A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Free: High Pressure Showerhead (Lake Balboa Haskell) Gifted - Only have had it a couple of months. It's great, but I found another that works better for my situation. RORLAND 4.7" Large High pressure Shower Head with power strong spray, 3 patterns
Photo of free High Pressure Showerhead (Lake Balboa Haskell)
Request: Handheld Hoe/Fork Combo Tool (Lake Balboa Haskell) Withdrawn - Handheld Hoe/Fork Combo Tool With Wooden Handle. I broke mine.
Photo of Handheld Hoe/Fork Combo Tool (Lake Balboa Haskell)
Request: Dried Leaves For My Garden (Lake Balboa Haskell) Withdrawn - I would like to use dried leaves for compost for my garden, but I do not have significant trees on my property. If you have plenty of dried leaves you dispose often I would love to have them. I can provide the bags. Request: White LADWP Showerhead (Lake Balboa Haskell) Withdrawn - Many years ago LADWP distributed white shower heads, and for me it was perfect, but I needed to replace it because it wore out, and their current silver ones aren't as good. Does anyone have a white one around? If you have more than 1 I would love it. Request: Portable DVD Player (Lake Balboa Haskell) Expired - Any condition so long as it works. Must have swivel screen, ac adapter, and remote.
Photo of Portable DVD Player (Lake Balboa Haskell)
Free: Orchid Plant In Need Of Rescue (Lake Balboa Haskell) Gifted - This plant was thriving until I transplanted it, and I am clearly out of my league here. For many seasons it's bloomed pretty light pink flowers. Please take it off my hands before it's too late. :-(
Photo of free Orchid Plant In Need Of Rescue (Lake Balboa Haskell)
Free: Rooted Coleus Cutting (Lake Balboa Haskell) Gifted - Any plant lovers interested in a beautiful coleus cutting with a strong, healthy root system.
Photo of free Rooted Coleus Cutting (Lake Balboa Haskell)
Request: Orchid Bark (Lake Balboa Haskell) Expired - I am transplanting an orchid. It's such a small project it's hardly worth buying a whole bag of orchid bark. If anyone has some and can spare about 10 cups or so, please contact me. Free: Travel Bidet (Lake Balboa Haskell) Gifted - Brand new, box never opened. /
Photo of free Travel Bidet (Lake Balboa Haskell)