A Members' Posts

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Offers   Requests
Free: Prayer/bead ring (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted Worn and sturdy. Please provide 2 possible pickup times and your cell. NOT for resale.
Photo of free Prayer/bead ring (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Prayer/bead ring (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: Hair clip -- one pearl lose (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Promised A sparkly hair clip. Used once? One pearl is lose. One pearl is missing. Respond before Tuesday. Please supply two possible pickup times and your cell.
Photo of free Hair clip -- one pearl lose (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Hair clip -- one pearl lose (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: 6 valentine goodie bags, small (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Promised Small old valentine bags. 12 to/from stickers. Not sure these are food quality. Please provide two possible pickup times and your cell phone.
Photo of free 6 valentine goodie bags, small (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Request: Matchbox -- partial or full (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Received Have a drawer or box of matches you aren't using? Yes, I can buy. Thought I'd ask here. I light a lot of candles. Thanks for reading.
Free: Hair twist w/ instructions (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Promised Used -- or, tried to use. Never worn. The instructions look great. So many options. NOT FOR RESALE. Please provide two times and your cell number.
Photo of free Hair twist w/ instructions (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Free: Used nail polish (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted Over a dozen bottles of nail polish. Some mostly gone. Some are unopened. Please take all. Or trashed on Tuesday. NOT for resale. Please provide a couple of pickup times and your cell phone. Thanks for reading. :)
Photo of free Used nail polish (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Free: Large bag bubble wrap -- used (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Packing, moving, storing. A large bag of various bubble wrap. Please provide 2 pick up times and your cell #.
Photo of free Large bag bubble wrap -- used (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Free: Purple Christmas balls -- 17 used (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted Do you have a purple party coming up? They have been used but never all at once. Deciding we don't want to store for another year. NOT FOR RESALE. Please provide a couple pick up times and your cell #.
Photo of free Purple Christmas balls -- 17 used (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Free: Used bird feeder (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Promised 1 ft about. Lid opens to fill. Provide your cell and pick up time.
Photo of free Used bird feeder (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Used bird feeder (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: A DayRunner index box -- 5 by 7 (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted There are dividers and some index cards inside. There is a glue-y, sticky spot on the box roof. This wasn't mine so not sure but may come off with scrubbing. Please include your cell # and several possible pick up times. Very near Maywood Park in Santa Clara. Thanks for reading!
Photo of free A DayRunner index box -- 5 by 7 (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free A DayRunner index box -- 5 by 7 (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: Used Toiletry bag (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Samsonite Forest green toiletry bag. Has been used. Needs cleaning. The bag and handle are solid. NOT for resale. Please provide 2 possible pick up times.
Photo of free Used Toiletry bag (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Used Toiletry bag (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Photo of free Used Toiletry bag (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #3
Free: Mostly finished needle work kit (Maywood Park Santa Clara) This kit was gifted to me already 90% complete. It is in rough shape. There are instructions, thread, etc. Please include your cell number and several pick up times. Near Maywood Park. NOT for resale.
Photo of free Mostly finished needle work kit (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Mostly finished needle work kit (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: Table runner kit -- unopened (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted Kit includes cotton floss and metallic thread. Stamped for embroidery. Please provide your cell number and several pick up times NOT for resale. Near Maywood Park.
Photo of free Table runner kit -- unopened (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Table runner kit -- unopened (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: Legal size hanging+6 part folders (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Promised Legal size hanging folders. Look barely used. 6 part file folders. Used and in good shape. Andrew Mellen, Prof Organizer, sells similar folders and recommends them for paper organizing.
Photo of free Legal size hanging+6 part folders (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Legal size hanging+6 part folders (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: Lady Isotoner slippers (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted Used some. Quality brand. Size: ~7 (it is in the photo above) From a home with cats. Please let me know two possible pick up times. Please give me your email. Near Maywood Park, Santa Clara. Thanks for reading.
Photo of free Lady Isotoner slippers (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Lady Isotoner slippers (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: Angel hair to decorate a Xmas tree (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Expired Unopened box but been in dusty garage. Please include your cell # and several possible pick up times. Very near Maywood Park in Santa Clara. Thanks for reading!
Photo of free Angel hair to decorate a Xmas tree (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Free: Party wig -- adjustable sizing (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted Given to me for a 60's party. Please provide a couple of pick up times. NOT for resale.
