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Free: Office desk chair, gas lift (Barnard's Green WR14) Purple, clean. No arms.
Request: Bag for Lifes, Bags for Life? (Barnard's Green WR14) Not sure what these are called, but the big tough plastic ones you get from Lidl etc. example in pic. Any number would be great. I'm packing up for a house move and these are useful for clothes, bedding etc. can collect in malvern this week.
Photo of Bag for Lifes, Bags for Life? (Barnard's Green WR14) #1
Free: Bosch pressure washer (Cradley WR13) Gifted Not used much, needs a clean! Please say when you can collect from Cradley.
Free: Arty picture in frame (Cradley WR13) Gifted There's a small bit of damage at one corner of frame but doesn't show when hung.
Photo of free Arty picture in frame (Cradley WR13) #1
Photo of free Arty picture in frame (Cradley WR13) #2
Photo of free Arty picture in frame (Cradley WR13) #3
Free: Jam jars (Barnard's Green WR14) With lids, about 8 altogether,nice shape ones, good for jam/marmalade. Can deliver in malvern this week.
Photo of free Jam jars (Barnard's Green WR14) #1
Free: Philips a1 pro headphones (Barnard's Green WR14) Gifted Hardly any use though ear pads prob need replacing. Can deliver in malvern
Photo of free Philips a1 pro headphones (Barnard's Green WR14) #1
Photo of free Philips a1 pro headphones (Barnard's Green WR14) #2
Free: M&S size 8 cotton zip cardi (Barnard's Green WR14) Gifted Only worn once. Can deliver in Malvern
Photo of free M&S size 8 cotton zip cardi (Barnard's Green WR14) #1
Free: Bundle of size 8 blouses mostly linen (Barnard's Green WR14) Gifted From M&S, they need an iron but have been looked after properly. All size 8, can deliver in Malvern
Photo of free Bundle of size 8 blouses mostly linen (Barnard's Green WR14) #1
Free: M&S Heatgen thermal long sleeve tops (Barnard's Green WR14) Gifted Various designs, about 12 of them. Size 8 Can deliver in Malvern.
Photo of free M&S Heatgen thermal long sleeve tops (Barnard's Green WR14) #1
Free: Pine chest of drawers (Cradley WR13) Gifted All working. Collect in Cradley please.
Photo of free Pine chest of drawers (Cradley WR13) #1
Free: Glass storage jars (Barnard's Green WR14) Gifted With screw on lids. Can deliver in malvern, please give address in reply.
Photo of free Glass storage jars (Barnard's Green WR14) #1
Photo of free Glass storage jars (Barnard's Green WR14) #2
Free: Small dressing table (Cradley WR13) Gifted Very little use as been in spare room.
Photo of free Small dressing table (Cradley WR13) #1
Request: Cleaning stuff, sprays, etc (Malvern WR14) Expired My friend and I have started again after Xmas on their much needed house clean which has been neglected due to illness. If you have any unwanted cleaning things, sprays etc in the back of your cupboards, I will gladly collect and they'll be used and the packaging recycled. Thanks.
Free: RF headphones (Malvern WR14) Gifted 2 headsets plus charge stand. Can deliver in malvern
Photo of free RF headphones (Malvern WR14) #1
Photo of free RF headphones (Malvern WR14) #2
Free: Baby sleeping bags 6-18mo (Malvern WR14) Gifted Can drop off in malvern
Photo of free Baby sleeping bags 6-18mo (Malvern WR14) #1
Free: Baby clothes (Malvern WR14) Gifted Approx 6-12 mo, jojo maman Bebe, M&S, John Lewis. Can deliver in malvern
Photo of free Baby clothes (Malvern WR14) #1
Free: Hot styling brush (Malvern WR14) Gifted With a zip bag (heatproof to put it down on) and a few odds and ends, comb, sectioning clips, etc. not a set but work ok! Can deliver in malvern.
Photo of free Hot styling brush (Malvern WR14) #1
Free: TV stand cabinet (Cradley WR13) Gifted Light ash colour, lots of storage space, could be used for other storage not only tv. Collect from Cradley.
Photo of free TV stand cabinet (Cradley WR13) #1
Free: Desk drawer tray organiser (adjustable) (Barnard's Green WR14) Gifted Sits on sides of top desk drawer to hold bits and pieces. Useful place to hold sellotape and postits etc as well as pens Deliver in malvern preferably, please include your area in reply (eg link top, the green etc)
Photo of free Desk drawer tray organiser (adjustable) (Barnard's Green WR14) #1
Free: STILL AVAILABLE! TV stand unit cupboard (Cradley WR13) Withdrawn POSSIBLE DELIVERY Trying again to move this on, it's not needed here but it's a nice piece. Light ash colour, cupboards and shelves, tv in pic not included but it's a 43inch one to give an idea of size. Unit is 5ft long x 16" x 18" Collect from Cradley, it's still here!
Photo of free STILL AVAILABLE! TV stand unit cupboard (Cradley WR13) #1
Free: Case of makeup brushes (Malvern Link WR14) Gifted Set of different sizes in case which poppers closed Can deliver in Malvern
Photo of free Case of makeup brushes (Malvern Link WR14) #1
Photo of free Case of makeup brushes (Malvern Link WR14) #2
Free: Hair straighteners (Malvern WR14) Withdrawn Toni and guy Compact size, work well. Can deliver in malvern.
Photo of free Hair straighteners (Malvern WR14) #1
Free: Box of ring binders (Malvern WR14) Gifted Various inserts. Can deliver in malvern
Photo of free Box of ring binders (Malvern WR14) #1
Free: "Slanket" (Malvern WR14) Gifted Sleeved blanket, thick fleecy fabric, they were popular a few years ago. Like a big blanket with sleeves attached and a front pocket so you can sit/lie on sofa covered up and use remote, laptop, eat, whatever. Has been just on spare bed for a while, clean. Can deliver in Malvern.
Photo of free "Slanket" (Malvern WR14) #1
Photo of free "Slanket" (Malvern WR14) #2
Free: Double duvet, John Lewis (Malvern WR14) Gifted Medium 10.5 tog, poly fill and cover, very good condition, clean. Only used a few times in spare room. Can deliver in malvern.
Photo of free Double duvet, John Lewis (Malvern WR14) #1
Free: Storage case, black plastic (Malvern WR14) Gifted Foam interior, contained some kind of tech equipment I think. Can deliver in malvern
Photo of free Storage case, black plastic (Malvern WR14) #1
Photo of free Storage case, black plastic (Malvern WR14) #2
Request: Biscuit or sweet tins (Malvern WR14) Expired Metal tins such as you get biscuits and sweets in at this time of year? I can collect in Malvern. 😊
Free: Magazines mostly Country Life (Malvern WR14) Expired About 20 mags, can deliver in malvern.
Photo of free Magazines mostly Country Life (Malvern WR14) #1
Free: Double duvet cover and pillowcases pink Teddy fabric (Malvern WR14) Expired Kind of fleecy fabric, warm for winter. Buttoned at bottom. Can deliver in Malvern
Request: Kitchen table, Formica type top, (Malvern WR14) Received Long shot but I'd like a kitchen table, preferably wipe clean laminate type top, colour not important.