Large shrubs - you must dig out (Mt. Pleasant)

We have a few tall yews and a large (overgrown, wide) meadowsweet shrub that we'd like to get rid of. If you want to come dig them up, they are all yours for free! Attaching some photos of them back in the summer so you can see what they look like.

There are yews on either side of the meadowsweet if you want more than one, and if you want even more, we have more closer to the house as well that we'd be happy to also have you dig out although it's a narrow area and will probably be tough to dig out. If you took all the yews, they would be tall enough and there are enough of them to create a nice privacy screen. There is just one meadowsweet but it's very large as it's overgrown. You are welcome to all of it!

As long as the ground is not frozen, winter is a great time to plant. You don't need to water much or do much as they're more or less dormant until the spring.

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