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Free: Chianti bottle (Wimborne BH21) Does anyone want to do the classic 1970s dripped-candle thing, or make a lamp?! One empty Chianti bottle which has been hiding under our stairs. Happy to recycle if no takers! To be collected from central Wimborne, please. AngieC.
Photo of free Chianti bottle (Wimborne BH21) #1
Free: Bag of outdated/surplus seeds (Wimborne BH21) Gifted A bag of out-of-date or duplicate/surplus vegetable seeds to go! Most of the outdated ones are probably perfectly viable, many of them best-before '23 or '24. If I had more space I'd be growing them myself. Pass on any you can't use! To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP please.
Photo of free Bag of outdated/surplus seeds (Wimborne BH21) #1
Free: 2 bags wooden clothes hangers (Wimborne BH21) Gifted 2 bags of about 10 wooden coat hangers each surplus to requirements here! Mostly from IKEA. To be collected ASAP from central Wimborne, please.
Photo of free 2 bags wooden clothes hangers (Wimborne BH21) #1
Free: Elderly Panasonic Viera tv (Wimborne BH21) Withdrawn This elderly tv, which had a lovely picture, does work fine but doesn't get on so well with the new broadband/tv setup that our WFH offspring apparently require! So has been replaced (sigh) but might do someone a good turn. The screen measures 26"/66cm on the diagonal, so quite dinky by modern standards. Has all sorts of connectors at the back & a remote which I don't think is original, but was working when it was all changed, before Christmas. To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please. It's quite heavy & chunky
Photo of free Elderly Panasonic Viera tv (Wimborne BH21) #1
Photo of free Elderly Panasonic Viera tv (Wimborne BH21) #2
Free: Ice cream maker (Wimborne BH21) Gifted On the faint offchance that someone out there fancies trying to get this working properly again - my brilliant Gaggia Gelateria compressor ice-cream maker, complete with 3 mixing bowls & paddles. It may just need oiling or something but needs a lot of encouragement to get going now & sometimes "sticks" towards the end of the process. When working properly, it makes the BEST ice-cream, sorbet or frozen yogurt, with no additives, but only 600ml at a time - hence needing extra bowls! (My kids clubbed together & bought me a new, larger one for Christmas, hence my not even trying to get it mended.) To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please. It is heavy & takes up a fair mount of worktop/cupboard space, but we found it very worthwhile.
Photo of free Ice cream maker (Wimborne BH21) #1
Free: Vintage gents wardrobe, painted (Wimborne BH21) Gifted This old wardrobe is in need of a new home fast, as it's currently in the back of our car & it can't stay there! It's a bit of a project as my "returning" son has rejected it (was his sister's)because of mildew after the wet summer that we've had, so it's in need of a good brush-out & maybe re-painting, but it's a useful bit of furniture & the vintage details are to die for! Height is 180cm, plus a little decorative plinth that fits on top, width is 95cm & depth 46cm. There is no rot or woodworm, just a coating of mildew on some of the inside & back, where it was against the wall. Fits into a large estate or MPV - just as well! Please collect ASAP, it simply can't stay where it is for any length of time.
Photo of free Vintage gents wardrobe, painted (Wimborne BH21) #1
Photo of free Vintage gents wardrobe, painted (Wimborne BH21) #2
Photo of free Vintage gents wardrobe, painted (Wimborne BH21) #3
Photo of free Vintage gents wardrobe, painted (Wimborne BH21) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: Bin bag full of curtains etc (Wimborne BH21) Gifted A large bin-bag full of faux-velvet curtains, a blue vintage waffle bedspread, a couple of tablecloths etc. These have been on sale in a vintage emporium, but I've closed that stall down now & have no storage! May do someone a good turn, perhaps just as fabric? Or for a car-boot/jumble sale? To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please.
Photo of free Bin bag full of curtains etc (Wimborne BH21) #1
Photo of free Bin bag full of curtains etc (Wimborne BH21) #2
Photo of free Bin bag full of curtains etc (Wimborne BH21) #3
Free: Pine single bed & mattress (Wimborne BH21) Gifted Anyone in need of a sturdy 3' x 6' pine single bed? I had no warning it was coming back in our car so didn't manage to take any pics! A little bit scuffed & with the odd paint mark (may come off!) but not too shabby; it's been a guest bed in our son's flat for the last year. The mattress is in reasonable used condition, not pristine but still very comfortable. The headboard & footboard are also pine; it's a high-ish footboard so not so suitable for persons of the tall persuasion. To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please. It will fit into a car that can take a 6' length. I could possibly help with delivery if you are within are very local & can help carry.
Free: Christmas bits (Wimborne BH21) Gifted A selection of Christmassy bits, some just surplus to requirements & some banned by our Tastefulness Police, in need of a new home! A cheap & cheerful felt Santa jacket & a lot of baubles; pretty sure they are all plastic. Hope someone out there can use them! Collect from central Wimborne, please.
