A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Free: Hangers (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Assorted. VG Condition.
Photo of free Hangers (Gilbertsville, PA)
Request: Small hand weights (Gilbertsville, PA) Received - 1, 2, or 3, lb. Hand Weights for a new exercise class I am taking. Pairs or singles. Thx. Request: Blanket chest (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Looking for a clean wooden chest to store my extra pillows and blankets. Thank you for reading. Request: Blanket chest/toy chest (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Looking for a small size blanket chest. White or repaintable. Free: Packing (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Bubble wrap, plastic sheeting, styrofoam and plastic covered polyester fiber. There is more than what is in this picture. (The cardboard is going to recycling unless someone wants that). All is very clean. Great if you are mailing packages for Christmas.
Photo of free Packing (Gilbertsville, PA)
Request: Walker with wheels (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Looking for a sturdy walker for senior in hip recovery. Would prefer a Rollstor brand if possible. Need brakes and a seat if possible Thank you Request: Single cup coffee maker (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - That about sums it up ☕️ Request: waffle maker (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Small waffle iron. Doesn’t matter if it makes shapes. (Must be easy to use as It’s for our girls weekend! Lol) Free: Head Bands (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Assorted colors. Plus one multi colored cap. Must take all (if possible).
Photo of free Head Bands (Gilbertsville, PA)
Free: Walker (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Standard Walker for help walking after knee or hip surgeries or just for anyone needing help walking. Adjust height. Very good condition.
Photo of free Walker (Gilbertsville, PA)
Request: any old wooden box (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Approximate size of a shoe box. Would like to put a little lock assembly on it. I am working on an ‘end of life’ project for a friend. It would be great if it had like a mail slot on top to put in little pieces of paper with last wishes, daily thoughts and ‘thank you’ notes, No hurry tho! Thx for reading this. Request: Spotbot (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Looking for a Spot Bot rug carpet cleaner or something similar. Free: Pleated dust ruffle (Gilbertsville, PA) Gifted - Tan color. Fits single bed. Has elastic to go around the mattress. (Helps hide what’s under the bed.)
Photo of free Pleated dust ruffle (Gilbertsville, PA)
Free: White board. Things to do list (Gilbertsville, PA) Gifted - Approximately 17” Wide X 22” Long. Comes with an erasable marking pen). I use Windex to clean it). You could also remove the white background paper that is behind the glass and use it as a poster frame. Any questions you can contact me at 484-225-2110. Located in Gilbertsville near Wendy’s Flowers.
Photo of free White board. Things to do list (Gilbertsville, PA)
Free: 3 Baking racks (Gilbertsville, PA) Gifted - Black wire baking racks. To be used AFTER you take cookies, etc. Out of the oven for cooling. They collapse after use. They measure 10” x 16” and each is 4” high. Never used. 🤷‍♀️
Photo of free 3 Baking racks (Gilbertsville, PA)
Free: Asst. plants/pots/soil/Owl (Gilbertsville, PA) Gifted - Getting rid of these because I am no longer able to properly take care of them this year. If interested, please take all of them. Any questions you may call or text me @ 484-225-2110.
Photo of free Asst. plants/pots/soil/Owl (Gilbertsville, PA)
Photo of free Asst. plants/pots/soil/Owl (Gilbertsville, PA)
Free: Seated exercise bike (Gilbertsville, PA) Gifted - 21” wide, (side to side); 16” long (front to back); 12.5” high (total at the top of the pedal from the floor). Great for knee rehab or just some cardio exercise. Questions welcomed. This equipment fits and stows easily under most chairs. It has a “Gold’s Gym” sticker on it. (?)9
Photo of free Seated exercise bike (Gilbertsville, PA)
Request: Renaissance dress (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Anyone having Renaissance dresses to give away or loan. Sizes 14 or larger. Only need 3. Will return properly cleaned. Need for a September 19th event.
Free: Fuchsia plant (hanging) (Gilbertsville, PA) Gifted - This plant blooms profusely in the right conditions. I used to always have one hanging under my tree on the early morning sun side. But I am no longer able to walk over to the tree on the grass to water it. It is crying for help. If you are Interested and know how to care for it let me know. It probably could stand to be potted into a slightly larger pot. I also have a Basil plant if you would like some cuttings.
Photo of free Fuchsia plant (hanging) (Gilbertsville, PA)
Photo of free Fuchsia plant (hanging) (Gilbertsville, PA)
Request: Ice maker (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Looking for a Counter Top (free standing) Ice maker (in good condition). Request: Doc Martin DVD’s (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Looking for DVD’s of the British tv show “Doc Martin”. (Starring Martin Clunes”. Any series or episodes. Free: Toilet seat (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - 18” elongated toilet seat. Totally clean.
Photo of free Toilet seat (Gilbertsville, PA)
Photo of free Toilet seat (Gilbertsville, PA)
Free: Triangular shaped ‘clothes hanger’ (Gilbertsville, PA) Gifted - Sits on a shelf to hold your extra hangers. Also foldso flat if not in use. Take one or both. Let me know your preference.
Photo of free Triangular shaped ‘clothes hanger’ (Gilbertsville, PA)
Photo of free Triangular shaped ‘clothes hanger’ (Gilbertsville, PA)
Free: Commode (Gilbertsville, PA) Gifted - Sits over your toilet or can be used bedside. Very clean and has been chemically sterilized. Porch p/u. Location is Gilbertsville near Wendy’s flowers.
Photo of free Commode (Gilbertsville, PA)
Request: Dust buster (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - In need of a (working) Dust Buster. Request: Old/new/used wedding magazines (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Any wedding magazines to be used as filler to mail a wedding gift. Thx in advance. Request: Paper shredder (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Looking for a paper shredder. Not too large/heavy. Free: Assorted household items (Gilbertsville, PA) Gifted - All in like-new condition. Must take all. Berry boxes, turquoise trivets, aluminum serving trays, kitchen sink utensil holder, etc.
Photo of free Assorted household items (Gilbertsville, PA)
Request: Games (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - Looking for table games for girl’s weekend. Something entertaining and fun. Request: Collapsible cane (Gilbertsville, PA) Expired - I would like a collapsible cane if anybody has one. I am going on a bus trip and I thought it might be helpful. Thx