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Slow cooker without lid, used twice (Ponsanooth TR3)
Can anyone re-home this slow cooker, without it's lid? It's only been used twice and is in very good condition minus it's lid. It has high and low settings and has a round ceramic inner roughly 22cm in diameter. I offered it once before here and someone said a lid can be made from foil. If anyone can save it from the tip, please say when you can collect from Ponsanooth. Cheers Helen

Large phormium plant (Ponsanooth TR3)
Can anyone find a space in their garden for a large five foot high phormium? It's a mid shade of green with pink tinted edges. It's too large for my garden and is free to a good home. It could probably be split if you come along with a sharp spade and work through the roots. Sorry but I can't seem to upload photos. For collection asap from Ponsanooth. One person has said they'd like a chunk of the plant but there's plenty left! Helen

Black plastic bin, no lid (Ponsanooth TR3)
Can a home use a black plastic bin with no lid? It's usual size and could be useful for gardening purposes, pet food storage etc if not required as a bin. For collection please from Ponsanooth.
Paint by numbers - Fox in acrylics (Ponsanooth TR3)
Hi Freeglers A lovely friend gave me this paint by numbers Fox set, but it's too small for me to complete. The photos show I have started it but have done very little, but I've done it neatly! The completed painting will look like the fox photo and the measurements are 40cm x 50cm. It comes with a photo of how it should look when finished, a partially begun canvas, acrylic tubes of paint and a numbered guide. Am hoping someone might like to finish this. I've seen the completed painting and it is lovely. For collection please from Ponsanooth.

Minky ironing board (Ponsanooth TR3)
Minky ironing board and cover. Great condition, barely used. For collection from Ponsanooth asap.
Ironing board (Ponsanooth TR3)
A. Minky ironing board, barely used, with cover. Cover been washed but has shrunk a little so you might want to buy a new one. For collection please from Ponsanooth.
Maps of Cornwall or uk road atlas (Ponsanooth TR3)
Hi Freeglers Happy new year! I'd like to ask if anyone has any unwanted maps of Cornwall, or if you're upgrading your UK road atlas, I'd love to give it a new home and a new lease of life. Wanted for crafting. I'm able to collect from around Truro and Falmouth areas. Thanks for looking. Helen
Trellis panels (Ponsanooth TR3)
Hi Freeglers Can anyone use these trellis panels? Storm Darragh pulled them away from their fittings in the wall, as they're a bit rotten on the top. However, most of each panel is still in good strong condition and would be usable for anyone who can saw the rotten bit off at the top. Please email if interested. The collector will need to fully remove them from the wall, as Im not strong enough to do it! Happy Christmas all! Helen

