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Free: Childproof-Padded Furniture Protect (Bala Cynwyd) Gifted Use to put on sharp corners of furniture, etc. Soft material.
Photo of free Childproof-Padded Furniture Protect (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Free: LP Gas Grill - Huntington 6300-14 (Bala Cynwyd) Expired 2 burner controls. Works as is. Would work better with new burner head. Comes with original manuals. Propane tank NOT included.
Photo of free LP Gas Grill - Huntington 6300-14 (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Free: Toshiba Remote Control (Bala Cynwyd) Expired ct-8037
Photo of free Toshiba Remote Control (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Free: neutral density camera lens filter (Bala Cynwyd) Gifted Polaroid 5 S neutral density filter. With plastic case.
Photo of free neutral density camera lens filter (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Free: Raquet Ball Raquet (Bala Cynwyd) Gifted Ektelon Marathon Graphite, with cover.
Photo of free Raquet Ball Raquet (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Free: Flashlight/Lantern 6 volt (Bala Cynwyd) Gifted Plastic, waterproof. Uses 6 volt battery [pictured]
Photo of free Flashlight/Lantern 6 volt (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Free: Ladder - 8 foot wodden (Bala Cynwyd) Gifted 8 foot wooden ladder
Photo of free Ladder - 8 foot wodden (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Free: Folders (Bala Cynwyd) Gifted Hanging files folders and also manila folders. Mix of new and used.
Photo of free Folders (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Free: HDMI switch / splitter (Bala Cynwyd) Gifted Radioshack 1500659 Enables sending a mirrored HDMI signal to two different screens at the same time. Excellent for presentations or sending the same image to two different rooms. One HDMI Input, Two HDMI Outputs [Does NOT work the opposite direction.] 1080P@60Hz & 4K@30Hz Ready HDMI 1.4 Power requirement: 5VDC 500mA - power supply included
Photo of free HDMI switch / splitter (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Photo of free HDMI switch / splitter (Bala Cynwyd) #2
Free: chair mat - plastic (Bala Cynwyd) Gifted Flexible plastic chair mat. No cracks or tears. 52 1/2" x 45 1/2". Will roll up to fit in your vehicle.
Photo of free chair mat - plastic (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Free: various clothes hangers (Bala Cynwyd) Expired Assorted wood, plastic, wire, hangers. Picture is representative.
Photo of free various clothes hangers (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Free: SONY CD/DVD Remote Control (Bala Cynwyd) Expired rmt-d197a remote control for sony: dvp-sr100 dvp-sr120 dvp-sr201p dvp-sr210p dvp-sr210pb dvp-sr310p dvp-sr320 dvp-sr405p dvp-sr510h dvp-sr750hp dvpsr100 dvpsr120 dvpsr201p dvpsr210p dvpsr210pb dvpsr310p dvpsr320 dvpsr405p dvpsr510h dvpsr750hp rmtd197a dvp-sr100 dvp-sr120 dvp-sr201p dvp-sr210p dvp-sr210pb dvp-sr310p dvp-sr320 dvp-sr405p dvp-sr510h dvp-sr750hp dvpsr100 dvpsr120 dvpsr201p dvpsr210p dvpsr210pb dvpsr310p dvpsr320 dvpsr405p dvpsr510h dvpsr750hp.
Photo of free SONY CD/DVD Remote Control (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Free: Sadelite Northern Light Desk LampII (Bala Cynwyd) Gifted This is for bright light exposure in winter if you want that. Do not take this to use as a bright desk lamp. Read about it before deciding if it is for you:
Photo of free Sadelite Northern Light Desk LampII (Bala Cynwyd) #1
Free: household items (Bala Cynwyd) Gifted see photo
Photo of free household items (Bala Cynwyd) #1