Photo of free Christmas bits (Wimborne BH21) #1
Photo of free Christmas bits (Wimborne BH21) #2
Free: Old Panasonic bread maker (Wimborne BH21) Expired Spares or repair! This old Panny 253 is no longer working properly; it mixes the dough fine & keeps it warm (great for pizza or rolls) but the lid is partly broken & doesn't seal properly, so it doesn't quite get hot enough to bake a good loaf - the last few have been a bit solid - but still edible. Seems a shame to junk it when it is still partly working & does have parts (the pan & the paddle) that other people may be in need of. I may still have an extra pan & paddle too. To be collected from central Wimborne, please.
Photo of free Old Panasonic bread maker (Wimborne BH21) #1
Photo of free Old Panasonic bread maker (Wimborne BH21) #2
Photo of free Old Panasonic bread maker (Wimborne BH21) #3
Free: Large canvas print of New York (Wimborne BH21) Expired One large canvas print of New York scenes in sepia & grey tones with a yellow taxi. No frame; the canvas is stretched on wood which is about 1" deep. Came from a teenage bedroom; could be used for same, or possibly painted over, though it's not the thickest canvas or sturdiest of frames. To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please.
Photo of free Large canvas print of New York (Wimborne BH21) #1
Free: Grey/yellow household linen (Wimborne BH21) Gifted A small pile of grey/yellow household linen, gently used but still decent, most from John Lewis. One grey/white bath mat, a couple of single duvet covers, both with one matching pillowcase, and a couple of random grey leaf-pattern pillowcases. Can add a couple of single white sheets if needed! Far too good to dump but not colours I'd choose to weave or stitch with. To be collected from central Wimborne, please. AngieC.
Photo of free Grey/yellow household linen (Wimborne BH21) #1
Free: Small upright fridge (Wimborne BH21) Gifted This was a 3-way camping fridge but no longer works on gas and apparently can't be mended. But it works perfectly on mains and probably still on 12V (not tested) We've been using it for ferments like kimchi & sauerkraut but it's now been replaced. Dimensions in cm are approx 45h x 50d x 50w. Does ice up fairly fast but it's quick to defrost too. To be collected from central Wimborne, please.
Photo of free Small upright fridge (Wimborne BH21) #1
Photo of free Small upright fridge (Wimborne BH21) #2
Free: 10kg sack of dog kibble (Wimborne BH21) Gifted Ordered in error & damaged before I had a chance to return it unopened, one 10 kg sack of James Wellbeloved dog kibble. Oh dear, not what our elderly & rather senile senior cat thought she was getting into! None of our family or neighbouring pooches seem to appreciate this brand. To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please.
Photo of free 10kg sack of dog kibble (Wimborne BH21) #1
Photo of free 10kg sack of dog kibble (Wimborne BH21) #2
Photo of free 10kg sack of dog kibble (Wimborne BH21) #3
Request: Twinwall or corrugated plastic (Wimborne BH21) Expired Please does anyone have any twinwall or corrugated plastic panels going spare, perhaps from a conservatory or greenhouse that's being demolished? I need to replace the roof of the greenhouse on my allotment, which is partly broken & isn't made from regular greenhouse glass so not easily replaced. Can collect more or less to suit you! Thanking you all, AngieC.
Request: Wallpaper sample book (Wimborne BH21) Expired Please does anyone have an old wallpaper sample book clogging up their craft space & going spare? Needed for a workshop! Can collect from anywhere within sensible driving distance of Wimborne. Thanking you, AngieC.
Free: 2 electrical mending projects (Wimborne BH21) Expired I have 2 small electrical appliances that are either not working but contain useful parts, or not working properly. Might suit someone looking to practise their mending skills? All surplus to requirements now here in any case. 1) A Lakeland large (6l) slow cooker; the switch has come loose & the current is no longer coming through. The ceramic pot or glass lid are usually the bits that people need to replace! So not without value even if it can't be mended. 2) A Tassimo coffee maker, which remains convinced that it needs descaling even after 4 attempts to do so. Works, and makes nice coffee, just has a persistent red light & is quite large! (Dualit kettle safely rehomed now) To be collected from central Wimborne, please.
Photo of free 2 electrical mending projects (Wimborne BH21) #1
Free: 2 x XL gents dress suits (Wimborne BH21) Gifted 2 XL gents dress suits surplus to requirements here; one is a grey Moss Bros XL tail suit, the other a black suit by Daniel Drescott Tailoring, no size given in the jacket but clearly on the large & long side, trousers with a 42" waist. Might suit (sorry!) someone going to a formal wedding or similar, or theatricals, or just someone looking for very good fabric to work with? The Moss Bros trousers have something like coffee staining on the lower leg, probably removable. To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please.
Photo of free 2 x XL gents dress suits (Wimborne BH21) #1
Photo of free 2 x XL gents dress suits (Wimborne BH21) #2
Photo of free 2 x XL gents dress suits (Wimborne BH21) #3
Free: 10 Douwe Egberts coffee jars (Wimborne BH21) Gifted Can anyone use a box of 10 Douwe Egbert coffee jars? I use them for fermenting & preserving, but still have the other 99... All have their lid inserts; not a tight seal you can use for long term preservation but fine in the short term or for dehydrated fruit. To be collected from central Wimborne, please.
