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Free: 3' (single) sprung mattress. (Howey LD1) In good condition and clean, although it's quite old. Ideal for putting up guests over Christmas!
Photo of free 3' (single) sprung mattress. (Howey LD1) #1
Request: Old Laptop (Howey LD1) Received I use some music software that hasn't been updated since 2016 and it doesn't like Win11. I'm looking for an old Win10 laptop that I can use just for this music software. It won't be connected to the internet or anything else except Bluetooth (that would be a bonus). I appreciate that this is a big ask. I'm not bothered about the condition as long as it works. Thanks.
Photo of Old Laptop (Howey LD1) #1
Free: Amateur Radio stuff (Howey LD1) Withdrawn These are a 12A power supply, a modulation monitor and a programmable 2m radio. I have no knowledge of these. However, the PSU is a transformer based one so much better than switch mode ones. I got 13.3A out of it. The radio has an EPROM and it seems to cover some of the 2m band. The 2m radio can be given only to those holding an OFCOM amateur radio licence. Prefer them to go as a job lot.
Photo of free Amateur Radio stuff (Howey LD1) #1
Photo of free Amateur Radio stuff (Howey LD1) #2
Photo of free Amateur Radio stuff (Howey LD1) #3
Free: Vacuum cleaner (Howey LD1) Expired Hoover bagless model with basic tools. In working order. Could do with a clean!
Photo of free Vacuum cleaner (Howey LD1) #1
Request: Power unit for laptop (Howey LD1) Expired I have a cassette machine that I want to play tapes on but it has no power supply. I have the plans to make what I need from a laptop power supply but I don't have one. Does anyone have one they don't need, perhaps from a 'dead' laptop? The photo is just for an example.Thanks.
Photo of Power unit for laptop (Howey LD1) #1
Free: Large dog collars (Howey LD1) Gifted Suitable for large dog e.g. Newfoundland. Roughly 27" at the moment but are adjustable.
Photo of free Large dog collars (Howey LD1) #1
Free: Toolbox (Howey LD1) Expired Steel cantilever toolbox 18" long. Quite heavy and must be bomb-proof!
Photo of free Toolbox (Howey LD1) #1
Photo of free Toolbox (Howey LD1) #2
Request: Buddleia (Howey LD1) Received Drew a blank at the nursery. Does anyone have a Buddleia (butterfly bush) that they could let me have? Any type is fine as it's for butterflies. Any size, even a cutting. Thanks.
Request: Top soil (Howey LD1) Expired I've made a raised bed to go on the swamp that was our lawn. I'm a bit short of top soil for it. My own garden soil is pure clay. Even the rougher top soil would be fine for the lower layer. About 3 or 4 fertiliser sacks would do. I can collect (with sacks) any time. Thanks. John.
Request: Adult bicycles for refugees and asylum seekers (Howey LD1) Expired I am going to donate a bicycle to to Cardiff Cycle Workshop, who restore bike for use by refugees and those seeking asylum. Having transport makes their lives so much better. I have room in my car for three bikes. It would be great if I could find another two donations to make the trip more CO2 effective. I can collect locally. I am not connected to the scheme. Just trying to help.
Photo of Adult bicycles for refugees and asylum seekers (Howey LD1) #1
Request: Aquarium / fish tank for goldfish (Howey LD1) Expired My granddaughter would like to have goldfish but she needs an aquarium first. Nothing too huge please. Thanks.