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Free: Prerecorded Videos (VHS tapes) (Kendal LA9) It looks like charity shops don't take these - if anyone knows a Kendal charity shop that does I'd be pleased to hear. So maybe one of you will be interested in all or some of these. If you'd like to know more please let me know. Thanks The English Patient The Importance of Being Earnest - with Colin Firth Torvill and Dean - Face the Music - The Tour The Royal International Air Tattoo 2000 To The Manor Born - part series 1 and part series 2 The Good Life
Photo of free Prerecorded Videos (VHS tapes) (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: Environmentally Safe Fluid for portable toilets (Kendal LA9) Gifted Hi, please see photo, Unused Eco Green Casette Toilet Fluid. 1 litre. It says biocide free, biodegradeable, dye free.
Photo of free Environmentally Safe Fluid for portable toilets (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: Very fine steel wire wool for woodworking (Kendal LA9) Gifted Please see photo. I have a large roll of very fine steel wire wool which is good for sanding wood in furniture restoration.
Photo of free Very fine steel wire wool for woodworking (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: Computer cables - specialised types (Kendal LA9) Hi, please see photos, I have some cables which look like rather specialised computer type cables. Hope someone has a use for them :-) . Thanks, Judy
Photo of free Computer cables - specialised types (Kendal LA9) #1
Photo of free Computer cables - specialised types (Kendal LA9) #2
Photo of free Computer cables - specialised types (Kendal LA9) #3
Free: Stationery items including highlighter pens (Kendal LA9) Hi, some of the highlighters have now gone, 5 left. Plus bulldog clips, drawing pins and paperclips. South Kendal near the college. Thanks Judy
Photo of free Stationery items including highlighter pens (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: Wooden Double Size Bed Frame (Ulverston LA12) Gifted Hi, we have a self-assemble 4 foot 6 inch double size, wooden bed frame, in reasonable condition, with all the fittings to put it together. Sorry but I don't have a photo at the moment. It has a headboard, footboard, side pieces and wooden slats that screw in across the base. It is varnished so you might want to give this some attention. If you are interested, we need to pass this on within the week, but don't want to put into landfill, if we don't have to. It's in Ulverston and we would need it to be collected, as soon as possible. Thank you very much.
Free: Hoses for washing machines (Kendal LA9) Withdrawn Hi, we've found these hoses, some not used at all. They have been in the back of the cupboard. Cheers, Judy
Photo of free Hoses for washing machines (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: Large stone (Kendal LA9) Gifted Posted before but I now have another slightly smaller stone too :-) I dug this up out of my allotment and it has been sitting there for years ever since, with me havng to work around it as I am unable to move it off site as it is very heavy. It an old river stone, roughly 13-14 inches across. As I said it still on the allotment - the ones at the end of Ford Terrace near to the river. If you want it you would need to bring a wheelbarrow or something else to transport it in. You might be able to bring a vehicle to beside the allotments from the Wattsfield end. I have another smaller one too. Cheers, Judy
Photo of free Large stone (Kendal LA9) #1
Photo of free Large stone (Kendal LA9) #2
Free: Clothes hangers (Kendal LA9) Gifted Hi, I have 2 lots of hangers, you can have them all or just one bundle. Please see photos. Cheers. Judy
Photo of free Clothes hangers (Kendal LA9) #1
Photo of free Clothes hangers (Kendal LA9) #2
Free: A Radio Scanner (Kendal LA9) Gifted In very good condition. Good battery. Hardly used. Cheers, Judy
Photo of free A Radio Scanner (Kendal LA9) #1
Photo of free A Radio Scanner (Kendal LA9) #2
Photo of free A Radio Scanner (Kendal LA9) #3
Photo of free A Radio Scanner (Kendal LA9) #4
+2 +1
Free: Plastic tubing 5mm internal diameter (Kendal LA9) Gifted Plastic tubing, 5mm internal diameter, 8.3 metres or 27 feet long. Never used for anything. Thanks, Judy
Photo of free Plastic tubing 5mm internal diameter (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: Large bags to collect leaves/other light material in garden (Kendal LA9) Gifted Please see photos. Old lightweight bag designed for leaves or other light material in a garden. A bit rough, with a couple of holes, but still does the job. :-)
Photo of free Large bags to collect leaves/other light material in garden (Kendal LA9) #1
Photo of free Large bags to collect leaves/other light material in garden (Kendal LA9) #2
Request: Typewriter - manual or electric (Kendal LA9) Received Hi, we are looking for a typewriter for an elderly gentleman who wants to write his family history. Thanks very much. Judy
Free: Bag of stuffing for craft work (Kendal LA9) Gifted This is a bag of filling/ stuffing that could be used for stuffed toys etc. It came from a cushion. You can see that it is 100% polyester and please see the label about fire safety. Thanks
Photo of free Bag of stuffing for craft work (Kendal LA9) #1
Photo of free Bag of stuffing for craft work (Kendal LA9) #2
Free: Various BT connectors for landline phones (Kendal LA9) Gifted Maybe no one uses these any longer but thought I'd give it a go. Hopefully you can see what these are from the photo. The box has two more of the phone/modem connectors and there's an extension cable too. Thanks, Judy
