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Free: Strip light defusers (Maidenhead SL6) 61" long, depth inside 2.25", side depth 2.75". A bit dusty but otherwise in good condition. Could also be used in the garden for plants or plant pots - lots of ideas but I am not a gardener. Or a shelf in the bathroom. Enjoy
Photo of free Strip light defusers (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Strip light defusers (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free Strip light defusers (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Free: Set of chinese bamboo steamers (Maidenhead SL6) Gifted there are two sets, one is 6.25" inside diameter with 3 baskets and a lid, the other is 5.75" inside diameter with one basket and a lid. The larger one has been well used and shows signs of that along with when flames found the containers! However they are still very usable.
Photo of free Set of chinese bamboo steamers (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Set of chinese bamboo steamers (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free Set of chinese bamboo steamers (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Photo of free Set of chinese bamboo steamers (Maidenhead SL6) #4
+2 +1
Free: 3D glasses (Maidenhead SL6) Seems I just kept collecting them! All ready to roll.
Photo of free 3D glasses (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free 3D glasses (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free 3D glasses (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Free: Plastic garden chair (Maidenhead SL6) Rather badly marred by being out in the weather. However still sturdy enough for an allotment or somewhere not terribly dressy. ta
Photo of free Plastic garden chair (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Plastic garden chair (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free Plastic garden chair (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Free: small cardboard boxes (Maidenhead SL6) I seem to have accumulated too many boxes from small to medium sized. They are ideal for online sales rather than being ripped up for recycling. Come and have a look see.
Photo of free small cardboard boxes (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free small cardboard boxes (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Free: Jam jars (Maidenhead SL6) I have loads and have given up making jam because it gets eaten too much in this household! However if you want matching jars or use them for spices or other food storage, come and have a look.
Photo of free Jam jars (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Free: Used xmas/birthday cards (Maidenhead SL6) Anyone interested in these cards for children to cut out and play with?
Photo of free Used xmas/birthday cards (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Request: Small Easy Chair for a small space (Maidenhead SL6) Withdrawn The title says most of it (!) but the chair is for a bedsit which is in Blue and White. Lady needs something light in weight. Thank you. Angela
Photo of Small Easy Chair for a small space (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Free: H Samuel discount (Maidenhead SL6) Withdrawn Active till 28 Feb 2025 - £25 off next purchase of £75 or more. Wish I had had it when I had to buy a new watch. Ah sigh!
Photo of free H Samuel discount (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free H Samuel discount (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Free: Water hardness test kit (Maidenhead SL6) Expired Unused but been sitting somewhere at the back of my cupboard for some while. Just thought if someone wanted to test, well, try this! And yes, I know Maidenhead has hard water, which is why it did not get used.
Photo of free Water hardness test kit (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Water hardness test kit (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free Water hardness test kit (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Free: 2 matching mugs (Maidenhead SL6) Gifted Very pretty patterns, no cracks....
Photo of free 2 matching mugs (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free 2 matching mugs (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Free: Natural mosquito repellant for kits (Maidenhead SL6) Expired Brand new and unopened, lasts 6 days and Deet free, for kids 3 yrs and up
Photo of free Natural mosquito repellant for kits (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Natural mosquito repellant for kits (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Free: Book - Your Wild GUide (Maidenhead SL6) Expired Brand new, paperback. Ideal xmas gift.
Photo of free Book - Your Wild GUide (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Book - Your Wild GUide (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free Book - Your Wild GUide (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Free: EM Gauge Society Newsletter #228 (Maidenhead SL6) Expired Brand new, in that it seems never to have been opened, but it is dated April 2021
Photo of free EM Gauge Society Newsletter #228 (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free EM Gauge Society Newsletter #228 (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Free: 2 flower patterned mugs (Maidenhead SL6) Expired Perfect condition, bright and sparky. enjoy
Photo of free 2 flower patterned mugs (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free 2 flower patterned mugs (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free 2 flower patterned mugs (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Free: Morphy Richards Steamer (Maidenhead SL6) Gifted In pretty good condition, several different containers accompany it. Not mine so don't really know what goes where. Have fun!
Photo of free Morphy Richards Steamer (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Morphy Richards Steamer (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Free: 2 heavy Denby plates (Maidenhead SL6) Gifted These 12" diameter plates have a slight bow so not completely flat.
Photo of free 2 heavy Denby plates (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free 2 heavy Denby plates (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Free: De Longhi deep fat fryer (Maidenhead SL6) Gifted In very good condition, with some spare filters. The basket has a 8" diameter so a goodly load of chips can fit. the plug is wrapped up in the back so pretty compact. No instructions manual but it is fairly obvious.
