A Members' Posts

Offers   Requests
Request: couch or love seat and chair (Northwest district/ slabtown) - The couch and chair I have in my living room now are damaged from cat scratches. White leather couches don’t hide cat scratches at all!!! I don’t have a vehicle to pick it up but I might be able to get help with that :) Request: wall decorations (Northwest district/ slabtown) Expired - I’m in need of artwork or decorations for my living room kitchen and bedroom bad. I’m recently moving into my new apartment after leaving everything I own fleeing a DV situation. My walls look so bare. Request: vacuum & clothing (Northwest district/ slabtown) Expired - I’m looking for a good vacuum cleaner if anyone has one also women’s clothing size L/XL shirts/tops. Size 14/16 jeans size 9 shoes. I just relocated from a DV situation into my new apartment. I left very quickly and didn’t have a chance to bring very many of my things with me. I’m on disability with multiple sclerosis so my income is limited. Anything u could spare would be greatly appreciated. My phone number is 13604029058 Request: Cat litter box/ cat tree and toys (Naito parkway) Expired - I’m getting a new kitten this weekend and I’m looking for a good litterbox and toys for him thank you so much Request: Cat litter box/ cat tree (97209) Expired - I’m getting a new kitten this week and I’m looking for a good litterbox and cat tree in decent condition if anyone has one it would be out too good use. Thank you so much Request: Tent (97209) Expired - Hi. I’m looking for a tent. If anyone has a tent they are not using I would be greatly appreciative if someone would be kind enough to let me have it.