Photo of free Various BT connectors for landline phones (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: CD boxes (Kendal LA9) Expired Mostly narrow ones but also some wider ones. Please see photo. Cheers, Judy
Photo of free CD boxes (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: Filing stationery - wallets and file dividers (Kendal LA9) Gifted Hi, I have lots of clear plastic wallets and file dividers. Please see photos. I have divided the plastic wallets into 30s, of which I have 4 lots, and the file dividers into 20s, of which I have 5 lots. If you could use more than one lot then please let me know. They are all used to varying degrees. Cheers, Judy
Photo of free Filing stationery - wallets and file dividers (Kendal LA9) #1
Photo of free Filing stationery - wallets and file dividers (Kendal LA9) #2
Free: Runner bean seeds (Kendal LA9) Gifted From last year, I have more than I can use. They need to go in as soon as. Would be happy to give to a primary school or somewhere that might need a lot, or just a few if you only want 20-30. Could pass some on this evening, if this message goes out on Saturday, but then not able to until the end of next week - sorry I didn't think about it earlier! If you contact me I can work out how to distribute them when I can pick up Freegle. If planted late they usually catch up. Thanks
Free: Brush to wash car (Kendal LA9) Gifted Hi, not sure what to call this, see photos, it fits on the end of a hose. It is very soft. South Kendal. Cheers, Judy
Photo of free Brush to wash car (Kendal LA9) #1
Photo of free Brush to wash car (Kendal LA9) #2
Free: C-570 Printer inks for Canon Printer (Kendal LA9) Gifted Lots of C-570 Printer inks for Canon Printer, bought from First Call Inks Inks bought October 2022. 3 large black inks One full set: 1 large black, 1 small black, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 magenta. One part set: 1 large black, i small black, 1 yellow Inks bought May 2021: 1 small black, 1 blue, 1 magenta Thanks
Photo of free C-570 Printer inks for Canon Printer (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: Tool Box Trays (Kendal LA9) Gifted I have two tool box trays, 50cm long x 33 cm wide. 'Stanley' mark on bottom of trays, with 'Wickes' on one of the handles. Please see photos. Thanks
Photo of free Tool Box Trays (Kendal LA9) #1
Photo of free Tool Box Trays (Kendal LA9) #2
Photo of free Tool Box Trays (Kendal LA9) #3
Request: Slide viewer or projector (Kendal LA9) Received I have some old slide photos that I want to check through. Does anyone have a slide viewer, thanks very much. Judy
Free: ASDA Little Angels Cotton Wool (Kendal LA9) Gifted Cotton Wool Pleat - ASDA Little Angels Opened but packet almost full. Please see photo. Thanks
Photo of free ASDA Little Angels Cotton Wool (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: Cable Clips (Kendal LA9) Gifted 3 x100 boxes of small cable clips. Please see photo. Thanks
Photo of free Cable Clips (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: Large plastic feed bags for rubble or soil (Kendal LA9) Gifted I have about 7 quite large feed bags and 3 or 4 smaller ones that are suitable for rubble or soil. South end of Kendal.
Photo of free Large plastic feed bags for rubble or soil (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: Banana boxes (Kendal LA9) Gifted Hi, I have 7 banana boxes that need to go to their next home. They are in good condition having recently been picked up from Asda. Thanks, Judy PS no photo as we all know what a banana box looks like :-)
Free: Hot water cylinder insulation (Kendal LA9) Gifted Hi, this has been on my hot water cylinder for many years but I am now getting a new boiler without a cylinder. It is in very used condition but still works and will help enormously if you don't have any insulation or want to add another layer. There are some extra pieces, as you can see in the photos, and I put these over the top. I'm in south Kendal not far from the college. Cheers, Judy
Photo of free Hot water cylinder insulation (Kendal LA9) #1
Photo of free Hot water cylinder insulation (Kendal LA9) #2
Photo of free Hot water cylinder insulation (Kendal LA9) #3
Free: Seed packets from Garden News (Kendal LA9) Gifted Hi, here are some seed packets from Garden News magazine. Cheers
Photo of free Seed packets from Garden News (Kendal LA9) #1
Free: An old chair for reupholstery (Kendal LA9) Gifted This old chair, probably 1960s, has a good frame (though some joints need minor repair) but it is not really usable at the moment. The seat has gone so needs replacing. So you'll need to at least make a new seat. It is quite a small chair - height of back 32 inches, width and depth of seat 18 inches. We are close to the college. Thanks
Photo of free An old chair for reupholstery (Kendal LA9) #1
Photo of free An old chair for reupholstery (Kendal LA9) #2
Photo of free An old chair for reupholstery (Kendal LA9) #3
Photo of free An old chair for reupholstery (Kendal LA9) #4
+2 +1
Free: Bag of bits of plastic packaging (Kendal LA9) Gifted Bag of bits of plastic packaging for wrapping things sent in the post, various sizes including some bubble wrap but mostly other kinds of plastic. Plus a few envelopes of different sizes. We are close to the college. Thanks
Photo of free Bag of bits of plastic packaging (Kendal LA9) #1