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Free: Glass Jars (Oswestry SY11) Gifted I have some large glass mayo jars looking for a new home, ideal for pickling etc. Clean inside but they have lable gum still on outside. Thanks Maddie
Photo of free Glass Jars (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: 2 bags wood/ kindling (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Wood offcuts ideal for kindling, Thanks Maddie
Photo of free 2 bags wood/ kindling (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: Outdoor electric rope light White (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Plug in rope light with adapter, one colour only ( white) but pattern can be changed. Had for many years inside a conservatory but ok to go outside. I have checked they are still working, 5 m to 10 m long, not sure of exact length. Free to a good home Thanks Maddie
Photo of free Outdoor electric rope light White (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: Beard Trimmer ( works partially) (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Only works with comb attached as 1st picture, without the comb the top comes off, see 2nd picture ie the detailer for sideburns etc, So works ok as general beard trimmer or for parts & spares Ta Maddie
Photo of free Beard Trimmer ( works partially) (Oswestry SY11) #1
Photo of free Beard Trimmer ( works partially) (Oswestry SY11) #2
Request: Cuddly Toys for Fund Raiser/ Unwanted Gifts (Oswestry SY11) Expired Wanted USED cuddly toys, must be in good condition, have a CE label & be machine washable. They are to be used as part of a fundraising event for Shropshire Cat Rescue ( Oswestry Branch ) at Oswestry Christmas Live. Also any unwanted gifts ( NEW) suitable for a tombola stall Any donation is greatly appreciated, I will happily collect from the Oswestry & surrounding area. Thank you for reading Kind regards Maddie
Photo of Cuddly Toys for Fund Raiser/ Unwanted Gifts (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: Old Maps various (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Old maps some damage, poss suitable for decopage etc. Free to a good home! Ta Maddie
Photo of free Old Maps various (Oswestry SY11) #1
Photo of free Old Maps various (Oswestry SY11) #2
Free: 1Kg Green Tomatoes (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Hi I have just over a kilo of green tomatoes spare if anyone can use them. I made 20 jars of chutney this afternoon so I think thats enough. They will need to be used fairly soon so I think it will be first come first served. Thanks Maddie
Free: Electric Typewriter inc user manual (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Working electric typewriter with user manual. I received this from another freegler a couple of years ago for my Mum to use. It is now sitting idle ready for a new owner, Thanks Maddie
Photo of free Electric Typewriter inc user manual (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: windfall apples (Oswestry SY11) Expired I have a box of windfall apples, any cider makers out there who can use them? Thanks Maddie If no takers by 7am thurs they are going to compost Ta
Free: Parts/Spares for Dewalt Sander (Oswestry SY11) Expired Dewalt palm sander stopped working, engineer dismantled & motor dead so offering parts if anyone can use them. Ta Maddie
Photo of free Parts/Spares for Dewalt Sander (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: Compression socks Class 1 size M (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Still in their boxes, unused 2 pairs Activa Class 1 (14-17mmHg) Below knee Closed toe Black size M These were bought not NHS so cant return. Thanks Maddie
Free: 2 Tins furniture spray polish (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Spray polish, both almost full, no longer used, free to a good home Ta Maddie
Photo of free 2 Tins furniture spray polish (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: 3 Bags of wood offcuts/kindling (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Mixed wood offcuts suitable for kindling Ta Maddie
Photo of free 3 Bags of wood offcuts/kindling (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: Spring bulbs Mixed (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Recently dug spring bulbs (mixed) mainly bluebells, but they are not native. Approx 2 kilos will split if as necessary Kind regards Maddie
Free: Turf / topsoil (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Still plenty left! Recently dug turf / topsoil broken up ideal for building up a bank or the base for raised beds. Alternatively could be left to break down slowly to create topsoil, 2 large sacks that need to be transferred to smaller sacks for transport as photos. A few small bags already, I have got some empty bags but if you have some or a trailer all the better. Thanks Maddie Please no time wasters!
