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Free: Micro scooter seat attachment (Chippenham SN15) Two micro scooter seat attachments and one micro scooter replacement handlebar
Photo of free Micro scooter seat attachment (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Wooden push along (Chippenham SN15) Withdrawn Two wooden push along walkers for toddlers.
Photo of free Wooden push along (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Sit on quad bikes (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Two sit on quad bikes for young child. They are electric but haven’t been used for a long time and may need new batteries to work. Fun just to sit on and push around if the batteries don’t work! Chargers included. Free to collect.
Photo of free Sit on quad bikes (Chippenham SN15) #1
Photo of free Sit on quad bikes (Chippenham SN15) #2
Free: Play kitchen (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Children’s play kitchen. Missing one handle but otherwise lovely and ready for a new home! Various bits can go with it or not. Collection only thank you.
Photo of free Play kitchen (Chippenham SN15) #1
Photo of free Play kitchen (Chippenham SN15) #2
Photo of free Play kitchen (Chippenham SN15) #3
Free: Kitten/cat food (Chippenham SN15) Gifted These are all about half used as trial and error with my new kitten. Hate to have to throw them and am unable to donate as they’ve been opened. Collection only pls.
Photo of free Kitten/cat food (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Sofa bed (Chippenham SN15) Expired Very well used single sofa bed. It is marked and needs a good Hoover as our dog’s favourite spot to sleep. One leg broken but someone handy might be able to mend it. Has to go today! Collection only pls.
Free: Plastic yellow child’s chair (Chippenham SN15) Expired Child’s plastic yellow chair
Photo of free Plastic yellow child’s chair (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Kids Ride on cars (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Two kids ride on cars. I’m not sure if the sounds will work or not if batteries replaced. Lots of fun without noises!
Photo of free Kids Ride on cars (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Toddler swings (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Two toddler swings. Need a good clean but otherwise fine.
Photo of free Toddler swings (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Ride on cars (Chippenham SN15) Expired Please note these are not charging/working. I have chargers and the battery was replaced but they’ve sat for over a year so both need a new battery I think. Tons of fun when working!
Photo of free Ride on cars (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Two baby boy dolls with pushchairs (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Very well loved and used but plenty of joy left in these. Everything freshly washed. One cardigan has a hole. One push chair’s fabric is in need of repair.
Photo of free Two baby boy dolls with pushchairs (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Two wooden children’s chairs (Chippenham SN15) Gifted These are well used and ripe for a lick of paint for their second life. Very sturdy and stable. One needs some repair on the back rest.
Photo of free Two wooden children’s chairs (Chippenham SN15) #1
Photo of free Two wooden children’s chairs (Chippenham SN15) #2
Free: Boxes & Bubble wrap (Chippenham SN15) Expired 4 packing boxes and bags of bubble wrap
Photo of free Boxes & Bubble wrap (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Slide (Chippenham SN15) Expired Small children’s slide. slight crack at top of steps but otherwise ok. It has water inside to keep it steady.
Photo of free Slide (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Small ikea table (Chippenham SN15) Expired Small ikea white table. Quite a few dents but ripe for an up cycle.
Photo of free Small ikea table (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Large snowman (Chippenham SN15) Expired Snowman on cardboard backed with polystyrene
Photo of free Large snowman (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Christmas tree (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Christmas tree
Photo of free Christmas tree (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Christmas trees (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Two fake Christmas trees. All bits there as far as I can tell.
Photo of free Christmas trees (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Shoe stand (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Brass coloured shoe stand
Photo of free Shoe stand (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Large Christmas light up decorations (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Two plug in Christmas decorations. One of two adults and child and one robin
Photo of free Large Christmas light up decorations (Chippenham SN15) #1
Photo of free Large Christmas light up decorations (Chippenham SN15) #2
Free: Coat hangers (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Selection of coat hangers. Some kids, some with clips and some standard/trouser. Free to collect!
Photo of free Coat hangers (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Plant pot (Chippenham SN15) Expired Large blue plant pot
Photo of free Plant pot (Chippenham SN15) #1
Photo of free Plant pot (Chippenham SN15) #2
Free: Buggy insect nets x 2 (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Brand new - universal insect net for buggy
Photo of free Buggy insect nets x 2 (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Micro scooter seats and handlebar (Chippenham SN15) Expired These are compatible with micro scooters
Photo of free Micro scooter seats and handlebar (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Table (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Small white plastic table
Photo of free Table (Chippenham SN15) #1
Free: Messy play table (Chippenham SN15) Gifted Very useful for little ones! I used outside for all sorts and everything. Rusty but fine otherwise.
Photo of free Messy play table (Chippenham SN15) #1
Photo of free Messy play table (Chippenham SN15) #2
Photo of free Messy play table (Chippenham SN15) #3
Free: Animal carrier (Chippenham SN15) Gifted I used this for my cat. Top loading, so helpful!
Photo of free Animal carrier (Chippenham SN15) #1
Photo of free Animal carrier (Chippenham SN15) #2