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Free: Buggy (Collapsable) for Toddler (Southam GL52) Lightweight collapsible buggy suitable for toddlers.
Photo of free Buggy (Collapsable) for Toddler (Southam GL52) #1
Photo of free Buggy (Collapsable) for Toddler (Southam GL52) #2
Free: Car seat BRITAX (Southam GL52) Expired In fair condition two ways of using for very small child or the other option up to 18 kg
Photo of free Car seat BRITAX (Southam GL52) #1
Photo of free Car seat BRITAX (Southam GL52) #2
Photo of free Car seat BRITAX (Southam GL52) #3
Photo of free Car seat BRITAX (Southam GL52) #4
+2 +1
Free: Perculator, Tea Pots & Flower Pot (Southam GL52) Gifted Hi Freeglers A Few items discovered in the garage today. Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks Marius
Photo of free Perculator, Tea Pots & Flower Pot (Southam GL52) #1
Request: Workshop manual Ford Focus 2004-2009 2.0 tdci Diesel (Southam GL52) Expired Good day Freeglers. I would appreciate it if someone has a Workshop manual Focus 2004-2009 2.0 tdci Diesel to pass on to me. I am struggling with low voltage to the fuel injectors and I hope I can find a solution especially the wire diagrams will be useful. Tried google, but no success yet! Thank you very much. Marius
Request: Workshop manual Focus 2004-2009 2.0 tdci Diesel (Southam GL52) Expired Good day Freeglers. I would appreciate it if someone has a Workshop manual Focus 2004-2009 2.0 tdci Diesel to pass on to me. I am struggling with low voltage to the fuel injectors and I hope I can find a solution especially the wire diagrams will be useful. Tried google, but no success yet! Thank you very much. Marius
Request: OBD Scanner to diagnose engine faults. Ford Focus 2.0 tdci (Southam GL52) Expired Good Afternoon. I changed the timing belt (Crank to Cam alignment 100%) But car will not start and I suspect it is an electronic fault. I will really appreciate it if someone can pass a OBDii scanner to pass on. Thank you very much Marius van Zyl
Request: Priming pump and pipe for diesel engine (Southam GL52) Expired Hi Freeglers, I am considering another reason why my Focus 2.0 tdci does not want to start. The fuel lines had been disconnected and the High Pressure Fuel Pump sucked some air and I saw on google that I must prime/bleed the fuel line to get it to work again. I will really appreciate it if someone has a priming pump sitting idle. Thank You VERY much. Marius (PS I can write a book about everything that went wrong during this last repair!)
Request: Mitre saw "Guides" or complete saw (Southam GL52) Expired Good afternoon the guide/slide on my saw snapped. If somebody has a spare saw or can help me to find new guides it will really be appreciated. My mites saw is a "Jörgensen" Thank you very much. Marius
Photo of Mitre saw "Guides" or complete saw (Southam GL52) #1
Photo of Mitre saw "Guides" or complete saw (Southam GL52) #2
Free: THREE pallets (Southam GL52) Gifted Really heavy and strong pallets I FOUND A THIRD. Dimensions 2,400 x 420 mm 2,100 x 1,050 mm 1,050 x 1050 mm Please tell if interested in any one or all Three....
Photo of free THREE pallets (Southam GL52) #1
Photo of free THREE pallets (Southam GL52) #2
Request: OBD scanner - Vehicle diagnostics (Southam GL52) Expired Hi Freeglers I would appreciate it if you can help me with an OBDii scanner for my 2005 Ford Focus 2.0 TDCI. I replaced the timing belt (crank : cam set 100%) but car does not want to start. Suspected electronic glitch .... Thank you very much Marius
Free: Conservatory - Dismantled (Southam GL52) Gifted A good quality with super double glazed Windows and roof. Obviously will be a HEAVY load requiring a truck or HE trailed. Footprint 3.6 x 2.9 metres
Free: Conservatory - dismantled (Southam GL52) Expired Proper double glazed ready for collection. You should probably inspect first, then arrange a truck or heavy duty trailer. This will be a heavy and big load. footprint 2.9 x 3.6m More fotos available
Photo of free Conservatory - dismantled (Southam GL52) #1
Photo of free Conservatory - dismantled (Southam GL52) #2
Request: Exercise Bike (Southam GL52) Expired Good Afternoon Freeglers, We are trying to recover from various aches and pains and an exercise bike may be just the ticket to bridge the gap until we can get back on the road, Than you very much. Susan and Marius