This assortment is ideal for the Etsy-type vendor; I'm hoping it can get another reuse before it hits the recycling and compost bins. I'm happy to see it all go to one person or to several. What I've got:
*Three small boxes of compostable packing peanuts
*One 13-gallon bag (tall kitchen bag size) of assorted tissue paper: white, colors, patterns and more
*One 13-gallon bag (tall kitchen bag size) of assorted bubble wrap: mostly clear and smaller "bubbles" some color and some larger "bubble"
*One 13-gallon bag (tall kitchen bag size) of honeycomb paper wrap
*One large shopping bag of brown packing paper
*a small (foot tall?) pile of soft packing foam sheets
Please suggest a day / time that you could pick up in West Seattle in your reply. Thanks!
Fair Offer Policy applies
Packing materials galore (West Seattle)
Collection Times
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