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Free: Old milk bottle (Prestonfield EH16) Nice old co-op milk bottle, unfortunately it is cracked at the bottom as shown.
Photo of free Old milk bottle (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Photo of free Old milk bottle (Prestonfield EH16) #2
Free: Tall biscuit tin (Prestonfield EH16) Withdrawn About 35x8 cm. Perfect condition just not a good shape for our cupboards.
Photo of free Tall biscuit tin (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Poorly stag horn fern (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted These two pups (?) got knocked off an existing plant which was in soil rather than on wood. I tried potting with compost and moss but they don’t seem to have taken, the leaves are wilting, and I don’t have time to try anything else. If anybody has the expertise to look after properly you’d be welcome to them.
Photo of free Poorly stag horn fern (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Photo of free Poorly stag horn fern (Prestonfield EH16) #2
Free: Hyacinth plant gift (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Unwanted gift as I have too many plants already. Can leave outside so any time fine to collect.
Photo of free Hyacinth plant gift (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Duck board (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Wooden duck board for bath/shower. There is some decay to one part of the underside unfortunately, pictured, I think likely caused by a rusty screw in the sucker. Doesn’t affect use.
Photo of free Duck board (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Photo of free Duck board (Prestonfield EH16) #2
Free: Old Venicci pram (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted This was given to us but we didn’t end up using it really. It’s quite old with wear and big but robust with good functionality, good on rough terrain. Offering in case useful to someone otherwise it will go to the tip. There’s a bassinet too.
Photo of free Old Venicci pram (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Photo of free Old Venicci pram (Prestonfield EH16) #2
Photo of free Old Venicci pram (Prestonfield EH16) #3
Photo of free Old Venicci pram (Prestonfield EH16) #4
+2 +1
Free: Honeysuckle (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Mature honeysuckle I just dug up this morning, hopefully it would transplant ok. There is another I haven’t managed to remove just yet. You’re welcome to take the removed one or both, might need some help to get it out.
Photo of free Honeysuckle (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Photo of free Honeysuckle (Prestonfield EH16) #2
Free: Baby carrier (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted This was passed on to us but we didn’t use it as already had one. Please note it came from a smoking household, I have given it a quick wash in the machine but it still has a bit of a smoky smell, not sure if it will come out with further washes. If you’d like it please say when you can collect, any time is fine as I can leave outside.
Photo of free Baby carrier (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Photo of free Baby carrier (Prestonfield EH16) #2
Photo of free Baby carrier (Prestonfield EH16) #3
Photo of free Baby carrier (Prestonfield EH16) #4
+2 +1
Free: Baby bag? (Prestonfield EH16) Expired I was given this and I’m not really sure what it is! Perhaps meant as an insert to a change bag, looks like it has a contraption for getting wet wipes out...perhaps! I can leave outside so any time fine to collect.
Photo of free Baby bag? (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Photo of free Baby bag? (Prestonfield EH16) #2
Photo of free Baby bag? (Prestonfield EH16) #3
Free: Jars with lids (Prestonfield EH16) Expired Washed but not sterilised. Have about triple this amount in total. Can leave outside just say when you can collect.
Photo of free Jars with lids (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Tie dye baby sleep suits (Prestonfield EH16) Expired 5 m&s suits which have been dyed all different colours. 3-6 months. Very light use of one, seem to recall it wasn’t colourfast and we didn’t get round to sorting it before they were outgrown. Please say when you can collect any time is fine as I can leave outside.
Photo of free Tie dye baby sleep suits (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Four poster tubes (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted With stoppers for both ends. Please say when you can collect any time is fine as I can leave outside.
Photo of free Four poster tubes (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: New baby clothes/accessories (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted 2xoutfits, 2x babygrows, socks, gloves, hat, blanket, comforter toys. All brand new and unused. Please say when you can collect any time is fine as I can leave outside.
Photo of free New baby clothes/accessories (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Photo of free New baby clothes/accessories (Prestonfield EH16) #2
Free: Bed head conditioner (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted About 80% full - too heavy for my hair. Please say when you can collect any time is fine as I can leave outside.
