OX3) Gifted New, unopened. Surplus to requirements.
Photo of free HP laser jet, toner cartridge, black noir (Headington OX3) #1
Photo of free HP laser jet, toner cartridge, black noir (Headington OX3) #2
Free: Catheterisation supplies. District nurse box unopened, (Headington OX3) Gifted The district nurse ordered this for my oh, thinking he had an ongoing problem. He doesn’t, but the DNs don’t want the stuff back. It seems to contain Catheter bags and I know not what else! If you can put it to some use you are welcome to it.
Free: Large rectangular vinyl table cloth. (Headington OX3) Gifted It’s beige with allegedly French writing on it. The centre part has been a bit discoloured. I wondered if it could be used to protect something else. There is also a heat protector which goes under it when on the table.
Free: Garden bird feeders. (Headington OX3) Gifted There are six all in good condition, one or two could do with cleaning. I will wait a day or two for requests but I will prioritise those living closer to central Headington Thanks.
Photo of free Garden bird feeders. (Headington OX3) #1
Free: 1920s wall clock. (Headington OX3) Gifted This lovely wall clock doesn’t work reliably and so needs attention. So if anyone wants to see if they can make it work. We are downsizing, so it needs to go. It’s in 1920s clock, probably German make, (no markings because German labels would’ve been unpopular in the 20s)
Photo of free 1920s wall clock. (Headington OX3) #1
Free: Glass jars +lids for jam making or pickling (Headington OX3) Gifted Lots of jars available, with lids, available for the jam and chutney seasons.
Free: 2 microwave glass plates. (Headington OX3) Expired 13.5 inches x1, 12.5inches x1. Surplus to requirements. No chips.
Photo of free 2 microwave glass plates. (Headington OX3) #1
Free: Pots see photo (Headington OX3) Gifted These are the last few. There are some plastic ones too. Please do not waste your time and mine if you don’t really want them.
Free: Lots of plant pots ceramic and plastic. (Headington OX3) Gifted Different colours and styles, come and take as many as you can use.
Photo of free Lots of plant pots ceramic and plastic. (Headington OX3) #1
Free: Wooden cupboard (Headington OX3) Gifted This has been in our family for many years. It could benefit from ups along in some way. We are downsizing so it has to go.
Photo of free Wooden cupboard (Headington OX3) #1
Photo of free Wooden cupboard (Headington OX3) #2
Free: Old fashioned wooden bureau (Headington OX3) Gifted As in photo. A friend was going to throw it out, so I grabbed it, it’s been useful for a couple of years, but now we are downsizing.
Photo of free Old fashioned wooden bureau (Headington OX3) #1
Photo of free Old fashioned wooden bureau (Headington OX3) #2
Photo of free Old fashioned wooden bureau (Headington OX3) #3
Free: Kenwood liquidiser attachment. Lid included but not shown (Headington OX3) Gifted Clearing out cupboards I found this unused (as far as I know) liquidiser. I have found the lid, but not the little bit that goes in the middle of the lid. It is kenwood, which was the make of my previous food processor. Could anyone make use of it?
Photo of free Kenwood liquidiser attachment. Lid included but not shown (Headington OX3) #1
Free: Bits and pieces, wooden spoons, bowls, bulldog clips, (Headington OX3) Gifted Caramel syrup for Coffee, Small canvas bag, four wooden, spoons, three bowls, one pack of bulldog clips (pink), paperclips, two single bracelets, shower, curtain rings,(set full set), plantable children’s book.++
Photo of free Bits and pieces, wooden spoons, bowls, bulldog clips, (Headington OX3) #1
Photo of free Bits and pieces, wooden spoons, bowls, bulldog clips, (Headington OX3) #2
Photo of free Bits and pieces, wooden spoons, bowls, bulldog clips, (Headington OX3) #3
Photo of free Bits and pieces, wooden spoons, bowls, bulldog clips, (Headington OX3) #4
+2 +1
Free: Glass jars (Headington OX3) Gifted Clean clear glass jars of varying sizes. All have a lid. Suitable for jam or pickle making, or for crafts.
Free: Stationery, kitchen stuff, shampoo, children’s cutlery and (Headington OX3) Expired 3 small bowls, 4 wooden spoons, metal and wooden forks, various small sturdy boxes for craft? plastic and card folders, post it notes, caramel flavouring for coffee, small cotton drawstring bag, paper clips and bulldog clips, plantable children’s book. Any or all of it! Please say what time and day you can collect. Edit: chopsticks, children’s cutlery and shampoo have been taken.
Photo of free Stationery, kitchen stuff, shampoo, children’s cutlery and (Headington OX3) #1
Photo of free Stationery, kitchen stuff, shampoo, children’s cutlery and (Headington OX3) #2
Photo of free Stationery, kitchen stuff, shampoo, children’s cutlery and (Headington OX3) #3
Free: Clearing out: forks, spoons, chopsticks and more (Headington OX3) Expired Plastic and paper wallets, wooden spoons, small boxes, and tins, bits of stationery, being added to all the time. Come and take it all, or just take what you want.
Free: toiletries etc (Headington OX3) Gifted Left behind by a conscientious, very clean and tidy guest. I just thought I’d see if anybody wanted any of this before I throw it in the bin. Some are like new, some have been used.
Photo of free toiletries etc (Headington OX3) #1
Photo of free toiletries etc (Headington OX3) #2
Photo of free toiletries etc (Headington OX3) #3
Photo of free toiletries etc (Headington OX3) #4
+2 +1