Free stuff near Cle Elum, Washington

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Free: two balls Bernat Blanket Yarn (Ravenna) One is various shades of orange and yellow and is hand-rolled into a ball; the other is various shades of blue and green and is in the original package.
Free: Comfortable recliner (Ravenna) 36 in (H), 30 in (W), 32 in (L). Green, armrests are solid wood, in good and working condition, except top shows moderate wear. See pictures.
Photo of free Comfortable recliner (Ravenna) #1
Photo of free Comfortable recliner (Ravenna) #2
Photo of free Comfortable recliner (Ravenna) #3
Photo of free Comfortable recliner (Ravenna) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: Letter-size hanging folders, dozens (Ravenna) Used but in good condition. Photo is just a small sample. If interested, I also have some used manila file folders I can include. Please request only if you can reliably pick up. I only check this email once or twice a day, so my response may be delayed.
Photo of free Letter-size hanging folders, dozens (Ravenna) #1
Free: Consumer Reports Mag, old, dozens (Ravenna) Dozens of old Consumer Reports magazines for collaging, vision boards, etc. Please request only if you can reliably pick up. I only check this email once or twice a day, so don't expect an immediate response.
Photo of free Consumer Reports Mag, old, dozens (Ravenna) #1
Request: Stroller/infant car seat system (othello) Looking for a system that includes stroller and attachable infant car seat if anyone is getting rid of theirs.
Free: Post-cataract surgery eye glasses (West Seattle) These are "myopic glasses -4.00" or "nearsighted glasses -4.00" that I used for about a month after having cataract surgery--they are the *opposite* of readers in that they're for distance, not close up. (I think they're this brand/model: HUIHUIKK Nearsighted Myopia Glasses Everyday Use Mens Womens Distance Glasses if you want to learn more about them on Amazon.) Preference to those who have recently had cataract surgery or have it scheduled soon and who have been told this is the strength they'll want. (These could well be useless if your surgery is significantly different than mine was.) They aren't great long-term glasses, but were just what I needed as I was waiting for my eyes to adjust before getting a new prescription. NOTE: Fair offer policy applies so these won't be available for pick-up before Sunday afternoon. Please do let me know when you could pick up in your response.
Photo of free Post-cataract surgery eye glasses (West Seattle) #1
Free: Packing materials galore (West Seattle) This assortment is ideal for the Etsy-type vendor; I'm hoping it can get another reuse before it hits the recycling and compost bins. I'm happy to see it all go to one person or to several. What I've got: *Three small boxes of compostable packing peanuts *One 13-gallon bag (tall kitchen bag size) of assorted tissue paper: white, colors, patterns and more *One 13-gallon bag (tall kitchen bag size) of assorted bubble wrap: mostly clear and smaller "bubbles" some color and some larger "bubble" *One 13-gallon bag (tall kitchen bag size) of honeycomb paper wrap *One large shopping bag of brown packing paper *a small (foot tall?) pile of soft packing foam sheets Please suggest a day / time that you could pick up in West Seattle in your reply. Thanks!
Photo of free Packing materials galore (West Seattle) #1
Photo of free Packing materials galore (West Seattle) #2
Photo of free Packing materials galore (West Seattle) #3
Photo of free Packing materials galore (West Seattle) #4
+5 +4 +3
Free: Working printer (Tangletown) Promised HP 6515 Photosmart Extra black cartridges
Photo of free Working printer (Tangletown) #1
Free: Cooked long grain white rice (Fremont) About 4 gallons left from a big lunch, still warm. You'll need to bring your own containers.
Free: Canvas print art (Interbay/Queen Anne) Mostly 18"x24" Last one is larger and is about dye plants for Navajo rug weaving. Coordinated pickup.
Photo of free Canvas print art (Interbay/Queen Anne) #1
Photo of free Canvas print art (Interbay/Queen Anne) #2
Photo of free Canvas print art (Interbay/Queen Anne) #3
Free: Kid's Coat (Interbay/Queen Anne) Sized for a 9-11 year old kiddo. Clean, no damage, but worn,. Coordinated hand off. Could also have a bunch of shirts and pants for the same age range.
Photo of free Kid's Coat (Interbay/Queen Anne) #1
Free: Gnome and Frog Yard Art (Interbay/Queen Anne) Well weathered, but still puckish.
Photo of free Gnome and Frog Yard Art (Interbay/Queen Anne) #1
Photo of free Gnome and Frog Yard Art (Interbay/Queen Anne) #2
Free: Boat Bumpers (Interbay/Queen Anne) Boat bumpers! From the Nordic Museum, when it was changing location. More than shown. Coordinated pickup.