Photo of free Bed head conditioner (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Hooks (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Four small hook racks for keys etc. Well used but solid. Two different wood stains. Please say when you can collect any time is fine as I can leave outside
Photo of free Hooks (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Books (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Random selection of books! Would rather they went all together. If you’d like please say when you can collect any time is fine as I can leave outside.
Photo of free Books (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Kitchen cupboards (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Ikea kitchen wall cupboards for use in kitchen or maybe garage. Have red doors but covered in dark grey wrap. Would need a bit of a clean up as have been in the garage for a while and several years use before that (not sure exactly how old as they were in the house when we moved in but are completely solid). Two are 40x60x40 and two are 60x60x40. If you’re interested please say when you can come and have a look, I’m currently in most of the time so can be reasonably flexible.
Photo of free Kitchen cupboards (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Photo of free Kitchen cupboards (Prestonfield EH16) #2
Photo of free Kitchen cupboards (Prestonfield EH16) #3
Free: Music (production) magazines (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Mainly from around 2011! Offering before they go in the recycling. If you’d like them please say when you can collect, any time is fine as I can leave outside.
Photo of free Music (production) magazines (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Baby box (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Baby box, lid and mattress, barely used, any use to anyone?
Free: House plants (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Having a clear out of house plants. Pots not included. Calathea - was given this in jan but it’s not doing too well so hope somebody can recover it. Two amaryllis - dark red colour. 2-3 years old, I think they flowered last May and haven’t flowered since so I’m not sure what’s going on with them. Aloe Vera. If you want them please say when you can collect any time is fine as I can leave outside. I won’t reply otherwise.
Photo of free House plants (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Photo of free House plants (Prestonfield EH16) #2
Free: Glass bottle (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Brown glass bottle with stopper. The text is printed on (not a sticker) so can’t be removed but not too noticeable. Haven’t measured but looks about 12-15cm tall. Will go in the recycling if nobody wants! Please include timeframes you’d like to collect any time is fine as I can leave outside. I won’t reply otherwise.
Photo of free Glass bottle (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Fatsia japonica (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted This was given to me as a houseplant but didn’t cope well inside. Outside it did well until the frost and this is all that is left. So I’m not entirely sure where it’s meant to be. If you can look after it it’s yours. Please say when you can collect, any time is fine as I can leave outside.
Photo of free Fatsia japonica (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Yarrow (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Grown from seed last spring but now don’t have room. White flowers. Five plants I think. Will need dug up which I can help with. Offering before it goes in the brown bin.
Photo of free Yarrow (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Photo of free Yarrow (Prestonfield EH16) #2
Free: Wooden sea themed mobile (Prestonfield EH16) Expired This is broken, seems to be missing some string and a hanger to hang it. I was given it like this so not entirely sure what it was meant to look like. Thought I would offer in case the pieces are useful to anyone, before it goes in the bin. Please say when you can collect any time is fine as I can leave outside
Photo of free Wooden sea themed mobile (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: House and garden magazines (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Stack of magazines from last couple of years - modern garden and some other gardening titles, your home, home style, style at home. Just offering before they go in the recycling. Please say when you can collect any time is fine as I can leave outside.
Photo of free House and garden magazines (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Plastic gold egg (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted From hobby craft, hollow so you can put chocolates etc inside. Please say when you can collect any time is fine as I can leave outside
Photo of free Plastic gold egg (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Biscuit tin (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Marks and spencer Christmas biscuit tin (no biscuits!). It has lights and music in the lid. Please say when you can collect any time is fine as I can leave outside.
Photo of free Biscuit tin (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Candle gift (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted Boxed candle with carousel thing on top. Box slightly bashed. Please say when you collect anytime is fine as I can leave outside.
Photo of free Candle gift (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Gift bags - new baby (Prestonfield EH16) Gifted About 8 gift bags used once, new baby, most say ‘boy’
Photo of free Gift bags - new baby (Prestonfield EH16) #1
Free: Gift bags - new baby (Prestonfield EH16) Expired Half a dozen gift bags - all for new baby, most say ‘boy’.