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Request: peavey or cant hook (Stevens Canyon Rd) Looking for a peavey or cant hook for moving logs. Thought I'd post here before buying one. :)
Photo of peavey or cant hook (Stevens Canyon Rd) #1
Request: concrete blocks/pavers (Stevens Canyon Rd) Expired I'm setting up two shipping containers on site and need to block the corners with some combination of concrete blocks and pavers. I'd be glad to take any you have lying around unused. Thanks in advance.
Request: dehumidifier (Stevens Canyon Rd) Expired I am setting up some lumber storage in an enclosed shed and need to keep the humidity in check. If you have a dehumidifier that needs a new home, I'd be glad to put it to use.
Request: cardboard boxes (Stevens Canyon Rd) Expired Size 2'x2'x2' is ideal and the largest we can use; probably 18"x18"x18" is the smallest size we can take. We'll use these for a cleanout/demolition project so it's okay if they're in rough shape. Thanks in advance!
Request: blue oak acorns or seedlings (Stevens Canyon Rd) Expired I want to sprout some local acorns, specifically blue oaks (quercus douglasii). I have found a couple local trees but no acorns yet. If you know a tree that is producing or can grab me a pocketful of acorns I would be grateful. The photos show an example of a blue oak, its leaf litter (note the lobed leaves), and acorns that the squirrels already got to. Thanks!
Photo of blue oak acorns or seedlings (Stevens Canyon Rd) #1
Photo of blue oak acorns or seedlings (Stevens Canyon Rd) #2
Photo of blue oak acorns or seedlings (Stevens Canyon Rd) #3
Request: "Set" card game (Stevens Canyon Rd) Expired I'm looking for a copy of the card game called "Set" to teach my family how to play. It tends to be a love-or-hate kind of game so I figured someone might have a copy they'd rather give away 😀
Request: swingtop bottles (Stevens Canyon Rd) Expired or other resealable glass bottles/jugs. Ideally the 750-1000mL range (24 - 32 oz), but I'm not picky. We just pressed our crop of apples for the year and ran out of bottles to give the juice away to neighbors. Thank you!
Request: life jackets (Stevens Canyon Rd) Expired I'm looking for a couple of life jackets for casual canoeing. If you have any collecting dust I'd love to take them off your hands. Thanks!