Tric-Trac is a drinking game, simply put. It involves nothing but luck, really, and streaks of luck. Unlike say, Yahtzee, it involves no real thinking and isn’t in any way educational or skill-building. It is however, a lot of fun in a group setting with four or five or preferably more people playing and all of them in, shall we say, a jovial frame of mind. That's not to say of course that it wouldn’t be a lot of fun for groups of young people. kids get a very jovial state of mind when in groups playing games, without the help of any inebriants. As anyone with kids knows that frame of mind can also become deadly serious, too, with tears galore but hey, that's life innit? I think among two or even three siblings, though, this game would prove dull and be relegated to collect dust as it likely has for the 50 or 60 years since this particular kit was fabricated from tropical hardwoods as it is. It’s really quite lovely and a relic of a bygone era in that regard.
However since nowadays, large groups of kids only seem to coalesce once or twice a year at a birthday parties, this game might find most still be best at home to adults with a social life that includes regular gatherings of people who need something to do to avoid talking about how s***** the world is these days. Lucky people will have the most fun.
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