A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: Dvds (Kingston park NE3) - Hi I’m after any dvd/blu ray movies or tv series anyone may have which they no longer want thanks Request: Carpet tiles (Kingston park NE3) - Hi I’m after some carpet tiles for a bathroom/kitchen if anyone has any spare thanks Request: Dvds (Kingston park NE3) Withdrawn - Hi I’m after any kind of dvds, blu rays and boxsets/series if anyone has any unwanted ones, thanks in advance Request: John Wayne dvds (Kingston park NE3) Withdrawn - Hi I’m after any John Wayne dvds anyone may have which are no longer wanted thanks
Photo of John Wayne dvds (Kingston park NE3)
Request: Blu rays and dvds (Kingston park NE3) Withdrawn - Hi I’m after any dvds, box sets and blu rays that anyone may have which are no longer wanted thanks Request: Carpet tiles (Kingston park NE3) Withdrawn - Hi I’m after some carpet tiles if anyone has any spare or unwanted ones thanks Free: Tv stand (Walker NE6) Gifted - Black with a glass shelf 80 cm wide 50 cm high
Photo of free Tv stand (Walker NE6)
Photo of free Tv stand (Walker NE6)
Request: Dvds/blu rays (Kingston park NE3) Withdrawn - Hi I'm after any kind of dvds/blu rays from box sets to movies, any would be appreciated thanks Request: Dvds (Kingston park NE3) Expired - Hi I’m after any dvds that anyone may have which are unwanted or no longer needed thanks Request: Soup maker (Kingston park NE3) Received - Hi I’m after a soup maker if anyone has a spare or unused one thanks Request: Garden fence (Kingston park NE3) Expired - Garden fencing Request: Sewing kits (Kingston park NE3) Expired - Hi I’m after any sewing kits, cross stitch/embroidery and tapestry ones thanks Request: Dvds (Kingston park NE3) Expired - Hi I’m after any dvds that anyone may have that are unused or unwanted thanks Free: Vhs videos (Kingston park NE3) Gifted - I have a box full of vhs videos random titles if anyone wants them Request: Hms bounty/victory (Kingston park NE3) Received - Hi I’m after any of the del prado magazines for the hms victory/bounty if anyone has any Free: Leather 3 piece suite (Walker NE6) Gifted - Green leather suite consisting of 2 armchairs and a 3 seater setter, to be collected as soon as possible, I can help with removal from mine but you will need transport
Photo of free Leather 3 piece suite (Walker NE6)
Photo of free Leather 3 piece suite (Walker NE6)
Photo of free Leather 3 piece suite (Walker NE6)
Photo of free Leather 3 piece suite (Walker NE6)
+3 +2 +1
Free: Dishwasher for scrap (Kingston park NE3) Gifted - Hi I have a dishwasher to be collected for scrap metal if anyone interested thanks Request: War at sea hms victory magazines (Kingston park NE3) Expired - Hi just wondered if anyone has any of the war at sea hms victory magazines that were issued weekly with pieces to build the ship thanks
Request: Box set dvds (Kingston park NE3) Expired - Hi I’m after any box set dvds anyone has that are unwanted thanks Request: Underlay (Kingston park NE3) Received - Hi I’m after some underlay to do a bedroom if anyone has any spare thanks Request: Dvd scratch repair kit (Kingston park NE3) Received - Hi I’m after a kit that fixes scratches on dvds/games etc thanks Request: Bay window curtain rail (Kingston park NE3) Expired - Hi I’m after a curtain rail for my bay window if anyone has one thanks Request: Tv stand (Kingston park NE3) Expired - I recently bought a new tv but the feet are too wide for my stand, I’m after a universal stand if anyone has one thanks Request: Firestick (Kingston park NE3) Received - Hi I’m after a Firestick if anyone has a spare or unwanted one thanks Request: Hairdryer (Kingston park NE3) Expired - Hi I’m after a hairdryer if anyone has a spare one thanks Request: Soup maker (Kingston park NE3) Expired - Hi I’m after a soup maker if anyone has a spare or unused one thanks Request: Sewing kits (Kingston park NE3) Expired - has anyone got any spare or unwanted embroidery/tapestry/cross stitch sewing kits Request: Electric mixer and bowl (Kingston park NE3) Expired - Hi I’m after an electric food mixer and bowl if anyone has one Request: Overlocker (Walker NE6) Expired - I need an Overlocker to help with my sewing projects if anyone has a spare one Request: Electric heater (Walker NE6) Expired - I’m after a 500w heater if anyone has one, thanks