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Recording DVD.r (Brooklyn)
I have 40 DVD recordable blanks from Staples120 minutes 4.7 GB 16x speed compatible


Elvis outfits (Brooklyn)

Miscellaneous game pieces (Brooklyn)
I'm looking for miscellaneous game cases you know like when a kid loses one game piece and then you throw away the gun I'm looking for the game pieces and anything that has pictures on cards from the games I do project work on my church and I'm looking for pieces like that so I don't have to use all my stuff is anybody have any old games pieces or new game pieces and that's like a little pieces here in there or a little cards that come with it definitely we're taking it please do not throw it away my church could use it so I could show them how to do it we're going to be having a lot of crap shows just coming April till September October
Bell and Howell armrest organizer (Brooklyn)
The box is a little bit banged a little but it's brand new Bell and Howell armrest organizer with large tray every day use heavy duty polyester 6 large pockets polyester pockets organized store all your TV accessories six large pockets for remotes and magazines large 6.5x10 armrest tray or snacks and beverages fits any size armrest a brand new in the box never really been touched a one it's in good shape good condition just the box is a little bit banged up
Sound blaster (Brooklyn)
I don't know when it's called but it says sound blaster SBX pro studio ID I'm not totally sure if that's what the name says it's an old type of sound system in the back and has different parts you can put a different wire to it and it looks like it attaches to a computer or it'll attach them to something else

Snake skin (Brooklyn)
I am looking for old snakeskin women's slippers or shoes anything that looks like snakeskin old pocketbooks if you have old pocketbooks even an old jacket that's ripped I do projects on church but I'm running low on my stuff so I was wondering if anybody had any it could be ripped it doesn't matter because I take them apart and I put them in ziplock bags and I show the people at church how to do projects with snakeskin if anybody has any please contact me my name is Joe
Satin nightgowns (Brooklyn)
I'm looking for Saturn nightgowns that are used large is better because I could use more of it it's hard to get some stuff usually I teach the people at church how to make little purses out of them how to make a little bags like a summer bags of satin I'm running low on my satin stuff and you know I like to work on projects that I have so is anybody have any nightgowns that are satin it could be red black orange blue green red it doesn't matter what color as long as it's a large cuz I could cut them easy thank you
Barbie and action men (Brooklyn)
Does anybody have any old Barbie dolls or action men that they don't want I am teaching the people at my at my church on how to make a cyberpunk post apocalypse dolls I'm running low on my Barbie and GI Joe in my action figures so does anybody have any please I would like to pick them up I teach them on the weekends at church sometimes we have a coffee hour they would appreciate it a lot thank you so much my name is Joe
Navy peacock (Brooklyn)
I was wondering if anybody has an Old Navy pea coat it could be old it could be a little holes I can patch it up as nothing but I would appreciate if somebody would have one thank you
Baseball DVDs (Brooklyn)
Baseball DVDs Hall of Fame 1840s to 1900 1910 to 1920 1920 to 1930 and 1930 to 1940 all about baseball good DVDs please take them been trying to sell them nobody bought them I'd rather give them to somebody who really collects some maybe you have a grandpa maybe have an uncle or a father like baseball that's good as a Christmas gift

Junk drawer (Brooklyn)
Does anybody have junk drawer stuff from the junk drawer broken costume jewelry any game pieces please put it aside do not throw it away it was not too far I could pick it up I make customs post-apocalypse cyberpunk dolls and I'm looking for parts like that
Buffing machine (Brooklyn)
Does any super out there in any building have an old buffing machine if they don't want that's used but could still be used and we need black pants and buffing pads and liquid the thing is we have a church I'm not a deacon of the truck but I've been there for 31 years and I do the handy work at the church so does anybody have one that they could just give to the church we would really appreciate it we have a big huge basement where I can buff it and we have parties and Christmas things and you know all kinds of stuff I would really appreciate it and and the pastor would too
Old costume jewelry (Brooklyn)
I'm looking for old costume jewelry that's really really old I'm using it for a project for church I make cyberpunk GI Joe dolls and Barbie dolls but I need the old jewelry pieces old necklaces broken pieces it doesn't matter I use them for parts and pieces they look real when I put them all together if you have out any old broken costume jewelry please tell me thank you my name is Joe
Original movie print (Brooklyn)
Original movie print of The empire strikes back authentic 70 mm film originals from the reblance alliance edition and his original film inside the plastic case never been opened never been touched film has never been touched the number in the back says 7496 if you're a Star wars fan please take it I've been trying to sell it nobody wants to buy it I rather give it to somebody who is a collector

