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Free: Shower caddy (Myrtletown/Eureka) Barely used. I think it originally had suction cups to mount, but they are gone. Dimensions: 10-1⁄2” w, 5” d, 10” h.
Photo of free Shower caddy (Myrtletown/Eureka) #1
Free: Hyperthyroid Medicine for cats (Myrtletown/Eureka) Gifted Methimazole, 5 mg, 91-1/2 tablets. My cat just couldn't tolerate them. The vet said there was no problem they knew of for me to rehome them, but they couldn't take them back. I will trust you to already have this prescription for your pet.
Photo of free Hyperthyroid Medicine for cats (Myrtletown/Eureka) #1
Free: Pressboard Panel (Myrtletown/Eureka) Withdrawn Pretty nice piece of panel, but it came damaged in such a way that I couldn't use it. Dimensions: 3/4" x 20-1/2"x31-1/8". The inside area (without the holes) is 17-5/8" x 24". One corner is busted up, but involves only about 1"x1" area.
Photo of free Pressboard Panel (Myrtletown/Eureka) #1
Free: Ceramic Tile (Myrtletown/Eureka) Withdrawn Almond-color "eggshell" glaze (NOT glossy) tile. Very much like the DalTile sold by the piece at Pierson's. 19 - 4"x4" "regular" pieces, 7 - 4"x4" with one bullnose edge, 2 - 6" long edge pieces.
Photo of free Ceramic Tile (Myrtletown/Eureka) #1
Free: Microwave Cart (Myrtletown/Eureka) Gifted Pressboard construction with faux-wood "paper" veneer, on casters. Nice and solid. Some damage to veneer, but not bad considering it's >30 years old (see photos). Dimensions 28 1/2" wide, 17 1/2" deep, 36" high.
Photo of free Microwave Cart (Myrtletown/Eureka) #1
Photo of free Microwave Cart (Myrtletown/Eureka) #2
Photo of free Microwave Cart (Myrtletown/Eureka) #3
Free: Iris Rhizomes - While They Last (Myrtletown/Eureka) Expired One batch are definitely bearded iris: with pale wine-red standards (sometimes going toward apricot-yellow) and darker wine-red falls. Leaves ~18" long, flower stalks ~2.5-3' tall. The other batch are probably bearded iris, but the flowers are smaller than a "classic" type; more like a Dutch iris. Flowers are overall white, with yellow. Leaves and flower stalks ~4' high. Easy care for both. Full sun to part shade. Location: 2914 Park Street, Myrtletown. They're on the front porch right now (Saturday), because of the rain. I'll set them at the curb if the weather dries. "While supplies last"; I won't set any aside for you. There are more of the white and yellows coming, as soon as I divide them. - At least I think they're more of the white & yellow. Those you can inquire about, and I can let you know when they're going out to the curb.
Photo of free Iris Rhizomes - While They Last (Myrtletown/Eureka) #1
Photo of free Iris Rhizomes - While They Last (Myrtletown/Eureka) #2
Free: Plants, Seeds (Myrtletown/Eureka) Expired WHILE THEY LAST (Saturday offering) - First come, first serve; I won't hold them. At 2914 Park Street, Myrtletown, Eureka Louisana iris plants (Iris gaganticaerulea) Firecracker plant (Cuphea ignea) Alaska fern (Polystichum setiferum) - only one plant this time Columbine seeds (mixed colors, single & double) California poppy seeds(mixed colors) Saffron crocus bulbs (small) garlic bulbs (small)
Free: Air/Water Hammer Arrestors (Myrtletown/Eureka) Expired To stop banging water pipes. Unused Sioux Chief brand AA size; fittings are sized for laundry or garden spigots. I bought the wrong configuration, and would rather give them away than bother returning them. Take one or both.
Photo of free Air/Water Hammer Arrestors (Myrtletown/Eureka) #1
Free: Tent with zipper problems (Myrtletown/Eureka) Expired Greensmith brand 8'x10' dome tent. Lightly used, but the door's zipper has begun to separate. Maybe someone knows how to get the teeth to mesh again, or wants to install a new zipper.
Photo of free Tent with zipper problems (Myrtletown/Eureka) #1
Photo of free Tent with zipper problems (Myrtletown/Eureka) #2
Free: Tomato Seedlings (Myrtletown/Eureka) Expired I have extras, and will set them out on the curb Sunday (5/14) morning about 8:00. All are in 6-pack cells, so they're still small but will quickly grow. Several Pink Berkeley Tie-dye, a few Sungold cherry, and one Chocolate cherry. First come, first serve. 2914 Park Street, Myrtletown, Eureka.