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Free: Dining chair (Pinhoe EX1) 3 dining table chairs, as pictured. 2 have split seats and so would benefit from recovering.
Photo of free Dining chair (Pinhoe EX1) #1
Free: Wall light (Pinhoe EX1) Fully working upon removal and removed by a contractor. In need of a bit of a polish up but otherwise no signs of wear. 22cm high.
Photo of free Wall light (Pinhoe EX1) #1
Free: DIY bits left from kitchen replacement (Pinhoe EX1) Lots of black plastic rectangle clip cover type things left from a kitchen replacement. Genuinely no idea what they're for but maybe of use to someone!
Photo of free DIY bits left from kitchen replacement (Pinhoe EX1) #1
Request: Computer keyboard (Pinhoe EX1) Received I'm looking for a keyboard to use with my laptop when working from home. More or less any type at all would be wonderful, wired or wireless. Please is anyone able to help?
Photo of Computer keyboard (Pinhoe EX1) #1
Request: Computer keyboard (Tadley RG26) Received Hi, I'm looking for a keyboard to use when working from home. Pretty much any type would be wonderful, wired or wireless.
Photo of Computer keyboard (Tadley RG26) #1
Free: Electrolux accessory kit for upright vacuum cleaners (Pinhoe EX1) Gifted Discovered during a loft clearance. I assume they would fit most more recent models of Electrolux upright vacuum cleaners too but I sure there's compatibility lists online. All look in perfect condition, possibly unused.
Photo of free Electrolux accessory kit for upright vacuum cleaners (Pinhoe EX1) #1
Photo of free Electrolux accessory kit for upright vacuum cleaners (Pinhoe EX1) #2
Free: Fine black wool (lots!) (Pinhoe EX1) Gifted Loads of small balls of fine, black wool, with some grey muddled in. Some need untangling, some probably need washing or chucking but I'd say less than 5-10%. Hopefully of use to someone for fine knitting or crochet or some other craft. Maybe even for stringing in the garden?
Photo of free Fine black wool (lots!) (Pinhoe EX1) #1
Request: Cooker or oven (ideally electric). Or electric hobs (Pinhoe EX1) Expired I don't suppose anyone is replacing their kitchen or cooker/oven and has a cooker/oven they're looking to get rid of? I've just moved into my own house to discover that there was a slight communication issue and the seller has ripped out and removed the old electric cooker. Ideally it would fit a 60cm gap, but I might be able to enlarge that if needed. I'm afraid I do need it to be in reasonable working order but otherwise not fussy.
Request: Washing machine (Pinhoe EX1) Expired I've just moved into my own house and need to find a washing machine. I'm afraid I do need it to be in good working order but otherwise not fussy! Anyone looking to get rid of one I'd be happy to take it off your hands :-)
Free: 8kg LG washing machine (spares or repairs) (Shaw RG14) Gifted Technically working, but the door doesn't always close properly. Sometimes takes a few open closes to get the door lock to engage. And the program selection knob needs pressure on the right bit to read properly. Bit frustrating as it only had a new drum a few months ago. Must be collected Sunday 25th afternoon/evening or Monday 26th morning. If collecting Sunday, you'll need to be able to carry it down a flight of stairs. I'm happy to help, but you have to assume you'll need to do most of the heavy lifting I'm afraid.
Photo of free 8kg LG washing machine (spares or repairs) (Shaw RG14) #1
Photo of free 8kg LG washing machine (spares or repairs) (Shaw RG14) #2
Photo of free 8kg LG washing machine (spares or repairs) (Shaw RG14) #3
Free: 7kg Beco Tumble Drier (Full Working Order) (Shaw RG14) Gifted I'm desperately trying to find a home for a fully working tumble dryer, good quality machine, approx. 7y old with very little use. Getting rid of due to a house move and the buyer doesn't want it left. Must be collected Sunday 25th afternoon/evening or Monday 26th morning. If collecting Sunday, you'll need to be able to carry it down a flight of stairs. I'm happy to help, but you have to assume you'll need to do most of the heavy lifting.
Photo of free 7kg Beco Tumble Drier (Full Working Order) (Shaw RG14) #1
Photo of free 7kg Beco Tumble Drier (Full Working Order) (Shaw RG14) #2
Request: Boxes for house move (large) (Shaw RG14) Expired Please does anyone have any large cardboard boxes I could use for packing for a house move? Clearly happy to collect!
Free: Items for craft? (Shaw RG14) Expired Loads of 1.5l Square based plastic bottles (40+?) and small 15cm tall square based jars (20+?). Good for crafts with children's groups, maybe? Can give exact quantities if needed!
Photo of free Items for craft? (Shaw RG14) #1
Photo of free Items for craft? (Shaw RG14) #2
Free: 4 x Biological Sciences Review (ideal for AS/A2 students) (Shaw RG14) Expired Magazine-cum-journal ideal for 16-18 year olds considering a biological sciences related degree course (or simply interested!). 2009/2010 academic year but content is still very much current and relevant.
Photo of free 4 x Biological Sciences Review (ideal for AS/A2 students) (Shaw RG14) #1
Request: Boxes (large) for house move (Tadley RG26) Expired Please does anyone have any large cardboard boxes I could use for packing for a house move? Clearly happy to collect!
Request: Large Cardboard Boxes For House Move (Corringham SS17) Received Please does anyone have any large cardboard boxes I could use for packing for a house move? Clearly happy to collect!
Free: National geographic magazines - 2011 series (Shaw RG14) Gifted 12 national geographic magazines from 2011. All good quality, some still in plastic.
Photo of free National geographic magazines - 2011 series (Shaw RG14) #1
Free: Wildlife magazines x5 (Shaw RG14) Gifted Assortment including World Birdwatch and ZSL 'Wild About' members magazines. All pretty good condition.
Photo of free Wildlife magazines x5 (Shaw RG14) #1
Free: BBC Wildlife magazines 2007/2008 (Shaw RG14) Gifted Approx. 25 BBC Wildlife magazines from 2007 and 2008. All pretty good condition.
Free: Biological Sciences Review (ideal for AS/A2 students) (Shaw RG14) Expired Magazine-cum-journal ideal for 16-18 year olds considering a biological sciences related degree course (or simply interested!). 2009/2010 academic year but content is still very much current and relevant.
Free: MCQs in physiology with answers and explanatory comments (Shaw RG14) Expired MCQs in physiology with answers and explanatory comments - 3rd edition Arnold International Students' Edition ISBN 0-340-70087-4 9780340700877
Free: Wooden 'Samantha' name jigsaw (Shaw RG14) Expired Wooden child's 'name' jigsaw, where each letter is a piece. Used but perfect condition.