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Free: Washing Machine Front Loader (Ferntree Gully) Samsung front loading washing machine, white, family size. Power not turning on, but was running fine. Had an overhaul not long ago.
Free: Clothes Dryer, Tumble (Ferntree Gully) Tumble clothes dryer, white can be wall mounted. Drive needs attention as it has trouble with a full load.
Free: Wooden Pallet (Frankston North) Wooden pallet, good condition, very sturdy.
Free: Moving Cartons (Ferntree Gully) Gifted Lots of cardboard cartons, various sizes, some already flat.
Free: Plastic Cane Table plus Stools (Frankston North) Plastic Cane Look Table, Gass Topped With six matching cane stools. Dark colour. I need these gone ASP.
Photo of free Plastic Cane Table plus Stools (Frankston North) #1
Photo of free Plastic Cane Table plus Stools (Frankston North) #2
Free: Cardboard Boxes for moving (Ferntree Gully) Gifted Lots of cardboard boxes, different sizes.
Free: Tonka Toys (Ferntree Gully) Gifted Two Tonka toys, dump truck and an eathmover.
Free: Double Driveway Gates (Doveton) Gifted Double gates, redgum timber planks on a steel frame. Approx 4 mtr span by 1.8 mtr high, with fittings.
Free: Stove Upright Freestanding (Ferntree Gully) Gifted Upright freestanding white 54cm wide only two years old, natural gas. Replaced due to kitchen renovation.
Free: Recliner Arm Chairs (Ferntree Gully) Expired Two recliner arm chairs with footrest in good condition, some cat scratches.
Photo of free Recliner Arm Chairs (Ferntree Gully) #1
Free: Moving Boxes Cardboard (Doveton) Gifted Lots of them, all different sizes.
Free: Light Fitting, Pendant (Ferntree Gully) Gifted Satin Chrome about 40cm high, 3 arms, comes with a second one with two missing glasses
Photo of free Light Fitting, Pendant (Ferntree Gully) #1
Photo of free Light Fitting, Pendant (Ferntree Gully) #2
Free: Washing Machine (Ferntree Gully) Gifted Maytag top loader, family size, made in America, excellent condition, solidly built. Being replaced due to laundry rearrangement. Will be available in approx. two weeks, needs to be removed then due to space constraints.
Photo of free Washing Machine (Ferntree Gully) #1
Photo of free Washing Machine (Ferntree Gully) #2
Photo of free Washing Machine (Ferntree Gully) #3
Free: Recliner Arm Chairs (Ferntree Gully) Expired Two Recliner Arm Chairs, fabric, mid brown colour, excellent condition. A light clean would bring them right up.
Photo of free Recliner Arm Chairs (Ferntree Gully) #1
Photo of free Recliner Arm Chairs (Ferntree Gully) #2