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Incandecent light bulbs (Mount Airy)
I have a box of old incandescent (non-LED!) bulbs that I bought when they were going to stop making them, because I didn't want to use the CFLs. Now I have standardized on LEDs and dont need these. I am in Mount Airy, MD off of 27 North of 70. Give me an approximate time you can pick up and I'll send the address.
Small couch (Mount Airy)
Small couch. We do have the other cushion, but removed to show how it's constructed. Cat shown for scale, not included :-) 50" wide, 36" deep, 30" tall in back From a house with cats and dogs, so there will be fur, but the cushion covers come off to be washed. We are 3 miles North of Rt70, just off of Rt 27 in Mount Airy. Please give time you can come. Priority for quickest pickup time.