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Hot chocolate press (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Unused, hot-chocoate press for syrup plus hot milk. 1-cup size. Give me a 2-hr window when you will come for this if chosen, with that time window at least 12 hrs after you place your request, so that I see it. I can leave it outside if necessary. Note that I do not text, and am not online 24/7, so the speed of messages exchanges through Trash Nothing will be at email speed.

Optics items for kids (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Stuff for summer elementary-school-aged kid activities, from lower left, clockwise: Tiny box with magnifier lid Magnifying glass Pair of prisms Multi-tool (compass, mirror, various magnifying glasses that can also be used as binoculars, etc.), includes box with instructions Hand-held microcope for looking at things the size of bugs, seeds, and similar (needs a battery) Give me a day and a 4-hour time window in which you will come for it/them if chosen, with this window of time starting no earlier than 12 hours after you eamil. I will then give you the address.



Toddler sippy cup (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Cute Italian sippy cup in great shape for a baby/toddler who is starting to drink from a cup. Has a lid with a few small holes that allows the child to learn to drink from a recular cup, and is weighted on the bottom so that it rights itself if it is put down sideways. Please provide day and a 2-hour time window, no sooner than 12 hrs after you email, when you will come for it, and I will provide the address. I am not online 24/7, and don't text, so expect communication by email through the Trash Nothing site.

Espresso cups & saucers (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
3 small white cups with saucers, for espresso. About 2 inches tall. Give me a 2-hr window of time (and date) when you will come for these if chosen, with that time slot at least 12 hours after you place your request (so that I see it). I do not text, and am not online 24/7, so please expect a time governed by email exchanges on this site. I can leave these outside for a pickup if necessary.

Espresso Coffee maker (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Classic, Italian "Express" stovetop espresso maker (~3.25 inches across at the base). Makes 2 or possibly 3 of the small espresso cups of coffee. Still in fine shape; I just never use it any more. Give me a window of time that is at least 2 hours when you will come get it if you are chosen, with this time frame at least 12 hours after you respond with your request (so that I have time to see your request). Note that I don't use texting for communication and am not online 24/7 - please expect a time scale that involves email communication through Trash Nothing.

Small brass lantern (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
About 7 inches tall. Uses lantern oil. It is a bit leaky, so if used inside, needs a plate underneath. We used to use it when we were car camping. Provide a 4-hr window when you will come for it, with this time window at least 12 hrs after you put in your request. I could leave it out with your name on it if I am not going to be home.

Partly used can of ground coffee (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Left over from a function that needed a lot of coffee (about 2/3 of a 24 oz. can is left). Use-by-date is February 2025. Dark-roast, percolator grind. Give me a 4-hr window when you will come for it, with this window starting no earlier than 12 hrs. after you send your request. I can leave this outside if I will not be home when you propose to come.

small electric heater (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Old-style but works - quite powerful for the size. Probably best for basements or garages or similar. Got it from a freecycler a few years ago when our furnace broke and it was winter. Passing it on now to someone who needs supplementary or temporary electric heat. Give me a 4-hr window when you can come get it, with this time slot at least 12 hours after you send me your request. I am not on email every second of the day, and need time to see and respond! If there is no rain in the forecast, I can leave it outside for you, but if it expected to be wet, and physical hand-over will be necessary.

Kid stuff: metal vehicles (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Two layers of mostly metal vehicles in a box, including matchbox cars/trucks, and similar (and a couple of odd larger flying vehicles). Most are only suitable for children ages 3 and up. One layer consists primarily of (small) work vehicles (dump trucks, diggers, garbage trucks, double-decker busses, etc.) - well used and loved, but still in good shape. The other layer is primarily somewhat larger emergency vehicles. Please read and abide by the instructions, below. Give me a 4-hour window in which you will actually come for them if chosen. This time window should start no earlier than 12 hours after you email to express interest, but does not have to be as early as 12 hours after you email! I would rather have an accurate time estimate a bit farther in the future than a time that really doesn't work for you so that you end up backing out. I check my email typically 2-3 times a day, so you can expect some delay before I respond to your request. I can leave the box outside for pickup if I will not be home when you want to come, but I get enough lead time to do this. No-shows go to the bottom of my list in the future.

Kid stuff: small plastic vehicles (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Two layers of plastic vehicles in a box. Most are fairly small (on the order of about 1.5 inch long), plus a few larger cars. With the exception of the larger cars, these are only suitable for children age about 3 and up. There are: cars (race cars, old cars, regular cars), boats, small airplanes, and lots of contruction/work vehicles. Please read instructions, below. Give me a 4-hour window in which you will actually come for them if chosen. This time window should start no earlier than 12 hours after you email to express interest, but does not have to be as early as 12 hours after you email! I would rather have an accurate time estimate a bit farther in the future than a time that really doesn't work for you so that you end up backing out. I check my email typically 2-3 times a day, so you can expect some delay before I respond to your request. I can leave the box outside for pickup if I will not be home when you want to come, but I get enough lead time to do this. No-shows go to the bottom of my list in the future.

