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Request: small plastic bags for trash (North Laurel Rd) Need small plastic bags, these paper bags stores give you have handles that break with trash. Can pick up with warmer weather this week hopefully. Near North Laurel please
Free: Body Pillow (North Laurel Rd) Body pillow with no cover gifted to me but only needed one. Can use 2 pillow cases on each end to keep clean. This is used item since first person thought new.
Photo of free Body Pillow (North Laurel Rd) #1
Request: Soup spoons (North Laurel Rd) Need soup spoons individually wrapped please (mostly given with chilli or soups at restaurants). I'm in North Laurel so please if you have any wrapped let me know and can pick up if near by.
Photo of Soup spoons (North Laurel Rd) #1
Request: Totes with lids (North Laurel Rd) Expired Not giving away totes but trying to find for storage. Looking for just 1 or 2 totes with lids near North Laurel. Thx
Photo of Totes with lids (North Laurel Rd) #1
Request: Men's Ankle Sock (North Laurel Rd) Expired Looking for slightly used or new men's gray/dark colored ankle or crew socks. Can't wear women due to fat calves. Can't pick up till after the storm so probably this week. I'm in North Laurel. Thx
Free: Fabric Bags/Paper Bags (North Laurel Rd) Gifted Can anyone use some fabric bags, also few paper bags but handles flimsy. No idea what store really thinks you can carry using these handles. Have to carry from bottom or things fall out.
Free: Jewelry beads (North Laurel Rd) Gifted Jewelry supplies got from someone else and never used. Time to let someone else have them. Beads are pretty tiny too.
Photo of free Jewelry beads (North Laurel Rd) #1
Photo of free Jewelry beads (North Laurel Rd) #2
Photo of free Jewelry beads (North Laurel Rd) #3
Photo of free Jewelry beads (North Laurel Rd) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Pregnancy Pillow (North Laurel Rd) Gifted Brand new Pregnancy Pillow with cover for washing. Tried it for back pain but never figured it out.
Free: Round shelf (North Laurel Rd) Gifted Lady on another site made this but just don't have room for it now while decluttering. Can hold candles and knick knacks or I'm sure otger things as well. Probably 12" round or more.
Photo of free Round shelf (North Laurel Rd) #1
Photo of free Round shelf (North Laurel Rd) #2
Request: Lamp timer (North Laurel Rd) Received Need 2 old fashion lamp timers until I can afford the extras for my echo show. Near Laurel please so I can have someone pick up. Thx
Photo of Lamp timer (North Laurel Rd) #1
Request: Plastic Utensils (North Laurel Rd) Expired Anybody have individually wrapped plastic utensils from fast food places? Not looking for ones in box not sealed. Need near North Laurel or Maple Lawn Blvd next Wednesday. Please reach out if you have any. Can only pick up next week then will be stuck inside for summer. Thanks
Photo of Plastic Utensils (North Laurel Rd) #1
Request: TV trays with stand or One now (North Laurel Rd) Expired Looking for group of TV trays with stand or One TV tray that could hold sewing machine. Picture came from FB where lady gave to me then someone went and took it. So sad
Photo of TV trays with stand or One now (North Laurel Rd) #1
Request: Empty RX bottles (North Laurel Rd) Expired Empty medicine bottle if you can save and deliver unless in Laurel. Friend sends overseas and will be sending again probably June so will need by end of May probably so time to pick up. Please remove personal stuff from them first. Send email to kl_knighton@yahoo.com since these messages don't always work for some reason. Thanks.
Request: Few items (bean bag/wrist brace) (North Laurel Rd) Expired Update: Received wrist brace. Still looking for bean bags not full since need beans from them (can't use foam) or some type of filling to use for project. Empty medicine bottles within month if you can save. Friend sends overseas and will be sending again probably June so will need by end of May probably. Please remove personal stuff from them. Thanks.
Free: Wood Flowers (North Laurel Rd) Gifted Got from another group on FB but decided to post here first then go back if nobody wants. Very pretty and lightweight. Pickup North Laurel
Photo of free Wood Flowers (North Laurel Rd) #1
Photo of free Wood Flowers (North Laurel Rd) #2