Photo of free Party wig -- adjustable sizing (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Party wig -- adjustable sizing (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: 5 taper Halloween candles +2 black (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted These are unused and worn -- they've been around awhile. The white ones are noticeably not straight. Also 2 black pillar candles. Dusty and unused. NOT for resale. Please provide your cell number and several possible pick up times. Near Maywood Park. Note: I also have a wig posted.
Photo of free 5 taper Halloween candles +2 black (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free 5 taper Halloween candles +2 black (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Photo of free 5 taper Halloween candles +2 black (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #3
Free: Table runner kit -- unopened (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Expired Kit includes cotton floss and metallic thread. Stamped for embroidery. Please provide your cell number and several pick up times NOT for resale. Near Maywood Park.
Photo of free Table runner kit -- unopened (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Table runner kit -- unopened (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: 4 Nepalese paper sheets (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted Hand-made paper from Nepal. About 24 by 36. 4 sheets. Please provide your cell number and several possible pick up times. Near Maywood Park.
Photo of free 4 Nepalese paper sheets (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free 4 Nepalese paper sheets (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Photo of free 4 Nepalese paper sheets (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #3
Photo of free 4 Nepalese paper sheets (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #4
+2 +1
Free: Wedding card (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Expired Hallmark wedding card. Unused. Not for resale. Please include your cell number and several pick up times. Near Maywood Park.
Photo of free Wedding card (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Wedding card (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: 4 non-working women watches (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Expired 4 women wrist watches. None are currently working. Anyone want to tinker or try new batteries? My favorite is the Winnie the Pooh one. I'm sure I tried a new battery. NOT for resale. Please provide a couple of pick up times.
Photo of free 4 non-working women watches (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Free: A DayRunner index box -- 5 by 7 (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Expired There are dividers and some index cards inside. There is a glue-y, sticky spot on the box roof. This wasn't mine so not sure but may come off with scrubbing. Please include your cell # and several possible pick up times. Very near Maywood Park in Santa Clara. Thanks for reading!
Photo of free A DayRunner index box -- 5 by 7 (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free A DayRunner index box -- 5 by 7 (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: Tea kettle -- used, small rust spot (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted Colorful tea kettle. NOT for resale. Near Maywood Park in Santa Clara. Please provide 1 or 2 pick up times. Thanks for reading.
Photo of free Tea kettle -- used, small rust spot (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Tea kettle -- used, small rust spot (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: 7 women sleeveless/ short tops (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted Here are 7 summer tops. Mostly very lightly worn. These are NOT for resale. Please request 2 or 3 if they work for you. LLBean XL -- fushia LLBean XL -- white LLBean XL -- lilac -- most worn Columbia XL -- fushia Columbia XL -- lilac ? -- a side zipper North Style 2X -- pink (very drapey, clingy) North Style 2X -- white (very drapey, clingy) Please let me know 1 or 2 pick up times. Near Maywood Park in Santa Clara. Thanks for reading.
Photo of free 7 women sleeveless/ short tops (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free 7 women sleeveless/ short tops (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Photo of free 7 women sleeveless/ short tops (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #3
Photo of free 7 women sleeveless/ short tops (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #4
+5 +4 +3
Request: Rubber bands (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Received Imagine this sounds weird. Rather use your extra than place an Amazon order. The closer to Maywood Park the better. Thanks for reading. Have a good day!
Free: Broken pot pieces (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted Clay pot shards. Anyone have an art project? Please include your cell and pick up times. There is likely more to be found.
Photo of free Broken pot pieces (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Free: Plastic floral holder with spike (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Expired This needs to be stuck in soil.
Photo of free Plastic floral holder with spike (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Free: Two brick sections (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted 2 sections of brick. About 2ft by 2ft. Heavy. Near Maywood Park. Please suggest pick up time and your cell.
Photo of free Two brick sections (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Two brick sections (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2
Free: Common pink geranium cuttings (Maywood Park Santa Clara) Gifted Cutting these today. Will Green bin if no takers. Easy to start in water or soil. No scent. Please provide a pickup time and your cellphone. Near Maywood Park.
Photo of free Common pink geranium cuttings (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #1
Photo of free Common pink geranium cuttings (Maywood Park Santa Clara) #2