Marble race blocks (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Small set of blocks for constructing a marble race (pictured). A few blocks are stained from spillage from a 9-year-old's crystal growing experiment, and all need some cleaning. You supply the marbles. Please read instructions, below. Give me a 4-hour window in which you will actually come for them if chosen. This time window should start no earlier than 12 hours after you email to express interest, but does not have to be as early as 12 hours after you email! I would rather have an accurate time estimate a bit farther in the future than a time that really doesn't work for you so that you end up backing out. I check my email typically 2-3 times a day, so you can expect some delay before I respond to your request. I can leave the set outside for pickup if I will not be home when you want to come, but I get enough lead time to do this. No-shows go to the bottom of my list in the future.

Pile of clean cedar wood planks (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
We deconstructed a bookshelf that came with the house. This is what is left. It consists of unfinished, good quality, cedar: a couple of long boards (maybe 7-8 feet), and quite a few that are in the range of 2.5-4 feet long. A couple of boards are stained from spillage of a 9-year-old's knocked-over crystal growing experiment. If these aren't claimed, they will go to the dump, but if you have use for them, you are welcome to them. We put them outside today, so they will be wet once it starts to rain. Please read instructions, below. Give me a 4-hour window in which you will actually come for them if chosen. This time window should start no earlier than 12 hours after you email to express interest, but does not have to be as early as 12 hours after you email! I would rather have an accurate time estimate a bit farther in the future than a time that really doesn't work for you so that you end up backing out. I check my email typically 2-3 times a day, so you can expect some delay before I respond to your request. No-shows go to the bottom of my list in the future.

Kid stuff: box of wooden blocks (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
This is a set of wooden blocks geared towards making buildings and cities. Probably best for ages 3-10 yrs. Give me a 4-hour window in which you will actually come for them if chosen. This time window should start no earlier than 12 hours after you email to express interest, but does not have to be as early as 12 hours after you email! I would rather have an accurate time estimate a bit farther in the future than a time that really doesn't work for you so that you end up backing out. I check my email typically 2-3 times a day, so you can expect some delay before I respond to your request. I can leave the items outside for pickup if I will not be home when you want to come, but I get enough lead time to do this. No-shows go to the bottom of my list in the future.

Kid stuff: Duplo (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Box full of duplo (for ages 18 mo to about 5 yrs). Box is 17" x 11" x 9" and is completely full. Keep your young children off of screens, and fire up their imaginations with this kind of toy. Please read and abide by instructions, below. Give me a 4-hour window in which you will actually come for the box, if chosen. This time window should start no earlier than 12 hours after you email to express interest, but does not have to be as early as 12 hours after you email! I would rather have an accurate time estimate a bit farther in the future than a time that really doesn't work for you so that you end up backing out. I check my email typically 2-3 times a day, so you can expect some delay before I respond to your request. I can leave the box outside for pickup with your name on it if I will not be home when you want to come, but I get enough lead time to do this. No-shows go to the bottom of my list in the future.

A set of 3 bulb forcing glasses (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
These are designed for forcing narcissus bulbs, but can be used for other purposes. Please read and abide by instructions, below, for pickup. Give me a 4-hour window in which you will actually come for them if chosen. This time window should start no earlier than 12 hours after you email to express interest, but does not have to be as early as 12 hours after you email! I would rather have an accurate time estimate a bit farther in the future than a time that really doesn't work for you so that you end up backing out. I check my email typically 2-3 times a day, so you can expect some delay before I respond to your request. I can leave the items outside for pickup if I will not be home when you want to come, but I get enough lead time to do this. No-shows go to the bottom of my list in the future.

philodendron (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Large philodendron. Needs untangling and tidying up. It is healthy, but has been relatively ignored for some years and the vines are tangled and need tidying, trimming, or to use as pieces to starts new plants. I removed the plant from its pot today, and the relatively small root ball is in a plastic bag with wet paper towels. The weather is still warm enough to arrange a no-contact pickup during the day, but it is probably too cool to leave it out after dark. Give me a window of time that you can come for it that is up to 4 hrs long and not before 9:30 AM, with the earliest time at least 4 hrs after you send your request so that I am sure to see that you made a request!

Lots of houseplants - part 3 (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
edit: Hoya carnosa still available. I had a no-show. Propose up to a 4 hour window when you can come, with this window of time starting either no earlier than 12 hrs after you email. If you want an earlier time, you are welcome to ask, but I am not always online or at home, so I may not see that request in time.

Lots of houseplants - part 2 (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
[edit: still available] 3 baby Chinese money plants (Pilea peperomioides). Box of jade clippings (you start them). I had a no-show. Propose up to a 4 hour window when you can come, with this window of time starting either no earlier than 12 hrs after you email. If you want an earlier time, you are welcome to ask, but I am not always online or at home, so I may not see that request in time.

