A Members' Posts

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Free: Lampshades (Coleridge Ward CB1) Two old but useable lampshades
Photo of free Lampshades (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Plastic toilet roll holder (Coleridge Ward CB1) Cream plastic, old but useable. Photo taken with it standing on its side.
Photo of free Plastic toilet roll holder (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Old pillows (Coleridge Ward CB1) Four assorted foam pillows All rather old and probably best suited for use as pet bedding. The three on the left in the photo are foam. Few if any have any sort of label. The feather ones have gone. Come by arrangement to choose those that you might like.
Photo of free Old pillows (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Pack of decorative pink paper (Coleridge Ward CB1) Gifted Unopened packet of 25 sheets
Photo of free Pack of decorative pink paper (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Four wooden legs with castors (Coleridge Ward CB1) Gifted Four wooden legs with castors. Screwed into the base of an old bed.
Photo of free Four wooden legs with castors (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Insulated lunch bag (Coleridge Ward CB1) Promised As in photos. 20 x 20 cm square; 10 cm deep
Photo of free Insulated lunch bag (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Photo of free Insulated lunch bag (Coleridge Ward CB1) #2
Free: Decorative glass bottles (Coleridge Ward CB1) Promised Assorted old bottles: one green, one black, one frosted glass. Take any or all.
Photo of free Decorative glass bottles (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Pottery jug (Coleridge Ward CB1) Gifted As in photo. Had wine in it but has been cleaned
Photo of free Pottery jug (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Gutter brackets (new) (Coleridge Ward CB1) Gifted Six new plastic gutter brackets - unused. They came in a pack of ten but only four were needed.
Photo of free Gutter brackets (new) (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Towel rails etc (Coleridge Ward CB1) Gifted Two chrome towel rail, one 80 cm long, the other 64 cm. Also chrome toothbrush holder and mug/glass holder. Old but useable.
Photo of free Towel rails etc (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Decorative glass bottles (Coleridge Ward CB1) Decorative glass bottles - see photo. Also two plain glass bottles (wine bottle size)
Photo of free Decorative glass bottles (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Vacuum cleaner bags (Coleridge Ward CB1) Old vacuum cleaner bags - see photo - if anyone has the old vacuum cleaners that take them.
Photo of free Vacuum cleaner bags (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Cardboard boxes (Coleridge Ward CB1) Gifted Assorted large cardboard boxes, suitable if moving house. Come by arrangement and pick and choose those that meet your needs.
Photo of free Cardboard boxes (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Sheets & pillowcase (Coleridge Ward CB1) Gifted Two pink and white striped single sheets plus a pink checked pillowcase. Old but usable.
Free: Red curtains (Coleridge Ward CB1) Gifted A pair of red curtains, each 1.7 m wide and 2.3 m long. A bit faded.
Free: Tissue paper (Coleridge Ward CB1) Gifted Bag of used but clean tissue paper suitable for wrapping fragile objects when moving house.
Free: Grout for tiling (Coleridge Ward CB1) Gifted Half a bag (opened April this year) plus a box (opened) of tile spacers.
Photo of free Grout for tiling (Coleridge Ward CB1) #1
Free: Wool (Coleridge Ward CB1) Gifted Assorted balls of wool, as in photo, and a few knitting needles.
Request: Spin dryer (Coleridge Ward CB1) Expired Free standing electric spin dryer for getting washing a bit drier before hanging out