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Free: "Kids" Sunscreen (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Gifted Spray on sunscreen and sticks of sunscreen - both are easier than lotion with fidgeting kids. Most are partially used. Not a great time of year for giving away sunscreen, but "free" never really goes out-of-season.
Photo of free "Kids" Sunscreen (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #1
Free: Tumbling Composter (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Gifted This gently used composter is roughly 3 feet high and 2x2 feet at the base. It's well reviewed on Amazon. Fully assembled, though the stand can be quickly removed for easier transport.
Photo of free Tumbling Composter (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #1
Free: Thermarest backpack/camp mattress (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Gifted The larger one pictured here, around 25 years old. Primarily for backpacking, but can be used for camping too. full length (6 feet) and 1" thick, but has a slow leak. The leak is slow enough that it'll last through the night and you just have to refresh it each evening before going to bed again.
Photo of free Thermarest backpack/camp mattress (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #1
Free: Headphones with Mic (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Gifted An inexpensive model, but they work. Could be used for gaming or for Zoom or other video conferencing. Mic swings out of the way when not wanted.
Photo of free Headphones with Mic (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #1
Free: Books (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Expired Endurance is an amazing book chronicling the adventures of Ernest Shackleton's Antarctica trip SF Tour book from 2000 Spanish book is travel phrases
Photo of free Books (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #1
Photo of free Books (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #2
Photo of free Books (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #3
Free: Pool Inflatable (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Expired 20 inches wide by 5.5 feet long. Holds air.
Photo of free Pool Inflatable (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #1
Free: 5 CPAP Nasal Pillows (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Expired Airfit P10, size XS Unopened
Photo of free 5 CPAP Nasal Pillows (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #1
Free: Ikea shelving unit (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Gifted About 2 feet high and two feet wide, called "KALLAX". It's currently disassembled (for easier storage and transport), but I could quickly assemble before pickup if you like.
Photo of free Ikea shelving unit (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #1
Free: Sci-Fi Classics-Red Mars,Blue Mars (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Gifted First and last of the trilogy. Missing the middle book, Green Mars. By Kim Stanley Robinson
Free: Bay Area Thomas Bros Map (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Gifted From 1998, a Thomas Bros. map book with 100+ pages showing detailed maps of the entire bay area, down to the individual street level.
Free: "D" cell batteries (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Gifted Somehow I have 8 of them, but nothing I own uses D cells. 4 dated 2022 that are almost certainly good 1 dated 2003 that is almost certainly dead 3 dated 2014 that might be good
Free: Cover for 16 inch M1 MacBook Pro (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Gifted Clear, hard plastic. Top and bottom. Box says M1 16-inch MacBook Pro, but I think it should also work with the newer M2 16-inch model.
Photo of free Cover for 16 inch M1 MacBook Pro (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #1
Free: Basic camping pad, self inflating (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Gifted It's in fine condition and the quality seems good, but it was a low-end camping pad to begin with. Good for someone who doesn't want to spend $50-100 for the top-of-the-line. Probably too heavy for backpacking, but good for car camping. Should fit anyone up to about 5 foot nine. Taller than that and your head or toes will be off the ends.
Photo of free Basic camping pad, self inflating (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #1
Photo of free Basic camping pad, self inflating (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #2
Free: Misc. Books (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) Expired * 2 of 3 in Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy. The missing book (Green Mars) can be found in county libraries. * Spanish dictionary / phrase book * High school science textbook, Physics of the Universe, does a nice job explaining concepts like gravity, energy, etc. with a focus on decisions our society needs to make in the coming years, like more solar panels vs. more nuclear plants.
Photo of free Misc. Books (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #1
Photo of free Misc. Books (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #2
Photo of free Misc. Books (San Rafael, Near Gerstle Park) #3