Photo of free De Longhi deep fat fryer (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free De Longhi deep fat fryer (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free De Longhi deep fat fryer (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Photo of free De Longhi deep fat fryer (Maidenhead SL6) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Unused belt (Maidenhead SL6) Gifted Dark grey/black, faux leather (?). Length 35", first hole at 27".
Photo of free Unused belt (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Unused belt (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free Unused belt (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Photo of free Unused belt (Maidenhead SL6) #4
+2 +1
Free: Solid pottery vase (Maidenhead SL6) Gifted One of a kind from a class. Each side is different. Diameter 1.75" and height 6". Makes a good paperweight or defensive weapon.
Photo of free Solid pottery vase (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Solid pottery vase (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free Solid pottery vase (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Photo of free Solid pottery vase (Maidenhead SL6) #4
+5 +4 +3
Free: Penguin Mug (Maidenhead SL6) Gifted A cutey especially for penguin lovers. A little crazed interior but otherwise fine, no chips. Have loved it but is dangerous as it takes a lot of hot chocolate to fill it, which I should not be having! Stocking filler?
Photo of free Penguin Mug (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Penguin Mug (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free Penguin Mug (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Free: Fancy cummerbund and matching bow tie (Maidenhead SL6) Gifted This silky set will be smart for any evening or prom event. It is different enough to catch the eye but not run against convention. The folded section of the cummerbund is 16.5 inches and the back is elasticated so that it can be tightened - or loosened - as need be. The standard bowtie matches in the same material and hooks at the back - again it can be altered to fit if your collar size is less than 17 inches. A really smart looking pair.
Photo of free Fancy cummerbund and matching bow tie (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Fancy cummerbund and matching bow tie (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free Fancy cummerbund and matching bow tie (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Photo of free Fancy cummerbund and matching bow tie (Maidenhead SL6) #4
+2 +1
Free: Black beaded shrug - size 10 (Maidenhead SL6) Expired This is shrug is perfect for setting off any outfit for any function. The long beads are multi-coloured and so go with absolutely anything. The back has a zig zag pattern. Length from shoulder is12", with cap sleeves. Tags have been removed as they tickled against bare skin.
Photo of free Black beaded shrug - size 10 (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Black beaded shrug - size 10 (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free Black beaded shrug - size 10 (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Photo of free Black beaded shrug - size 10 (Maidenhead SL6) #4
+5 +4 +3
Free: book - Knitting for Fun by Diana Biggs (Maidenhead SL6) Expired Hardback book, good condition but not new. Ideal for a beginner as a stocking filler ...Lots of different patterns to learn from.
Photo of free book - Knitting for Fun by Diana Biggs (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free book - Knitting for Fun by Diana Biggs (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free book - Knitting for Fun by Diana Biggs (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Free: Maxim water bottle (Maidenhead SL6) Expired Nothing really more to add. Forgot I had it! Still totally usable and ideal for 75cl of water etc! Space to write your name on the side (before you misplace it!) Bottle itself is 9", with the top bit 10".
Photo of free Maxim water bottle (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Maxim water bottle (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Free: Strip light defuser covers (2) (Maidenhead SL6) Expired I have just had to change my office lighting and have the two diffuser covers if anyone wants. 5 foot, a bit dusty, but very useable. Or heading for the tip.
Photo of free Strip light defuser covers (2) (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Free: Hand crafted wooden spoon (Maidenhead SL6) Gifted Carved from Birch Diameter of the bowl is 2", full length is 5". Perfect stocking filler.
Photo of free Hand crafted wooden spoon (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Hand crafted wooden spoon (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free Hand crafted wooden spoon (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Free: Décor Vacuum Insulated Food Flask (Maidenhead SL6) Gifted Used but in excellent condition. Stainless Steel Insulated Food Flask, Ideal To Carry Lunch, Coffee, Porridge, Curry, Soups, Leak-Proof, BPA-Free, Reusable, Keeps Food Hot & Cold, Black, 520ml Perfect for snacks this winter (whenever it starts).
Photo of free Décor Vacuum Insulated Food Flask (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Décor Vacuum Insulated Food Flask (Maidenhead SL6) #2
Photo of free Décor Vacuum Insulated Food Flask (Maidenhead SL6) #3
Photo of free Décor Vacuum Insulated Food Flask (Maidenhead SL6) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Hangers with clips (Maidenhead SL6) Expired I think they have been secretly breeding. Anyone want to give them a home - and yes I have MORE! ta
Photo of free Hangers with clips (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Free: Love's Journey by Marilyn Thielen (Maidenhead SL6) Expired "I've no need to wander further, for the spirit that rises within calls not to me but to eternity." Good condition. A light read followed by poems.
Photo of free Love's Journey by Marilyn Thielen (Maidenhead SL6) #1
Photo of free Love's Journey by Marilyn Thielen (Maidenhead SL6) #2