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Request: The top Freezer (Sandwell) Hi Freecyclers could anyone please gift a decent table top freezer im in desperate need of one for my Grandmother she doesn't use that much freezer space hence me requesting one please message me if you have one to gift tha k you in advance 😊
Request: Trophies for Darts tournaments (WR14) Withdrawn Dear Freecylers, I'm in desperate need of Dart Trophies for the Junior Darts matches my son plays on the team and I would like to if possible donate any trophies to for the Under 16 player on the JDC. Please let me know if you can assist Much appreciated πŸ™πŸΌ
Request: Darts board any darts equipment (Evesham) Withdrawn My Son, plays on the JDC, darts with the under 18s unfortunately the club is not funded. Therefore I am kindly asking all Freecylers if they could donate any items to support this please message me if so anything will be most appreciated πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜‡
Free: TV Sony Bravia HD ready (Sandwell) Gifted Good condition TV no remote, or stand because was on the wall but this can be brought it's no longer needed & must go Asap please.
Photo of free TV Sony Bravia HD ready (Sandwell) #1
Photo of free TV Sony Bravia HD ready (Sandwell) #2
Free: TV Stand (Sandwell) Gifted Great condition Black glass TV stand needs to go Asap please.
Photo of free TV Stand (Sandwell) #1
Photo of free TV Stand (Sandwell) #2
Free: TV Remote (Sandwell) Gifted Excellent condition no longer needed
Request: Trophies for Darts tournaments (WR14) Expired Dear Freecylers, I'm in desperate need of Dart Trophies for the Junior Darts matches my son plays on the team and I would like to if possible donate any trophies to for the Under 16 player on the JDC. Please let me know if you can assist Much appreciated πŸ™πŸΌ
Request: Practice Dart Board (WR14) Expired Hi Freecyclers I'm in desperate need of a practice Dart board for my autistic son hes just started playing and this really helps him relax please help if possible πŸ™πŸΌ