Dog playpen (Brooklyn)
I need a dog playpen for my small dog but he needs one immediately if you have a spare one please I have my dog at my aunt's house and they're not supposed to have dogs so they need a dog playpen for the other house for a medium playpen if anybody want anybody has one please contact me Joe
Old puppets (Brooklyn)
I'm looking for old puppets ones with the string in the back make you have just a hands in the arms it's good you know part of the body and stuff what I'm doing is I'm trying to get puppets so I can actually go to Central Park and show the little kids in the winter all the cool ideas I can make with them and make them happy I like to make them happy cuz I like to see the little kids laugh and stuff and it's really cool to do something like that
Old Barbie dolls (Brooklyn)
I'm looking for a monster high dolls Barbie dolls or the monster high guy dolls if anybody has those type of dolls and doesn't have to have clothes and nothing I'm trying to teach my church how to make cyberpunk post-apocalypse dolls but I only have a few of my dolls left does anybody have any of those dolls even old Barbie dolls so if anybody has any please tell me I would love to pick it up if it's not too far
Old digital cameras (Brooklyn)
Do you have any old digital cameras it could have the battery with it it could have the chip it doesn't matter maybe it's an old digital camera that don't really work that you know might need work to it the thing is I don't want to sell them I just take them apart I throw away the excess pieces I keep the inside pieces when I do is I make cyberpunk GI Joe and Barbie and I use those parts because those are like really small microchip type parts and I place them inside these dolls so when I put the jacket on them and stuff I usually show the people at my church how to make them so the thing is I only have two recyclable digital cameras left and I was hoping somebody out there might have some digital cameras they don't need no more and I have the little screwdrivers that could take off the screws and I actually use the screws too so yeah I told you I go away the body piece and I use the inside pieces because even the lens the camera lens even the digital piece the color that you know you see I use all that and the projects I work for my church so does anybody have any digital cameras they don't really need I would really appreciate it and my church could appreciate it too so I could show them
Balsa wood (Brooklyn)
Hi I know I put a lot of things on air right now about things I'm looking for any boss of wood pieces you might need or you don't have or you do have and you don't need because I'm looking for adjustable wood it can be flat it could be square it could be jointed it could be anything boss of wood if you could put it in a shoe box and fill it up that would be great and if you could thank you so much and then I could start doing my projects on my church
Medium to large waffle maker (Brooklyn)
Does anybody have a medium to large waffle maker I live in Brooklyn New York does anybody have one that they could spare my mom would really appreciate it can you please contact me thank you my name is Joe
Old game pieces (Brooklyn)
First I want to thank you to everybody out there who are always helping me there are two people who are already going to be sending me some stuff I appreciate it so much what I want to know is I know for a fact that there are people out there who have children who are missing game pieces like from the game sorry or you know battleship or you know like even Monopoly you know the kids games if you have the game pieces or even the cards you know that comes with the game please plus if you have old pens that don't work I appreciate those and old markers they're dried out I could take those I could do projects with them thank you so much and I hope people have stuff out there for me
Old scrap fabrics (Brooklyn)
Do you have any old scrap fabrics fake leather zipper skin alligator skin anything like old fabric pieces like scraps I'm looking for it because I'm helping my church doing projects of Barbie dolls and Joe dolls and I make different jackets for them and I show them how to sell it by hand I'm just looking for scrap fabrics if anybody has any have you on like your own tailor shop and you have the scrap fabrics and bags I would definitely love to appreciate to pick it up if you don't need it if you want place where you make dresses I would like to pick up the scraps if you don't mind I have a little shopping cart so I can pick it up like that I'm in Brooklyn New York so please if you have any stuff like that please tell me thank you
Costume jewelry (Brooklyn)
I'm looking for some old costume jewelry earrings chains stuff like that I do a project at my church called post-apocalypse cyberpunk GI Joe and Barbie so I use the costume jewelry instead of the real jewelry to make it more realistic with earrings and chains around the hands and chains around the legs all kinds of stuff so I make it really realistic so if anybody has any please tell me I would appreciate it I teach the people at my church all this stuff and they like it because they said it looks so real like it looks like a realistic person
Junk drawer things (Brooklyn)
I'm looking for junk drawer things that you don't need in your junk drawer in your kitchen or your cabinets or whatever it could be broken costume jewelry pieces it could be a little old game pieces stuff like that it doesn't matter I am doing a project at my church where I am a deacon and I'm showing the people how to make custom Barbies or custom GI joes like post-apocalypse in a cyberpunk if you have an old cell phone that don't work the real old ones I'll take those I could take them apart I show them how to make glasses for the Barbies all kinds of stuff I'm looking for anything that you have in your junk drawer that you do not need and I would definitely like to pick it up the only thing is I'm in Brooklyn New York I'm the last stop near Coney Island on either train so I can meet the person right at Coney Island you don't have to get out of the train station my name is Joe I would appreciate it thank you
Craft supplies (Brooklyn ny)
I am looking for craft supplies or even if you have a junk drawer filled with little knick-knacks and little pieces I teach the people how to make steampunk cyberpunk and post-apocalypse Dolls at my church on Sundays I'm using a lot of my craft stuff so I'm going down so I need to get some more crafts stuff I'm in Brooklyn New York I can travel to New York City but I'm hoping somebody out there would have stuff in their junk drawer and crafts stuff
Junk drawer (Brooklyn ny)
Do you have old broken costume jewelry wire twisties miscellaneous things does anybody have any stuff in their junk drawer broken toys and pieces all that and you can put them in ziplock bags I could you really use them thank you my name is Joe
Collapsible folding cane (Brooklyn ny)
Does anybody have a collapsible folding cane my mom really needs one that folds and she can put it in her bag I would really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart as well as my mom if anybody has one on the side
Buffing machine (Brooklyn ny)
I am a deacon of a church I've been here for 31 years thing is we need a buffing machine anybody who has an old buffing machine that can still work and it's still in good condition we would appreciate it cuz we have a lot of parties and it's a little hard for me to wax the floor so we're hoping somebody has a heart I think it actually spare one
Air beds (Brooklyn ny)
I'm desperately seeking an air bed either a king or a twin if you have it I'm in Brooklyn New York and I hope to get it maybe if anybody has any by this weekend I will come and pick it up I would appreciate it so much thank you
Metal coat hangers (Brooklyn ny)
I'm looking for thin metal coat hangers approximately 50 to maybe 100 I would appreciate it if anybody has any middle hangers you get from the dry cleaners the thin ones I would appreciate it thank you