Photo of free 10 Douwe Egberts coffee jars (Wimborne BH21) #1
Free: Binbag full of fabric scraps (Wimborne BH21) Gifted A binbag stuffed with all kinds of fabric scraps - some large, mostly fairly small - including some biggish bits of upholstery stuff. Might suit someone creative, or with creative kids; not suitable for re-sale. To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please - space is at a premium!
Request: Single futon mattress (Wimborne BH21) Expired I'm looking for a single traditional futon mattress (i.e. the cotton-covered fibre-filled pad "tied" with buttons, without springs or foam) if anyone has one to spare, please! I'm able to re-cover if necessary and can collect more or less to suit you. Thanking you, AngieC.
Free: Bin-bag of scrap fabrics (Wimborne BH21) Expired A bin-bag full of sewing-room scraps - cotton, silk, viscose, polycotton - all sorts! None particularly big but lots of colour & variety. To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please; I'm desperately short of space again!
Photo of free Bin-bag of scrap fabrics (Wimborne BH21) #1
Request: Compost bins & garden fork (Wimborne BH21) Received Please does anyone within easy reach of Wimborne have a spare compost bin or two? Needed for "new" allotment where the old wooden composters have - well, composted. Also in need of a digging fork too, hopefully suitable for a person of the not-terribly-tall persuasion. Thanking you all, AngieC.
Free: Large box of garden/green magazines (Wimborne BH21) Gifted A number (30+?) of green & gardening magazines, mostly fairly recent (i.e. the last couple of years) though there may be some older ones in there too. I usually leave the box by our front gate with a "Help yourself!" notice but the weather's not conducive to that just now & there aren't as many people passing. Full of ideas for your garden, or lots of colour pics for making beads or similar? To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please!
Photo of free Large box of garden/green magazines (Wimborne BH21) #1
Free: Bin bag of fabric scraps (Wimborne BH21) Gifted A bin-bag full of scraps & sewing-room offcuts. The bulk of it is bits of old cotton shirts that have been used in quilts or similar projects but there are also offcuts of Indian & African fabrics, a tiny quilt (not made by me!) some upholstery fabric samples, a few bits suitable for embroidery - lots of stuff to work with! To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please.
Photo of free Bin bag of fabric scraps (Wimborne BH21) #1
Free: Bin bag of old felted wool jumpers (Wimborne BH21) Gifted A bin-bag full of old, damaged, felted wool jumpers - I was making festive gnomes out of these but we're out of season now & I'm out of space! Would be good for a crafter wanting to make - fingerless gloves? Berets? Cushion covers? Hot water bottle covers? Pet bedding? Hanging basket liners? Or anything where natural fibres/warmth is needed. To be collected from central Wimborne, please. Adding that there's no live moth infestation - mostly they are just worn out beyond reasonable mending!
Photo of free Bin bag of old felted wool jumpers (Wimborne BH21) #1
Free: Christmas tree (Wimborne BH21) Gifted Just came across this in the loft - a (fake) 6' Christmas tree; we were given & used this last year when it became apparent that our old one had somehow become parted from its two upper sections. It doesn't look too bad when connected, bent into shape & fluffed up - see 2nd pic. Would be a shame to add it to the stream of festive carnage down at the Tip if anyone can use it? To be collected from central Wimborne, please, preferably before next December!
Photo of free Christmas tree (Wimborne BH21) #1
Photo of free Christmas tree (Wimborne BH21) #2
Free: Two "dead" sewing machines (Wimborne BH21) Gifted From the collapsed shed & my son's bedroom, which is needed again any day: A knee-lift Bernina Record in a very dilapidated case, with two extension tables, neither of which fit (!) and no electrical connector. This machine is mechanically fine & would go very well if you can find the right plug & use a knee-lift rather than a foot-pedal. Berninas are the absolute best, especially the older all-metal models; this one does have its knee-lifter. A "seized" Singer 201K, not currently working at all but probably would with some skilled attention. The motor looks extremely dodgy but there's a spare, or it can easily be converted to hand-crank. I have just found a footpedal that fits the spare motor, which may or may not work. Useful for spares if nothing else. To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please - space needed for the festivities!
Photo of free Two "dead" sewing machines (Wimborne BH21) #1
Photo of free Two "dead" sewing machines (Wimborne BH21) #2
Free: Elderly "mobility" aids (Wimborne BH21) Gifted Rescued from my mother's bungalow in lockdown (when she went into a care home) two "bed levers" which tuck under the mattress & strap round the bed base, allowing the less-mobile to haul themself up to sit & clamber out of bed, and a shower seat. They've been in our garage ever since, so need a thorough clean, but may "do" for someone out there? To be collected ASAP from central Wimborne, please.
Photo of free Elderly "mobility" aids (Wimborne BH21) #1
Free: Cat drinking fountain (Wimborne BH21) Gifted An automatic "fountain" for cats who prefer to drink running water. Ours still prefers pond water! Worked last time we tried it. To be collected from central Wimborne ASAP, please.
Photo of free Cat drinking fountain (Wimborne BH21) #1