Photo of free Boat Bumpers (Interbay/Queen Anne) #1
Free: Garden Plants (Interbay/Queen Anne) Garden Plants; small cedar tree, 3-4 rose bushes (wild and cultivated), hellebores, quince bush, clumping bamboo (2' tall), oak seedlings, iris rhizomes galore. Six foot tall Japanese maple. Coordinated pickup only.
Photo of free Garden Plants (Interbay/Queen Anne) #1
Photo of free Garden Plants (Interbay/Queen Anne) #2
Photo of free Garden Plants (Interbay/Queen Anne) #3
Photo of free Garden Plants (Interbay/Queen Anne) #4
+6 +5 +4
Request: kitchen cabinets (North Bend, Wa) HI, anyone remodeling and need to recycle kitchen cabinets? Looking for various sized cabinets for our kitchen. Thank you,
Free: Oil filled electric heater (Central District/Madrona) I'm not using it, so maybe it can help someone else stay warm.
Photo of free Oil filled electric heater (Central District/Madrona) #1
Free: archery backstop (Bellevue BCC area) archery backstop has rods as well. Made from thick foam
Photo of free archery backstop (Bellevue BCC area) #1
Free: Lasko Fan (Bellevue BCC area) Black plastic adjustable height works
Photo of free Lasko Fan (Bellevue BCC area) #1
Free: Met Market Coffee (Bellevue Bridle Trails area) The better part of a 12 oz bag of Met Market coffee. Nothing wrong with it. Just not our favorite.
Photo of free Met Market Coffee (Bellevue Bridle Trails area) #1
Free: BCA Tracker 1 w/ Chest Mount (Queen Anne) Works fine, but if you get serious you should upgrade to something newer (like I did). Still, this works great to learn Backcountry skiing/boarding!
Photo of free BCA Tracker 1 w/ Chest Mount (Queen Anne) #1
Free: Smith Medium Ski/Snowboard Helmet (Queen Anne) Vented with a GoPro mount on it, stickers, and wired in-ear headphones. I never took a serious fall with it, so it should be fine; scratches are from tree branches.
Photo of free Smith Medium Ski/Snowboard Helmet (Queen Anne) #1
Free: Goebel cat cups (Magnolia) “Familia di gatti” and “Amici”. Light and delicate, one has a very slight crack in the rim. From a museum gift shop in New York.
Photo of free Goebel cat cups (Magnolia) #1
Photo of free Goebel cat cups (Magnolia) #2
Photo of free Goebel cat cups (Magnolia) #3
Free: Lennox dinner plate 10-1/2” (Magnolia) Good condition no chips. The pattern is light turquoise and gold. I don’t know the pattern name.
Photo of free Lennox dinner plate 10-1/2” (Magnolia) #1
Photo of free Lennox dinner plate 10-1/2” (Magnolia) #2
Free: Norman Rockwell decorative plate (Magnolia) “ a young girl dream”, limited edition and certified
Photo of free Norman Rockwell decorative plate (Magnolia) #1
Photo of free Norman Rockwell decorative plate (Magnolia) #2
Free: Dainty bone china tea cups (Magnolia) 3 tea cups with saucers, one of the saucers has a single chipped piece that could probably be glued back in place.
Photo of free Dainty bone china tea cups (Magnolia) #1
Photo of free Dainty bone china tea cups (Magnolia) #2
Free: USB Graphics Card (4K) (Queen Anne) Supports up to 4K resolution with a DisplayPort output. Great for connecting your laptop to a second monitor!
Photo of free USB Graphics Card (4K) (Queen Anne) #1
Free: 5 Port Gigabit Desktop Switch (Queen Anne) D-link brand. Comes with plug.
Photo of free 5 Port Gigabit Desktop Switch (Queen Anne) #1
Free: Delonghi air dehumidifier (South Beacon Hill) Got this off Craigslist a few years back. Has worked amazing until it didn’t. Fan still blows but it doesn’t cool or create water. YouTube says it’s probably a coolant discharge. Beyond my knowledge. See pics for details
Photo of free Delonghi air dehumidifier (South Beacon Hill) #1
Photo of free Delonghi air dehumidifier (South Beacon Hill) #2
Photo of free Delonghi air dehumidifier (South Beacon Hill) #3
Photo of free Delonghi air dehumidifier (South Beacon Hill) #4
+2 +1
Free: Portable wheeled Air Conditioner (South Beacon Hill) See pic for details Works okay but probably needs a coolant recharge. Have the attachments and hose to connection with outside thru a window.
Photo of free Portable wheeled Air Conditioner (South Beacon Hill) #1
Photo of free Portable wheeled Air Conditioner (South Beacon Hill) #2
Photo of free Portable wheeled Air Conditioner (South Beacon Hill) #3
Free: Over Ear Top Headphones Cover (Queen Anne) Orange with zipper. Great if you have a peeling headphone top!
Photo of free Over Ear Top Headphones Cover (Queen Anne) #1