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Free: Toilet seat and fittings (Southport PR9) Needs a good clean (!) but otherwise useful either as a free replacement or for the fittings perhaps.
Photo of free Toilet seat and fittings (Southport PR9) #1
Photo of free Toilet seat and fittings (Southport PR9) #2
Free: Shade for standing lamp (Southport PR9) Fairly regular fitting shade for up-facing lamp. Pick-up from Churchtown
Photo of free Shade for standing lamp (Southport PR9) #1
Photo of free Shade for standing lamp (Southport PR9) #2
Request: Book - The Righteous by Sir Martin Gilbert (Southport PR9) Hi there. Wondering if anyone has a copy of this hanging about they no longer want? The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust by Sir Martin Gilbert
Photo of Book - The Righteous by Sir Martin Gilbert (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Football socks - adult (Southport PR9) Gifted Worn a couple of times only. NOTE, I'm a size 11 and they are fine length wise but I found them tight to get on and around the calf which is why I'm giving them away.
Photo of free Football socks - adult (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Large cardboard box (Southport PR9) Gifted Size, as per pic; very sturdy; shame to destroy it and put it in for re-cycling if someone can use it.
Photo of free Large cardboard box (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Raised toilet seat (Southport PR9) Gifted Seems a shame to just take this to the tip; provided by Social Services to my wife after a recent hip operation. Barely used. Easy to install.
Photo of free Raised toilet seat (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Light-fitting (Southport PR9) Withdrawn As per picture; sadly no bulbs
Photo of free Light-fitting (Southport PR9) #1
Photo of free Light-fitting (Southport PR9) #2
Free: Leather pouffe cover (Southport PR9) Gifted May be suitable for arts and craft if you don't have the filling to re-use it as a pouffe?
Photo of free Leather pouffe cover (Southport PR9) #1
Photo of free Leather pouffe cover (Southport PR9) #2
Free: Lamp (Southport PR9) Gifted As in pic. NOTE I can't get the lower lamp to work. I've tried to repair (change fuse, check wiring) but it's beyond me. This is only preventing me selling it - I no longer need it anyway. Also available are 2 spare bulbs.
Photo of free Lamp (Southport PR9) #1
Photo of free Lamp (Southport PR9) #2
Free: French-English dictionary and Guinness Book of Hit Singles (Southport PR9) Gifted Take one or take both, up to you!
Photo of free French-English dictionary and Guinness Book of Hit Singles (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Black t-shirt (Southport PR9) Gifted Do you know or love Harry Reynolds or Helen Ross? I got this as free merch from a conference a couple fo years ago and it always struck me as it may be a great 'joke' present for someone you may know or 'love'! Fruit of the Loom, XL
Photo of free Black t-shirt (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Boxed x 3 (Southport PR9) Expired One day ONLY! Brown bin collection tomorrow morning so these will be going in there unless you want them and can collect today!
Photo of free Boxed x 3 (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Fridge Freezer (Southport PR9) Expired Used until a couple of months ago. Couple of broken trays but ideal as a beer fridge/freezer for a party over Christmas? NOTE cannot deliver under ANY circumstances.
Photo of free Fridge Freezer (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Bulbs x2 (Southport PR9) Expired I have no use for these now, do you?
Photo of free Bulbs x2 (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Rug (Southport PR9) Gifted As per pics. Needs a hoover but years of use left in it. Ruler is a metre.
Photo of free Rug (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Low level chairs X2 (Southport PR9) Gifted As per pic. Great for kids and can be left outside. I had another set of these that someone said were perfect for fishing - easily suitable for an adult behind.
Photo of free Low level chairs X2 (Southport PR9) #1
Photo of free Low level chairs X2 (Southport PR9) #2
Free: Blow up bed (Southport PR9) Gifted Single although is pretty big, you'd get two kids on it. Used over the summer, so def works. No pump though!
Photo of free Blow up bed (Southport PR9) #1
Photo of free Blow up bed (Southport PR9) #2
Request: Grey Paving slabs - 3 or 4 (Southport PR9) Received Anybody got any 600 by 600mm grey paving slabs knocking about they don't need?
Free: Various odd vac bits (Southport PR9) Gifted
Photo of free Various odd vac bits (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Electricity sockets (Southport PR9) Gifted
Photo of free Electricity sockets (Southport PR9) #1
Request: Paste table (Southport PR9) Expired Anyone got a paste table knocking around that they don't need?
Free: Old sink (Southport PR9) Expired Not sure if this is of any use to anyone? Our old kitchen sink. No taps, no plug, but of any use to anyone before it goes in the skip on Monday morning?
Photo of free Old sink (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Samsonite Exec Briefcase (Southport PR9) Expired This is my old Samsonite case. One of the locks lost a pin some time ago, so doesn't lock properly; I've used it since to store old files but don't need it for that anymore. Would be fine for storing files if laid flat. otherwise it gapes a bit when stood up. Then again if you know these cases perhaps it's an easy fix and hey bingo, you've got yourself a quality case. Was expensive when I bought it!
Photo of free Samsonite Exec Briefcase (Southport PR9) #1
Photo of free Samsonite Exec Briefcase (Southport PR9) #2
Photo of free Samsonite Exec Briefcase (Southport PR9) #3
Free: Old light switch (Southport PR9) Expired No idea why I still have this! Match for anyone or use for whatever?
Photo of free Old light switch (Southport PR9) #1
Photo of free Old light switch (Southport PR9) #2
Free: Laminate flooring (Southport PR9) Gifted As per pic. Coming up this weekend. Already a substantial amount up, can collect rest when it's pulled up. We've had it in two rooms and the hall so easily enough for a large standard room (say 4by4). Obviously quality will vary but loads of it so should be enough for a decent room. But will be skipped Monday if you're not quick!
Photo of free Laminate flooring (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Lamp (Southport PR9) Gifted As shown. Four of the bulbs have gone. I presume they just need replacing, but this lamp no longer suits out room, so yours if you want it.
Photo of free Lamp (Southport PR9) #1
Free: Dyson DC50 - for parts or repair (Southport PR9) Gifted As in pics. Please note this was working up until very recently. I think the problem is a split tube - pic 3 and 4. Maybe you could replace? Otherwise you may want it for parts.
Photo of free Dyson DC50 - for parts or repair (Southport PR9) #1
Photo of free Dyson DC50 - for parts or repair (Southport PR9) #2
Photo of free Dyson DC50 - for parts or repair (Southport PR9) #3
Photo of free Dyson DC50 - for parts or repair (Southport PR9) #4
+2 +1
Free: Pipe cleaners (Southport PR9) Expired For you arty types? Don't want to bin if someone can make use of these.
Photo of free Pipe cleaners (Southport PR9) #1
Request: Mains adaptor (Southport PR9) Expired *Please note: A moderator has edited this message Has anyone got a spare, for a Halfords 6 in 1 Car battery charger. NOTE it's the mains adaptor charger I need, 12v
Photo of Mains adaptor (Southport PR9) #1
Photo of Mains adaptor (Southport PR9) #2
Free: Thermos flask (Southport PR9) Gifted Ok, doesn't look the best, but does the job! Ideal as a caravan spare or for the allotment. Can you save it from the bin and landfill? On exec briefcase for size comparison - 9 inches tall, 1 litre capacity, made in England by Thermos.
Photo of free Thermos flask (Southport PR9) #1