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Free: Auger (st. albans, al4) Gifted Used previously to dig out clay
Photo of free Auger (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: Terracotta pots (st. albans, al4) Expired Mixture of sizes
Photo of free Terracotta pots (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: Various nails and screws (st. albans, al4) Gifted Previously offered but not collected
Photo of free Various nails and screws (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: Workbench (st. albans, al4) Gifted Good condition, one small cut into wood
Photo of free Workbench (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: 2 hanging baskets (st. albans, AL4) Gifted Have rust but strong
Photo of free 2 hanging baskets (st. albans, AL4) #1
Free: Various watering connectors (st. albans, AL4) Gifted Condition variable
Photo of free Various watering connectors (st. albans, AL4) #1
Free: Wall brackets for hanging baskets (st. albans, al4) Gifted Some rust but otherwise usable
Photo of free Wall brackets for hanging baskets (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: Bird feeders (st. albans, al4) Gifted In various sizes and states of repair
Photo of free Bird feeders (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: Mixture of decorating equipment (st. albans, al4) Gifted Some unused
Photo of free Mixture of decorating equipment (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: Mixture of nails, screws (st. albans, al4) Gifted Some in boxes or original packaging
Photo of free Mixture of nails, screws (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: 3 fold up garden chairs (st. albans, al4) Gifted Good condition, been unused in shed for some years
Photo of free 3 fold up garden chairs (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: Cycle helmet and bike lock (st. albans, al4) Gifted Good condition
Photo of free Cycle helmet and bike lock (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: 2 drawer filing cabinet (st. albans, AL4) Gifted w 18", d 24.5", h 28".
Photo of free 2 drawer filing cabinet (st. albans, AL4) #1
Free: Coat hangers (st. albans, al4) Gifted Mixed bagful
Photo of free Coat hangers (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: Self assembly visors (st. albans, al4) Expired Nearly complete pack
Photo of free Self assembly visors (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: Old cameras and lenses (st. albans, al4) Gifted Don't know what works, not digital
Photo of free Old cameras and lenses (st. albans, al4) #1
Free: Large glass computer desk (st. albans, al4) Gifted H 92cm, W122cm, D77cm
Photo of free Large glass computer desk (st. albans, al4) #1
Photo of free Large glass computer desk (st. albans, al4) #2
Photo of free Large glass computer desk (st. albans, al4) #3
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