Lots of houseplants - part 1 (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
All are indoor-only plants. I had a no-show, so some are still available. Edited: Peace lily. African violets still available: 1 magenta & white (shown), and 2 red & white (the ones blooming in the picture of 3 African violets). 2 Schlumbergeras (NOIDs) left: 1 reddish and 1 magenta & white. Propose up to a 4 hour window when you can come, with this window of time starting either no earlier than 12 hrs after you email. If you want an earlier time, you are welcome to ask, but I am not always online or at home, so I may not see that request in time.


Large can & jar, with lids (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
1 large plain jar with white lid (~7.5" tall) 1 red can (5" tall) Give me a date and a 4-hour time window in which you will come if chosen. This time winow should be at least 12 hrs from when you ask for the items.

LOTs of Playmobile (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Pirate/merchant ship with armor and treasure down to tiny coins; Castle pieces; motor boat (no real motor); smaller row boats and "inflatable" boat; animals; A farm tractor/thresher; and lots and lots of people (adults and children) and little stuff (skis, bikes, hats, tools, etc., you name it) that fill the carton shown (not including the ship). Must take all. Ship needs a bath and a bit of help with the front rigging, but otherwise things are in pretty good shape. Ages 3-8 or so (small pieces). Give me a 4-hr time window(s) and day(s) when you will come for this if selected, with the earliest time window no earlier than 6:00 PM Sunday. I will give you the address. Note: I don't text. If you are selected, ring the doorbell.

Jade plant clippings for starts (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
A pile of trimmings from one of my huge jade plants. These root easily. Jade plants are easy-care. Claim some or all. Your proposed pickup must be no earlier than 11:00 AM on Sunday July 14. (10:00 AM is ok on Monday onward). Tell me when you will come (the date and time within a 4-hr interval), how much you want, and I will give you the address. I won't be responding to queries until Saturday evening.

Kitchen items (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
1 Unused shorbread mold (for Xmas shortbread) - Williams Sonoma 1 Tortilla press (works fine, we just don't use it any more) 1 glass butter dish Let me know which you want (be explicit, and you can request all). Give me a 4-hour window in which you will come for it/them if chosen, with this window of time starting no earlier than 10:00 AM on Sunday June 16. I will then give you the address. No-shows go to the bottom of my list in the future.

Large can & jar, with lids (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
1 large plain jar with white lid (~7.5" tall) 1 red can (5" tall) Give me a day and a 4-hour time window in which you will come for it/them if chosen, with this window of time starting no earlier than 9:00 AM. I will then give you the address. No-shows go to the bottom of my list in the future.

Box of slim empty CD cases (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
One large shoe-box of 2, originally in the photo) full of the narrow, single-CD plastic cases. All in fine condition. Please provide a day and 4-hr window (at least 12 hours after you email) when you will come for pickup, and I will send the address.

Glass vases (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
6 glass vases, in total, of different sizes and shapes. The ones in the first photo range from 5" - 7.5" tall, and in the second photo all three are about 8" tall. Let me know which you want (be explicit, and you can request any or all). Give me a 4-hour window in which you will come for it/them if chosen, with this window of time starting no earlier than 12 hours after you send your request. I will then give you the address. Also, if you don't check messages directlyin Trash Nothing, make sure that in your Trash Nothing account you are forwarding emails to your preferred email receipt location. No-shows get lower priority in the future.

A set of 3 bulb forcing glasses (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
These are designed for forcing narcissus bulbs, but can be used for other purposes. Give me a 4-hour window in which you will come for them if chosen, with this window of time starting no earlier than 10:00 AM on Sunday June 16. I will then give you the address. No-shows go to the bottom of my list in the future.

11 African violets (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Extras, in various sizes from small recent starts to large mature plants. These are inside houseplants, not garden plants. Some have simple flowers and leaves, while others have frilly flowers and leaves. In total, I have 5 colors right now: 2 magenta (simple), 1 blue (simple), 3 red & white (frilly), 4 Magenta & white (frilly), and 1 blue & white (frilly). Some plants are currently blooming. Some may bloom later this spring/summer, others may wait until they are bigger. The smallest plants are ready for the next-size pot, and the largest may appreciate a repotting this summer or next. The photo with 11 plants shows the ones being offered (a number are now claimed). The photos with the magenta & white and blue & white flowers are there just to show the color/pattern of these varieties. (edited to add photos) Give me a 4-hour window when you can come, with your pickup time at least 8 hours later than when make your request. Also let me know which color(s) you are interested in, and how many plants you would like.
Partly-used bag of QuikRete (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
8 pounds remaiing of a 10-pound bag of QuikRete. I used what I needed for a small repair. The rest is available for your small repair. Give me a 4-hour window of time when you can come get it, with this window at least 12 hours after you email.

Many empty CD cases (Hawthorne Hills in NE Seattle)
Edit: One large shoe-box left (of 2, originally) full of the narrow, single-CD plastic cases. All in fine condition. Please provide a 4-hr window (at least 12 hours after you email) when you will come for pickup, and I will send the address.