Mobile phone (Ponsanooth TR3)
Hi Freeglers Does anyone have an old PAYG mobile phone and charger that is no longer needed please? If so, I could give it a good home. Am able to collect around Redruth falmouth and Truro areas. Thanks for looking Helen
Cd player (Ponsanooth TR3)
Hi Freeglers Does anyone have old or unwanted cd player please? I'm able to collect from around Falmouth Redruth and Truro. Thanks for looking Helen
Wood pallet (Ponsanooth TR3)
Wood pallet free to a good home. For collection from Ponsanooth.
Rheum plant (Ponsanooth TR3)
I have two rheums to give away. They grow big! If anyone would like one or both of these, get in touch to come and dig them up from Ponsanooth. Cheers Helen
Plastic plant pots (Ponsanooth TR3)
I've a lot of plast plant pots, small and medium sized. Ideal for cuttings and sharing or selling plants. Can anyone use these? For collection from Ponsanooth. Cheers Helen
Clear plastic storage box (Ponsanooth TR3)
Can anyone use a clear plastic storage box, minus its lid? It measures 60 long x 40 wide and is 7 inches high. Fits easily under most beds. Cheers Helen
Black microwave (Ponsanooth TR3)
A Russell Hobbs black microwave 700w is ready to give away. It has a mirrored door and measures 45cm wide x 26cm high x 29cm deep. It still works but isnt as powerful as it used to be. Hopefully it might be suitable for someone for simple reheating etc. It's a push button model. Sorry but I can't upload photos. Please let me know when you can collect when you reply. Thanks Helen in Ponsanooth
Fridge freezer (Ponsanooth TR3)
Hi Freeglers I'm getting rid of my fridge freezer this week and wondered if it's of use to anyone. It still works but there is some frost build up in the freezer, causing the top drawer of the freezer section to jam unless it's scraped off regularly, and which could be due to a split rubber seal. A replacement seal can be bought online. However it still keeps to temperature, has a very large five shelf fridge, and three freezer drawers, and might be a stop gap for someone? It's a John Lewis 70/30 model, white, 200cm high, and 60cm deep and 60cm wide. My house is down a steep drive/shallow steps so if anyone is interested in taking the fridge freezer, it's a two man/strong person job, and a trolley would be useful. Get in touch if interested. For collection asap from Ponsanooth. Cheers Helen
Wood plant stand (Ponsanooth TR3)
I have a wood plant stand to re-home. It measures about 3 ft high and about 11 inch square. It's dark brown wood that's been painted white. It has been in the summerhouse so is a bit dusty and would look great again of it had another coat of paint. It has one side piece at the top that has fallen off but this just needs nailing back on. Can anyone use this? For collection from Ponsanooth.
Internal tv aerial (Ponsanooth TR3)
I've an old second hand, non smart TV which doesn't work without an aerial. I can't connect it to the internal aerial in the loft. Does anyone have an indoor aerial that will make this old sharp aquos TV work please? Thanks Helen
20 plastic plant pots (Ponsanooth TR3)
I've about 20 plastic plant pots to give away. They're mostly small IE about 5 inches high, but there's a few larger ones, perhaps 2-3 litres. For collection from Ponsanooth asap. Cheers Helen
Stone coloured emulsion paint (Ponsanooth TR3)
Hi all Does anyone have any spare warm stone coloured emulsion paint please? I need enough to cover about six square metres so I can jazz up my bathroom walls. I'm able to collect from around Falmouth and Truro areas. Thanks for looking Helen
Wood garden furniture paint (Ponsanooth TR3)
Johnstone's seagreen spray paint, a small amount left in the tin, perhaps enough to paint a small garden chair. Can anyone make use of this? For collection from Ponsanooth.
Child's duvet (Ponsanooth TR3)
A duvet measuring 110 x 150cm. Clean and freshly laundered. Suitable for cot or child's bed, or even a soft bed for a cat or dog. For collection please from Ponsanooth. Fair offer policy applies.
Used summerhouse (Ponsanooth TR3)
Hi Freeglers I will be getting rid of my summerhouse in the near future after the electric socket and light have been removed. It measures 8 x 6 feet, has a pent roof and is painted a faded plum lavender colour. It has double front glazed doors and a glazed panel at either end. There is a leak from the roof despite having had a new roof out on last year so I'm not sure why. Is this of interest to anyone who can save it from the tip?
Plants - cotoneaster, lychnis, primrose etc (Ponsanooth TR3)
A lot of plants have self seeded in my garden. Does anyone want them before I pull them up and put in the green bin? There's lots of euphorbia which grows into a nice clump and has lime green flowers on a tall bracht, pale cream primroses, two or three spreading cotoneaster that will grow into a hedge, and lychnis coronaria, which forms a good clump in a couple of years and has fuscia pink flowers on a tall bracht. I'd like these to be collected this weekend if possible. Please email if interested saying when you can collect between 11am and 4pm.
3 garden boxes (Ponsanooth TR3)
I have two old blue recycling boxes, one large and one a bit smaller, and a large blue crate that was used to carry plants to give away Can anyone use these and save them from the tip? If interested please reply saying when you can collect. Thanks Helen
Shiatsu style massage cushion (Ponsanooth TR3)
Would anyone like a shiatsu style massage cushion, in good condition and good working order? It's the kind you put against the back of a chair or high backed sofa, and then it gives you a deep massage uo and down your spine. The massager measures roughly 90cm high by 55cm wide. For collection from Ponsanooth. Please say when you can collect. Fair offer policy applies.
Juggling balls (Ponsanooth TR3)
Hi Does anyone have any spare juggling balls they no longer need? Id like to have another go at juggling if I can. I'm able to collect from around Falmouth and Truro areas Thanks for looking Helen
Map of France (Ponsanooth TR3)
Hi Freeglers Does anyone have a map of France that they no longer need? I'm looking for a map to put on the wall and also any road map too if someone has one of these, it doesn't matter how old it is or which regions. I'm able to collect from around Falmouth and Truro areas. Thanks for looking. Helen
Stainless steel pedal bin (Ponsanooth TR3)
Hi Freeglers Can anyone save an old stainless steel kitchen pedal bin from the tip? It measures about 50cm high and it's circular diameter is about 22cm wide. It all still functions well but it's a bit rusty in the inside lid, although it's all in a clean condition. It has an internal liner that is split on the bottom, but I've successfully used the bin with bin liners so the split in the liner's base doesn't affect the use of the bin. If anyone can make use of this, please send a message saying when you can collect from Ponsanooth. Thanks Helen
Zig zag scissors (Ponsanooth TR3)
Hi Does anyone have a spare pair of zig zag scissors please? I am looking around Truro and Falmouth areas and am able to collect most places in between if anyone has a spare or unused set. Many thanks for looking. And happy new year all! Helen