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Free: framed Mapplethorpe orchid poster (Novato) Promised 27"wide 39 1/2 " tall slightly faded, glass needs windex cleaning
Photo of free framed Mapplethorpe orchid poster (Novato) #1
Free: black dresser (Novato) 32 1/2 wide x 18" deep x 41" high Drawers tilt forward slightly when opened one metal pull not attached on bottom drawer but we have it.
Photo of free black dresser (Novato) #1
Free: Keto Diet set (Novato) Gifted Book, recipes, dvd etc.
Photo of free Keto Diet set (Novato) #1
Free: Wayne Dyer Power of Intention set (Novato) Expired 4 CD set, intended to listen to them but..... therefore in perfection condition
Photo of free Wayne Dyer Power of Intention set (Novato) #1
Free: 4 mirror tiles (Novato) Expired dusty, v minor silver side edge chips on two of them, not on the glass edges 12" x 12"
Photo of free 4 mirror tiles (Novato) #1
Free: Bonnie Raitt/ Taj Mahal poster (Novato) Expired 11" x 17". good condition, souvenir from the concert
Photo of free Bonnie Raitt/ Taj Mahal poster (Novato) #1
Free: Picasso Poster (Novato) Gifted 36" x 24" good condition, never made it into a frame.
Photo of free Picasso Poster (Novato) #1
Free: Hall stand/shoe cubbies (Novato) Expired Assembled from Home Depot. Good condition. Color: espresso 68" x 38" x 15.5"
Photo of free Hall stand/shoe cubbies (Novato) #1
Photo of free Hall stand/shoe cubbies (Novato) #2
Free: BEDSKIRT Cal King (Novato) Expired Cal King size bedskirt, beige, polyester, easy wash and care. Clean, excellent condition.
Photo of free BEDSKIRT Cal King (Novato) #1
Free: Tall office chair w/wheels (Novato) Gifted Very tall office chair, max height 34" doesn't go down to "normal" desk height. Excellent condition. Purchased on Craigs List but it's too tall for us medium size folk even at its lowest setting. Great for standing desk height when you need to sit for a bit.
Photo of free Tall office chair w/wheels (Novato) #1
Free: three olive oil pour tops (Novato) Gifted 3 pouring tops for olive oil (or?) from Trader Joe's olive oil bottles, unused.
Photo of free three olive oil pour tops (Novato) #1
Free: tins and jars (Novato) Expired various sizes, great instead of tupperware
Photo of free tins and jars (Novato) #1
Free: clean shower seat (Novato) Expired basic shower seat, cleaned
Photo of free clean shower seat (Novato) #1
Photo of free clean shower seat (Novato) #2
Free: white book shelves (Novato) Gifted top shelf few stains 53" long x 39" tall top and middle shelves removable, widths 10", bottom shelf fixed 11" wide
Photo of free white book shelves (Novato) #1
Photo of free white book shelves (Novato) #2
Free: dresser (Novato) Gifted painted black, top a bit scratched up, back needs to be secured, drawers slide easily 38" length x 19 1/2" wide x 29 1/2" high
Photo of free dresser (Novato) #1
Photo of free dresser (Novato) #2
Free: Camper seat (Novato) Gifted Fraying at sides the seat fabric needs repair/replacement. Or use as is for pet.
Photo of free Camper seat (Novato) #1
Photo of free Camper seat (Novato) #2
Free: Staples portable file box & files (Novato) Gifted new file box, hanging file folders included
Photo of free Staples portable file box & files (Novato) #1
Photo of free Staples portable file box & files (Novato) #2
Free: Art supplies (Novato) Gifted 2 small sketch books, 2 bottles black ink, misc pens pencils magic markers, erasers, rubber stamps and ink pads
Photo of free Art supplies (Novato) #1
Free: Sitz bath (Novato) Expired like new, used once, details here
Photo of free Sitz bath (Novato) #1
Free: Calphalon wok 14" (Novato) Expired Calphalon wok 14" diameter, nonstick surface damaged from overheating. May be useful for some steaming and other projects just not safe for stir frying.
Photo of free Calphalon wok 14" (Novato) #1
Free: shower curtain liner & rings (Novato) Expired used but washed clear shower curtain liner with 9 rings, a bit crumpled from the washing machine but will work fine.
Photo of free shower curtain liner & rings (Novato) #1
Free: ten sturdy boxes (Novato) Expired great condition, wonderful for packing small items, especially books
Photo of free ten sturdy boxes (Novato) #1
Photo of free ten sturdy boxes (Novato) #2
Free: 10 sturdy small boxes (Novato) Expired excellent condition, very good for packing books and other heavy small items.
Photo of free 10 sturdy small boxes (Novato) #1
Photo of free 10 sturdy small boxes (Novato) #2
Free: Moving boxes (Novato) Gifted small and mid size, good for books and other small heavy items, great condition
Photo of free Moving boxes (Novato) #1
Photo of free Moving boxes (Novato) #2