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Free: Old mangle (Southmead) Gifted Free to anyone who would like it and old mangle on casters so easy to move been in garden for a few years but not bad condition collection only.
Photo of free Old mangle (Southmead) #1
Photo of free Old mangle (Southmead) #2
Photo of free Old mangle (Southmead) #3
Free: Light shades (Southmead) One pair of brand new light shades bought from B and Q a while ago but never been used they are aluminium on outside and white on inside free to anyone who can use them.
Photo of free Light shades (Southmead) #1
Photo of free Light shades (Southmead) #2
Photo of free Light shades (Southmead) #3
Photo of free Light shades (Southmead) #4
+2 +1
Free: Paper shredder (Southmead) Gifted Black electric paper shredder in good condition free to anyone who would like it as have no use for it anymore.
Photo of free Paper shredder (Southmead) #1
Photo of free Paper shredder (Southmead) #2
Free: Tiled top table (Southmead) Gifted Tiled top table in good condition free to anyone who would like it as have no use for it anymore.
Photo of free Tiled top table (Southmead) #1
Photo of free Tiled top table (Southmead) #2
Free: Corner shelf (Southmead) Gifted Corner shelf unit in brown with cupboard at bottom unit is in two sections free to anyone who would like it as have no use for it anymore.
Photo of free Corner shelf (Southmead) #1
Photo of free Corner shelf (Southmead) #2
Free: Tub chair (Southmead) Gifted Black tub chair free to anyone who would like it as have no use for it anymore.
Photo of free Tub chair (Southmead) #1
Request: Artificial grass (Southmead) Expired Hi i am looking for some artificial grass for my garden around about 10 ftby 10tf if anyone has any that they don't need i can collect thanks.
Free: propagates (Southmead) Gifted Pair of propagates one electric and one not both reasonable condition free collection.
Photo of free propagates (Southmead) #1
Photo of free propagates (Southmead) #2
Photo of free propagates (Southmead) #3
Free: bycicle hanging rack (Southmead) Gifted Metal wall brackets for hanging up bycycles in the shed or garage free collection.
Photo of free bycicle hanging rack (Southmead) #1
Photo of free bycicle hanging rack (Southmead) #2
Free: office chair (Southmead) Gifted Black office chair needs repair to arm bolt hole coms complete with all bolts armrests and remote control for massage functions free collection.
Photo of free office chair (Southmead) #1
Photo of free office chair (Southmead) #2
Photo of free office chair (Southmead) #3
Free: black office chair (Southmead) Gifted Black office chair needs repair to arm support comes complete with all bolts armrests free collection.
Photo of free black office chair (Southmead) #1
Photo of free black office chair (Southmead) #2
Photo of free black office chair (Southmead) #3
Free: office chair (Southmead) Gifted office chair with adjustable seats hight plus armrests that adjust up and down to different heights free collection
Photo of free office chair (Southmead) #1
Photo of free office chair (Southmead) #2
Photo of free office chair (Southmead) #3
Request: Wooden fruit crates (Southmead) Expired Hi i am looking for some wooden fruit crates for a project I am doing if anyone has any that they don't want that would be great thanks.
Request: wooden wine boxes (Southmead) Expired Hi i am looking for some wooden wine boxes for a project I am doing if anyone has any that they don't need please could you let me know thanks.
Request: Christmas nativity figures (Bristol) Expired Hi i am looking for some Christmas nativity figures and animals for a project that I am doing just wondered if anyone has any that they don't use anymore as they would be well appreciated thanks for looking. .