Unused Nicad Batteries, C and D size (Hollingbury BN1)

A set of NiCad Batteries - C and D size

These are some unused but old, high-capacity Nicad batteries. I bought these from Lidl or Aldi some years ago. They have been unused since;
this might be a good thing or a bad thing.

I am not currently in a position to recharge or test these. They might be of use to someone with a decent charger and some specialised
use - maybe a maglite or similar

Note that it is possible that none of these batteries work; alternatively they might be great. If you are familiar with Nicads you will understand...

8 off D size - 4000mAh or 4500mAh
8 off C size - 4000mAh

Collection from Hollingbury area by prior arrangement