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Free: Antibacterial Hand Soap, Etc (Green Lane) 2 Gallon jugs of Antibacterial Hand Soap (past expiration date, opened but mostly full), sealed 42 oz Foaming Hand Sanitizer, & sealed 27 oz Durashield Hand Lotion. Hoping someone can use them!
Photo of free Antibacterial Hand Soap, Etc (Green Lane) #1
Free: Bag of 10cc Sealed Plastic Syringes (Green Lane) anyone know if a vet or something would take these?
Photo of free Bag of 10cc Sealed Plastic Syringes (Green Lane) #1
Request: Guitar, musical instruments (Green Lane) Expired I am looking to learn/brush up on playing some instruments so that I can eventually host child-friendly music making hours as a community activity. If anyone has old or unused instruments I would be glad to put them to good use(: Thank you!
Free: Bag of 10cc Sealed Plastic Syringes (Green Lane) Expired Hoping someone can use them!
Photo of free Bag of 10cc Sealed Plastic Syringes (Green Lane) #1
Free: Contact Lens Cases & Solution (Green Lane) Expired Unopened box of solution + case kit (expired 2022) & various contact lens cases. Hoping someone can use them!(:
Photo of free Contact Lens Cases & Solution (Green Lane) #1
Request: Laptop/Macbook (Spring House) Expired I am hoping that someone has an older laptop or MacBook that they no longer use & would be willing to pass on to me for classes I will be taking in the spring(: Thank you in advance!
Request: Vinyl Records (cassettes & CDs) (Spring House) Expired Any time period & music genre(: I love collecting & playing them on my record player & stereo, & I would gladly rehome any that are no longer wanted. Thanks in advance!
Request: Sewing form (Spring House) Expired I just recently got back into sewing & would so appreciate a sewing form/mannequin type form for making clothes if anyone has one they no longer need! Thank you(: