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Free: 2 x wall light fittings. (Frankwell SY3) Just taken down, working well.
Photo of free 2 x wall light fittings. (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: 2 x ceiling light fittings. (Frankwell SY3) Just taken down but were working. Good condition.
Photo of free 2 x ceiling light fittings. (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Boxes! (Frankwell SY3) Gifted A few strong cardboard boxes with packing.
Photo of free Boxes! (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: 2 Roman blinds (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Bought from Laura Ashley many years ago but never hung. Length 87 x 72 cm and 168 x 108 cm.
Photo of free 2 Roman blinds (Frankwell SY3) #1
Photo of free 2 Roman blinds (Frankwell SY3) #2
Free: Plastic drawers (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Set of three. With wheels. Small crack in the top.
Photo of free Plastic drawers (Frankwell SY3) #1
Photo of free Plastic drawers (Frankwell SY3) #2
Free: Plastic boxes (Frankwell SY3) Gifted A number of them different sizes. Need a bit of a clean.
Photo of free Plastic boxes (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: 24" tv (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Working. Good condition. Collect from frankwell.
Photo of free 24" tv (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Leather offcuts (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Browns and red.
Photo of free Leather offcuts (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Yarn! (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Mixed, but mostly wool.
Photo of free Yarn! (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Eco laundry sheets (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Earth Breeze, opened pack. Collect from Frankwell or possibly meet in town.
Free: Christmas cards (Frankwell SY3) Expired Does anyone need old Christmas cards? Collection from Frankwell or possibly meet in town.
Free: Flip chart (Frankwell SY3) Gifted OK condition. Collect from Frankwell.
Photo of free Flip chart (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Cream cotton mat. (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Woven cotton mat, good condition. 67 x 140 cm. Collect from Frankwell.
Photo of free Cream cotton mat. (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Dark blue mat (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Woven cotton mat, good condition. 77 x 150 cm. Collect from Frankwell.
Photo of free Dark blue mat (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Cotton mats. (Frankwell SY3) Gifted 2 cotton mats, cream with coloured flecks. Good condition. 50 x 60 cm. Collect from Frankwell
Photo of free Cotton mats. (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Red woolen mat (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Deep red, hand woven mat. Some damage. 78 x 160 cm. Collect from Frankwell.
Photo of free Red woolen mat (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Ikea shelves. (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Vgc, collect from Frankwell.
Photo of free Ikea shelves. (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Buttons and beads (Frankwell SY3) Gifted A bagful! Collection from Frankwell, but possibly meet in town.
Photo of free Buttons and beads (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Compost bin (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Quite big. Collect from Frankwell.
Photo of free Compost bin (Frankwell SY3) #1
Request: Tin tray! (Frankwell SY3) Received Doesn't matter how battered it is, I need a metal tray that magnets will stick to.
Request: Old suitcases (Frankwell SY3) Expired Leather or fabric, reasonable condition.
Free: Draining rack (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Good condition. Collect from Frankwell.
Photo of free Draining rack (Frankwell SY3) #1
Request: Step ladder (Frankwell SY3) Expired We need a small set of steps. Condition not important, as long as they're safe!
Free: Hoover vacuum cleaner (Frankwell SY3) Gifted With attachments. Works fine, but we have a new one!
Photo of free Hoover vacuum cleaner (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: A collection of vintage bandages! (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Lots, all sizes. Good perhaps for demonstration?
Photo of free A collection of vintage bandages! (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Christmas stocking (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Hand knitted, pen for scale.
Photo of free Christmas stocking (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: 4 tubes of acrylic paint (Frankwell SY3) Gifted A small amount gone from each. Brown/green shades.
Photo of free 4 tubes of acrylic paint (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Laura Ashley fabric (Frankwell SY3) Gifted 54" x 5.5 yds, never used. Collect from Frankwell.
Photo of free Laura Ashley fabric (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Curtains (Frankwell SY3) Gifted William Morris fabric, fully lined. 120cm drop, 110 cm width.
Photo of free Curtains (Frankwell SY3) #1
Free: Cream cotton mat (Frankwell SY3) Gifted Used only in a bedroom. 70 x 200 cm.
Photo of free Cream cotton mat (Frankwell SY3) #1
Photo of free Cream cotton mat (Frankwell SY3) #2