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Free: 20 Cardboard 1/2 Dozen Egg Boxes (Bakewell DE45) 20 cardboard 1/2 dozen (6) egg boxes Available immediately Collection from Bakewell
Photo of free 20 Cardboard 1/2 Dozen Egg Boxes (Bakewell DE45) #1
Free: Crockpot (CSC046) - slow cooker (Bakewell DE45) Gifted Crockpot model CSC046 suitable for 1-2 people. Whilst the slow cooker works, it does seem to take longer to cook than I would expect to Collection from Bakewell
Photo of free Crockpot (CSC046) - slow cooker (Bakewell DE45) #1
Free: Kitchen worktop 138cm length (Bakewell DE45) Gifted Surplus pieces of kitchen worktop. 138cm x 60cm x 4cm. Unused and no longer required. There are also some edging strips to go with the worktop Collection from Bakewell
Photo of free Kitchen worktop 138cm length (Bakewell DE45) #1
Free: Wheeled metal computer workstation/desk (Bakewell DE45) Gifted Wheeled metal computer workstation with keyboard shelf. Surplus to requirements Available for collection from Bakewell
Photo of free Wheeled metal computer workstation/desk (Bakewell DE45) #1
Free: Hooded towelling bath robe (Bakewell DE45) Gifted Hooded towelling bathrobe, suitable for a child of approx 60 inches (5 foot,) in height. Recently washed. Lightly used, if at all Collection from Bakewell -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Photo of free Hooded towelling bath robe (Bakewell DE45) #1
Free: Dark brown cushions (X2) (Bakewell DE45) Gifted 2 x dark brown cushions. Both identical, approx 50cm square. Fully textured surface on one side, half textured, half flat on the other. Collection from Bakewell -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Photo of free Dark brown cushions (X2) (Bakewell DE45) #1
Photo of free Dark brown cushions (X2) (Bakewell DE45) #2
Free: Single Flat Sheets & Pillowcases (Bakewell DE45) Gifted 2 x yellow single flat sheets with a single pillow case (used) 2 x blue single flat sheets with a single pillow case (used) 2 x blue single flat sheets (unused) I've had a tidy out of the linen cupboard and have the above items as surplus. Is anyone short of sheets? -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Photo of free Single Flat Sheets & Pillowcases (Bakewell DE45) #1
Free: Table/bedside lamp (Bakewell DE45) Expired In full working order, though the bulb is only 7w, so not the brightest light.
Photo of free Table/bedside lamp (Bakewell DE45) #1
Free: Selection of cardboard egg boxes (Bakewell DE45) Expired There are approx 15 cardboard egg boxes available. Mostly in the 10 egg size but a couple of 12 egg sizes too. Happy to split Collection from Bakewell
Photo of free Selection of cardboard egg boxes (Bakewell DE45) #1
Free: IKEA bedside table with drawer (Bakewell DE45) Gifted White IKEA bedside table with deep drawer. Works perfectly well. Surplus to requirements
Photo of free IKEA bedside table with drawer (Bakewell DE45) #1
Free: Thomas Junior Bed (Bakewell DE45) Gifted Junior bed with mattress, branded as Thomas the Tank engine. Shows sign of wear, but still has some life left in it.
Photo of free Thomas Junior Bed (Bakewell DE45) #1
Photo of free Thomas Junior Bed (Bakewell DE45) #2
Request: Sky HD TV receiver (Bakewell DE45) Expired I'm looking for a Sky HDTV receiver for my Dad. He has an older non HD Sky box, but due to the imminent switch off of the older non HD TV channels, will no longer be able to use this to watch free to view BBC & ITV channels. If anyone has an old one no longer in use, this would be appreciated