Photo of free Turf / topsoil (Oswestry SY11) #1
Photo of free Turf / topsoil (Oswestry SY11) #2
Free: Chimney soot ( for garden?) (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Approx 3litres of Chimney Soot, probably coal, I think my parents used it for the garden though I dont know how. This has travelled through many house moves, does anyone have a use for this? Thanks Maddie
Photo of free Chimney soot ( for garden?) (Oswestry SY11) #1
Photo of free Chimney soot ( for garden?) (Oswestry SY11) #2
Free: Bird feeder hoop (Oswestry SY11) Expired Black metal bird feeder hoop still available, compost stirrer has been taken Ta Maddie
Photo of free Bird feeder hoop (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: Used Electronic components (Oswestry SY11) Expired Hopefully they will be of use to someone Ta Maddie
Photo of free Used Electronic components (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: Imperial Spanners & odd Tools (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Please see photo please take all or few Ta Maddie
Photo of free Imperial Spanners & odd Tools (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: 2 Separate Corner clamps (Oswestry SY11) Gifted for picture framing Ta Maddie
Free: only 2 large Grasses left (Oswestry SY11) Expired Only Grasses remain unpromised I have to offer 3 saplings( poss oaks) type of green Helibore, Grasses all self seeded in the garden & rosemary cuttings that have overwintered in pots. You are welcome to look before taking. Thanks Maddie
Photo of free only 2 large Grasses left (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: Spring bulbs Mixed (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Recently divided spring bulbs, Bluebells, (not native) Crocus; Snowdrops etc all mixed together, pot luck. Take as many or as few as you wish, Ta Maddie
Free: Mixed Spring Bulbs (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Recently dug spring bulbs, mixed varieties including Bluebells, (not native) Crocus, Snowdrops etc. All mixed together so potluck, take as many or as few as you wish. Thanks Maddie
Free: Wire Fencing (Oswestry SY11) Gifted The green-coated fencing is about 5 feet high & 12 feet in length when stretched. The sheep fencing is about 3 feet high but I have no idea about the length as it is tied together with cable ties to stop it from unraveling. I am happy for these to be taken separately & the fair offer policy applies. Thanks Maddie
Photo of free Wire Fencing (Oswestry SY11) #1
Photo of free Wire Fencing (Oswestry SY11) #2
Free: Microwave glass plate & support ring (Oswestry SY11) Expired Diameter 10in/255mm, I already have a spare, just in case I drop it, & so far so good, Does anyone else need one? Ta Maddie
Photo of free Microwave glass plate & support ring (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: Miele dishwasher parts (Oswestry SY11) Expired I ordered these from Miele in the hope they would fit my very old dishwasher, which is so old they no longer have parts for it. I had to open the packs to try them & Miele will not give refunds if opened. So if anyone can make use of these please do so. Hopefully, you can read the parts refs in the pics. Thanks, Maddie
Photo of free Miele dishwasher parts (Oswestry SY11) #1
Photo of free Miele dishwasher parts (Oswestry SY11) #2
Free: Home made Speak Out Mouth Game (Oswestry SY11) Gifted I made my version of the Mouth Game or Speak Out and bought different sizes of mouthpieces ( used by dentists to hold mouths open) & printed out phrases difficult to say. Great fun at a family gathering for all ages,
Photo of free Home made Speak Out Mouth Game (Oswestry SY11) #1
Free: Browning Wildlife camera (Oswestry SY11) Gifted A Trail Camera may need tinkering with, works on & off. I used it to monitor hedgehogs feeding. Needs an SD card & 6 AA batteries, and comes with an instruction booklet. Ta Maddie
Photo of free Browning Wildlife camera (Oswestry SY11) #1
Photo of free Browning Wildlife camera (Oswestry SY11) #2
Free: Rewriteable DVDs (Oswestry SY11) Gifted A pile of these, still in a stacker pack with a cover. ( over 60 ) ta Maddie
Photo of free Rewriteable DVDs (Oswestry SY11) #1
Photo of free Rewriteable DVDs (Oswestry SY11) #2
Free: leather iPad cover (Oswestry SY11) Gifted Leather iPad cover, is well used & showing signs of wear but still does its job, lasted better than the iPad. Just does not fit my current type. Ta Maddie
Photo of free leather iPad cover (Oswestry SY11) #1
Photo of free leather iPad cover (Oswestry SY11) #2
Photo of free leather iPad cover (Oswestry SY11) #3